[My] Life in Wisconsin

Hurry Up and Wait...

Yes, Jack Frost came-
Two mornings in a row.

Good Morning Everyone!
A damp, soggy, and rainy morning here- Brightened by a phone call from CaseyFace. 

I had previously written that I didn't believe that many apples would be left on the trees after the windstorms we had.

I was wrong! There are tons left...

Now look closely at the red circle.
There is an apple that has 2 large bites out of it.
How the heck does that happen, and 25 feet in the air?!?
Sue and Glenn came to take the apples for their deer- 
Then the pears too.

They had to fight to take a few of them...
The fly and the bee, suckling the nectar for their respective lunches.
After the wind ~ and unlike the apples, there were very few pears remaining attached.
One day I will count the number of 5~gallon pails that they take. (I just know it is a good thing that they have a pickup truck).
The fruit is heavy too. 

Sue was so worn out that she apparently fell asleep...
Maybe they should have used the baskets from the fields...

When I had come home from my thyroid poke the other day, and came around the corner in Flintville, all I saw were these high bobbling baskets.  I laughed out loud as I grabbed for my camera-

Taking this as I drove past them.

At first glance I'd had no idea what I was looking at either.
Too funny!
The weather has been changing rapidly-  The furnace will run in the morning for a bit, then later in the day it is warm in here and all the windows get opened up.
Those days that you really aren't sure what to wear. A tee under the sweatshirt works well...

Thought this sky picture was very strange indeed.
Almost as if there are 2 or 3 fronts; one on top of the next.

I am a jeans and sweatshirt kind of girl. Add a pair of socks and sneakers and I am comfy as all get out. ...Just don't forget the back brace... That too, very comfortable, and comforting as well.

Still, the pain. Not as bad as before though, so I am happy with that.
I will be going back in on the 13th for that second shot in my back. Damned if I do, and damned if I don't.

I finally went to the DMV to renew my drivers license. (Better late than never). I had also been given a form from the spine doctor for a DIS ID card.  I am upset about this now, but imagine it will be safer come snow and ice, not to have to take as many chances walking to/from my car.

Had a problem with parking as I visited with Roberta in the hospital- Of course Punk goes with me, so that means no valet parking.  As I pulled into Bellin, the man allowed me to park in the 30 minute space, but told me he would be off the clock in a little while too, so to keep it short.

I did just that.

Her results were a negative pass- Her  cardiologist had given her nitroglycerin pills, and started her on some beta blockers too. She has been fainting- Her cardiologist will now be working in conjunction with a neurologist. No other news there.
This was the first time I had even seen her in almost a year.

My spine doctor (what the heck are they called anyway)?, told me that my back will probably not get better, but that there are ways to stop the progression. Not sure what more I can do, but am willing to try just about anything.
Again, I have always taken my vitamins, minerals and extra calcium...
But it gets rather defeating to hear that you can't go back.

Speaking of going back...

Master Gabriel was born 4 years ago yesterday...
Due to the fact that the pain management clinic kept me there for over two hours yesterday, we didn't have a chance to see him- They were leaving as Casey called-  Casey will bring him his little gifts when she is done at school today.

4 years ago, things were still salvageable with respect to Roberta caring for her boys.
Not so now.
I have no regrets of admitting my own inability to care for Master Gabriel. Only for my inability.  I know it would have been near impossible to care for him and Casey last year. And even more-so, in hindsight, to have cared appropriately for him with my back like this.

Yet God has seen fit to give Gabriel a whole family.  One that loves him so, and one that cares for him too.  One that has been raising him up right too.
The State is still dragging their feet with respect to his adoption, so please just keep saying those prayers. Kristin asked me, and I couldn't answer; I don't even know if Berta knows she has lost Gabriel and Sam.  Having not been in contact with Roberta, I don't know what she knows, or what she may/may not be aware of.

I do know this much... She has not even bothered to see him, or to inquire after him, since the beginning of the year. That speaks volumes of sadness to me, and weighs heavily on my heart and in my prayers for him.
I know that she has a decent job at one of the paper mills in town. And she spoke of having to move that weekend too.  Other than that, to bring up the boys would have been too freakin' hard on me; ultimately on her too. This whole business of birthing and leaving makes my blood boil.
She did not learn that from me. wth?

I'd better close-  Casey has just called, and will be bringing out my new prescriptions after she sees Gabriel and family.

Still soggy out there. Not too sure what the forecast is, (I overslept), but I do know it's a good thing that it's rain and not snow.

My love to all.
And do have a wunnaful weekend!



  1. I can understand you pain and frustration with Berta. My Mom and I have that with my sister. Situation is quite different, but my sister has made life choices that have pained the family time and time again.

    Happy Birthday to Master Gabriel. I do pray that the state will move a little quicker. My family has experienced the states turtle pace with regards to children. My parents foster children for 6 years.

    We are having the layered weather here too. I'm not fond of it at all, but will take it over winter any day.

    I hope and pray you will get relief with the back.

  2. As far as the apple in the tree having two bites taken out of it, remember that cuddly little squirrels can be quite destructive.

  3. Anne, maybe Roberta just knows those kids are better cared for in the arms of another. Not that she doesn't care, but her control over her own self is too difficult to deal with and she knows she cannot give them what they need from her. If Roberta makes it to be around another 15 or 20 years, I am sure she will have her regrets.

  4. Dear Annie,

    As far as Jack goes, yuck!!! I hope it's a good while before he comes visiting here.

