[My] Life in Wisconsin

My American Quandary. You Get To Pick!

If, (ok "when"), I post my articles on healthcare, do you want the comments to be open?

Yes, and I promise to comment.

Yes, but I make no promises to continue our friendship

No. Keep 'em closed. I cannot stand any potential arguments between friends.

No. Keep 'em closed so we can all fester about whether we like you or not.

Don't post anything about it at all. I could not care less about it.

I like rocks.

............. yes, that is me... hehehe

Good Evening All;

Ever since last weekends fiasco regarding our National Health Care plan, I have received many comments.

I have since chosen to close off my comments on these blogs/posts.

Here is what I had copied to a few friends earlier this morning when I had decided just not to leave the political/healthcare comments open anymore. (And had hurt a few friends feelings in doing that also).  My apologies.

The following comment I had received made much sense to me.


"First and foremost, I HATE politics. I am not going to go sink my head in the sand and ignore them either.
I just think it is so sad that people let politics ruin friendships.
Everyone is entitled to have an opinion and yes, everyone has the right to express them. The part I am uncomfortable with is when friendly banter turns to arguing, and arguing turns to mudslinging, and before you know it...you're no longer friends."

end quote.


I never meant to ever take that chance with any of my friends!
(I am really not that shallow).

I have never made a friend, to simply discard them over a disagreement; and most especially a political opinion. 
And yes, the gal from last weekend is still blocked.  (But as you have all read, my reasoning for that was deeper than mere politicking).

Please let me know your feelings on this delicate/yet
potentially volatile situation.

Love to all.



  1. Dear Annie,

    I will probably read, it will depend on how badly I've already been bombarded with info from both sides. I may or may not comment. Sometimes I have to read and ruminate before I open my big mouth. (Had foot and mouth disease too often lately). I would NEVER throw you away over a post. Before I would argue with you over a post, I would stop commenting.


  2. Well.. I do like rocks..hehe
    As I told you earlier.. I dont think that I shall comment or continue on with this particular issue.. because frankly..

    You shall never change my mind and I shall never change yours... Its that simple.

    I would not want to cause an argument that caused a loss of friendship... and as your comment says.. the mudslinging does in many cases begin and then feelings get hurt and wham.. I have seen it happen where just because my husband disagreed with them.. they blocked me.. I guess that makes sense to some.
    Now out of the other side of my mouth...

    I cant see posting something that you dont want a comment and the feelings of others on.. Just an info blog? kind of thing??? I guess... as long as you didnt get too long and wordy.. sometimes you do ya know..hehe When you get long winded on these subjects actually I should say.. or the article is really long winded.. I lose interest real fast. Especially if its like this HR3200 bill where you almost have to have a law degree to understand it.

    Agree with me... Disagree with me.. I shall always try to be respectful of your opinion.. and I do try to be open minded with some things.
    But I shall never kick you to the curb over your opinions or your passions. JT feels the same by the way.. he just has a difficult time with the being respectful part.. shhhhh I didnt say that..hehe

    Love ya

  3. Anne there will always be division on the stats as long as things are the way they are now. On one hand you have those who HAVE insurance and don't want their plans messed with by the government intervention. I Don't blame them. For them all is well and dandy. They have money to pay for their insurance and want things to stay as they are for them. That is how it should be. Don't mess with what is working for those who have insurance.

    Then you have those of us (me included) who have NO insurance and can't pay for any. Therefore, I get NO care whatsoever. I have to do without. Do I really want the government to step in and make my choices for me? NO. I do not. That would probably mean I would have to get put on some waiting list and in the mean time, what problems I do have will only be getting worse. About the same as they are now with nothing anyway.

    What would be nice, is to force the insurance companies to be MORE affordable. They are a pretty sorry lot who only sees $$ instead of patients. And since I once worked for a doctor...make the doctors bring their prices down to be more reasonable too. The one I worked for was a specialist and his prices were unreal. But he did cater to the wealthy who had some high dollar insurance that, with the right words in a letter, would pay off dearly. ( And please note..."I" was the one who wrote those letters and I hated it!)

    There HAS got to be a way to make something work. We certainly don't want to end up as a Socialist country. If we do....there goes our Freedom of choice! And God knows what else will follow if that happens.

    But WHY does helping those who have done without have to affect those who have been happy with what they do have? I think this may be where the problem comes in. Mr. O wants to change things for everybody when its not everybody who needs the help.

    And Anne....you know I appreciate your opinion and I know you appreciate mine. Our respect, in that respect, goes both ways for us. I love Ya girl!

  4. Sweet Snotball;
    I know about being bombarded, and I tend to go with that info that CAN be proven/disproven.
    Sometimes that's as easy as seeing a few words within a sentence
    The vague ones, "might" "may" "can"
    And the stronger ones too... "cannot" "will" etc etc etc...
    All that can be telling in the reading thereof.

    I do not believe that all disagreements have to be arguments.
    (Well it makes sense to me).
    And I do not mind when people tell me I fell off my cracker either. I have enough value with/out hearing that, and I always have my sense of humor...

    But just to negate someone without a real reason, or because one doesn't care, well that speaks volumes.
    So you see, it is often those who do not comment that hurt the very worst.


  5. Sweet Beep;
    You are a snotball too. You picked "rocks" didn't you?

    I don't get the 'sense' I probably should about blocking you because of JT? Did I miss something?
    Heck, I even admire the man- Just not necessarily his politics. But like the saying goes, I will defend to the death his right to post too!

    Gonna keep this short now.
    Sorry about the wind...


  6. Sweet PeachieBaby,
    The highlighted words are wrong. You CAN keep your insurance.
    Please PLEASE read this one again... http://flintville.multiply.com/journal/item/840
    All of your own need for this information, and how it affects you will be found in there.

    You said, "And Anne....you know I appreciate your opinion and I know you appreciate mine. Our respect, in that respect, goes both ways for us. I love Ya girl!"

    I thank you for those words Sweetie.
    There are just times that I need that bit of love ya know?

    And by the way, the feeling/sentiment/respect is mutual!


  7. HA!
    I knew it! You made me laugh with your admission too!
    (And usually it's only Pea that does the rocks thing)!


  8. I like rocks, rocks are cool....
    itty bitty tiny ones,
    short fat and slimy ones

    I like rocks, rocks are cool....
    I can play with them a very long time,
    even when I drool

    I like rocks, rocks are cool....
    Diamonds are pretty and quartz is nice.
    Flint makes fire that scares away the mice.

    I like rocks, rocks are cool....


    ~Love and hugs!!!

  9. what are the chances of my getting another option. I want the comments open. People NEED to be able to discuss such issues and debate them in healthy manners so that people can see both sides of the argument. That being said I can't promise to ALWAYS comment but you know that I will and do when I can. As for our friendship it is solid as a rock. I like rocks! hehe

    Hugs and Kisses!

  10. HAHAHA!

    Sweet BethieBaby!
    Wake the kids! Tell 'em Anne said to start break dancing in Ohio already!

    Love and hugs right backatcha!


    Mice are scared of fire?
    Does that mean I can get rid of my cat then?!?

  11. Sweet Becca!
    You silly kid! Your option is right here in the comments! hehehe

    But if you didn't vote, then I won't know what to choose...
    After all, this is a very American poll, and the most votes that correspond with the number of comments will win.

    I just don't ever, and wouldn't ever, jeopardize a friendship.
    I do not mean to offend.
    And what lots of people don't know about me is that they will never have to question if I am truly angry with them. They will know, and in no uncertain terms.

    Hugs. (But NO kisses for you)!


  12. I think that you should allow comments on those blogs... As long as I've known you, you have always valued every single word that has been written in response to what you post about regardless to weather everyone agreed with you or not. I agree with Connie in respect that I can't see the reason to post something and not want people to comment on it...

    As for myself, I voice my opinion when I can. I won't voice my opinion if I don't know anything about the subject being spoken about. So like that I guess if you seen I've been there but haven't commented, I felt it wasn't wise for me to open my big mouth... hehehe

    And you know no matter what, you will always be my friend!

    Love to You!

    Slurkie :-)

  13. WhatzzaMatterSweetSlurkieBaby, don't you like rocks?
    There are times that i will go to someones blog and seemingly not comment- Sometimes I just hit "open" to the blogs where I want to start the next time I come online. I register that I have been there, but no comment either.
    Sorry. I do that a lot.
    But even then, unless my machine goes dense, I try to comment.

    Like Miss Connie said, I do have a tendency to get a bit, er, um, "windy"



  14. hehehe
    I will never let you forget that!


  15. yea I think that is where the confusion is coming in, people will be allowed to keep the insurance coverage that they have........I for one am all for health care reform, people shouldnt die because of lack of health insurance, yet it happens daily. I can appreciate a good debate but its got to be kept clean, tactful , factual, and we all just need to agree to disagree. Of course most of your opinions are like my own so its easy for me to say...lmao. ;) xoxoxoxo Pam.

  16. That quote you mention here, actually the whole comment spoke to me.

    I don't mind you posting stuff, I'm and adult an can choose what I read, when I read it, and what I want to say in regards to it.

  17. Sweet Pamela!
    So happy that you come on over! And make me giggle too!
    (Not about people dying, but that we are quite similar in our thoughts).

    You are right about this too:
    "its got to be kept clean, tactful , factual, and we all just need to agree to disagree."
    Without that all, there's just no respect.
    And without a bit of respect, there really can't be friendship either.


  18. Sweet Oka!
    It spoke right to my heart. Then to my head.
    And I will not ever give up a true friend over this either.

    I also agree wholeheartedly about choosing the who what when where and why of it all.

    But speak for yourself about the "adult" thing.
    ♪ "I don't wanna grow up..." ♪


  19. The last things I saw on TV concerning this issue were people standing up and practically screaming out their opinions and were getting removed from the meetings. That was on our local news about a week ago.

    I said I had seen enough of the bickering and would find out the outcome when it was all done with. Then every time something came on about that issue I changed the channel. But I have mostly not watched much of the news in a week. It was just getting too stressful to watch. If they have finally made it all clear what is going to be done and those with insurance DO get to keep what they have...then that makes me happy. I'm sure it makes those who do have insurance happy. As long as Mr. O doesn't flip-flop with his promises. And we all know how politicians can and will do that. And then they wonder why people dislike politicians.

  20. Since I'm from Nova Scotia and I'm happy with our Canadian system, I will keep my mouth shut
    and only read your blogs and not comment. Our biggest problem here is the length of time that
    we sit in the ER if we need to see a doctor. It can be 10 hours or more. My husband sat for 10
    hours and then left. He wasn't happy, but it was caused by a shortage of doctors and they have
    ONE doctor to see the sick patients in the ER and the same doctor has to attend to the people that
    come in by Ambulance, so that can really tie them up. We need more doctors but they don't want
    to come to little Towns!!!

    G'nite and happy dreams...Hugs & blessings....xoxo

    PS Do you have a blog telling us how Casey is??? Last thing I heard was that she was headed
    to the ER with Greg. How is she??

  21. Sweet Annie,

    OK, OK, So I'll tell you I'll be back if I can't form a rational opinion right at that moment. Will that work. I won't NOT say anything.


  22. What would the world be like if everyone, everywhere, agreed on absolutely everything? It would be BORING!

    We can't all agree on everything. That doesn't mean that ideas can't be shared and acknowledged without rudeness and name calling.

    Remember that everyone has a right to their own opinions, whether they are the same as yours or not.

    (I tried to keep that as generic as I could so you wouldn't know whether I voted "yes" or for "rocks". hehe)

  23. Just a few little quotes about those town hall meetings and their disruptive audience members.


    "But nothing constructive is accomplished for our, or any, community by an angered mob hell-bent on silencing or ridiculing all who disagree with their fevered perspective, and who seek to besmirch President Obama.

    And sick trash like that handed out at Ed Royce's town hall only drives centrists and independents firmly away from conservatism and conservative causes, including health care reform.

    I can't help but wonder where all this over-heated, slanderous conservative extremism will lead and how it will end.

    And for God's sake, I wonder why so-called conservative moderates, as Rep. Royce, don't stand up strongly and lead Republicans back to a place of reason and rationality. It may be the only way to save the Republican party from destruction by lunacy." end quote


    "So I call BS, they are not at the meetings to debate healthcare insurance at all, but just to be obstructive children having a full blown hissy fit. Get up off the floor and go to your bedroom and do that kiddos, I dont want to see or hear it. And dont come back out until you can discuss whats bothering you in a rational and orderly fashion."


    “I won’t be quiet! I won’t sit down! And I won’t let this happen on my watch,” responded the angry conservative activist"
    Cant you just picture a 6 year old flailing their arms, kicking legs on the floor, beet red, spittle flecking angst, "But I want it my way, wahh, and nobody elses way. Waahhhh!! I dont want facts because my mind is made already made up!! I dont want one man one vote democracy I want it my way, now!!"


    Nuff said.


  24. Sweet Bev;

    I am thrilled to hear from you, a Canadian, that you are happy with your health care!

    That is an unheard of wait time for Green Bay... (Even in winter where people continually forget how to drive and ultimately crash their faces into inanimate objects)...

    But there are plenty of other hospitals in the US where people wait sometimes for a day or longer.
    So I am going to guess and say that it is comparable.

    You did not miss a blog Sweetie, I posted about her in the comments in that original blast.
    She is OK. And had a physical the following day that all seemed A~OK too. There are a few blood tests that we wait, but all seems good now.


  25. Oh Sweetie,
    You always say something so I wasn't even directing any of that toward you. No worries from you!

    I often post irrational thoughts. (I call that "blogging").


  26. Sweet RT!
    I like rocks too! hehehe

    And yes, the world would be boring if we were all the same.

    I still stand by in what I wrote in my "I Believe" thing.

    "To celebrate our differences". What can be wrong with that? (Plenty if you read a few of my comments). hehehe

    But this one? I really cannot back down from.
    Not after watching Casey go through over 4 years of her life being sick and in pain...
    No can do.
    While Casey might have been unique with respect to her health issues, I know there are many many (TOO many) others that suffer, day in and day out.


  27. Wow, what responses. I read the articles that interest me, so I don't read all. I will say, "I appreciate your posts on the articles that mean something to you ( your passions)."
    In return some will post their passion on the subject. I find it to be more informational. I take no offense to how you feel about this subject. You have your opinion; I have mine. No sense in arguing about it.

  28. Sweet Athena!
    What a perfect comment!
    You are so smart!


    I have passions?!?
    Ask my ex- He'll tell you I don't.

    All kidding aside though, I enjoy posting anything passionate to me too!
    AND, I get to learn lots when those same posts ring a bell for my friends as well.

  29. Current tally...

    4 "Yeses".
    6 "Rocks".

    HELP! What does it mean????

  30. ...it means people would rather throw rocks than live in glass houses! *L*

  31. Sweeties Rt and Oka,

    You have BOTH made me laugh!
    (Now Punk is looking like "What's so funny?"


  32. Oh, Laughter is good for the soul and body. And I can say these last few posts have definitely done so for me. Oh and the picture of the face on the rock. So ideal for the poll. ROTFLMBO

  33. Sweet Athena!
    Laughter is always so good! (I loved that "face" too)!