    The apples and pears are wonderful. Hope it was a squirrels that got those bites. LOL

    I just love Sue's hair. She has such a friendly face.

    I bet it really was interesting seeing the bobbing baskets. LOL

    Such an interesting cloud shot. So many layers.

    So glad the brace and shot are helping the pain a little.

    At least Roberta looks cheerful. The boys are so handsome.

    You are so blessed to have Casey. She's such a good girl.

    I pray it stays rain for a while longer.


  5. So the shots did work some. I'm very glad for you. I've a sister that has been told to use a conversion table and a friend the same. You get to be upside down for a little bit. It was fun as a kid. I don't know about it now.

    I have been suffering from fibro this week due to weather. Not fun for sure. Have a grand weekend.

  6. Sweet Oka;
    Situations are different... You have said a mouthful.
    And yet, pain is pain- And what they bring to our hearts still hurts, no matter the circumstances.

    Master Gabriel is so wonderful- And has taught me much in his 4 short years. Mostly about the hearts propensity for love. He is happy and quite well adjusted too. I could not have handpicked such a good family for him.

    I had foster brothers and sisters growing up, and even though there was awful pain at separation, I wouldn't trade the few memories that I have either.

    My thermostat is set at 65, and has not run in the 2+ hours that I have been up. So outside must be in the high 40's or low 50's. That is normal for us about now. With the occasional Jack Frost thrown in. hehehe



  7. Thank you for stopping by and commenting too!
    I thought of that too! But then I wondered how they did it, and the apple did not fall off the tree?!?

    You are right, they are quite destructive. (My little .22 is more destructive on them). hehehe


  8. Sweet PeachieBaby!
    As you know, I am more than disappointed with her. But happy for the boys too. I can only hope/pray that you are correct.
    At least I know Lawrence and Sammy are better off with their dads, and Master Gabriel with Kristin and family too.

    Shouldn't she already have her regrets? Or is she thinking that this is some warped form of free babysitting that she can just make go away at any point? (If I live to be 1000 I will not understand this).


  9. Happy Belated B-day to Gabriel! He has an awesome birthday, yesterday was my sister's birthday also! I just can't believe that he is 4!

    I am glad that your back isn't hurting as bad... I know that pain is pain but even when severe pain eases off some, you feel relief... Don't be offended by the DIS ID card... That is only to make sure that you can get one of the better parking spaces and not have to walk as far and put more stress on yourself AND it will come in handy when the snow and ice hit!

    Maybe Berta knows that her boys are in better places and are being well taken care of... She may not ask about them now but have hope that once the boys all get older that maybe she will try to be a part of their lives...

    Hope you have a nice weekend! Ready for Football Tourettes?? hehehe

    Love~n~Hugs to you!

    Slurkie :-)


  10. oops sorry
    got carried away on another site, redoing my computer.

  11. Sweet Snotball Cille;

    Suzy Q sure does have beautiful hair! I couldn't agree more.

    So you tell me...
    How did the squirrel, or other varmint, take two bites and leave the apple hanging on the tree?

    Those baskets, wobbling in the field were just too funny! One of those sights ya never forget.

    Will have to wait to see what this next shot does... Ten more days.

    Pray it stays rain 'til February, ok?



  12. Sweet Athena;
    Slurkie was the greatest proponent of me getting that first shot. If not for her, Dr. Mario would have had a really long speech to give. hehehe
    While the shot did work, it also brought on a migraine- on and off for a full week. He has promised that this next one will not do that to me. Time will tell.

    Casey has told me to go to her chiropractor for the table treatment. She said as long as they are older fractures that it would benefit me.
    Maybe not.
    Not sure how much running around I have left in me with respect to my anxiety.

    Hope you feel better by now?


  13. Yay! There's my little SlurkieBaby!

    Suddenly thinking it is chilly in here, and of a sudden the furnace kicks in. Great timing.
    (As for chilly, and you, you are the one that does that damned dance all the time).

    Still undecided about the DIS card.
    Mama had one, and at that point I thought it was cool. Now, not so much.

    Football Tourettes??? OMG we play on Monday against the VikQueens.
    Win or lose, it should be an outpouring of the Tourettes for sure.
    While I have settled some since that Sears commercial about Mr. Favre, it still should be an awesome game, and I am so looking forward to it! I hate having to wait til MONDAY!!!

    Right backatcha!


  14. Aww heck! Is it good or bad that I kinda pushed you towards something that you were uneasy with in the first place???

    It makes me happy to know that the shots DID give you a bit of relief... And in the same breath, I feel bad because the shots gave you a damnable migraine... But I guess like that you have to decide which is worse and go from there...

  15. I'm hungry! Let's have some! ;-)

  16. I have closet Football Tourettes.... I try to act like I hate watching football around Randall... But I really do enjoy watching it... Wonder if I should tell him... Or do you think he knows already? LOL

  17. I vacillate back and forth deciding whether I want the h/a or the back pain...
    Hows that for making up my mind?
    But I just don't know which devil is worse...


  18. Why do you do that?
    I would get out of that closet if I were you (Tell him Anna said so).

  19. I don't know what to say about Roberta, and following the old "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all" rule, it would be best if I didn't say anything.

    Even though she lacks mothering skills she does produce fine children though. Master Gabriel is as handsome as they come! What a sweet child, and so deserving of a loving family. I hope his adoption goes through soon. And, I hope he had a Wonderful Birthday!

    Your apple tree is fantastic! If I had an apple tree like that I'd be making apple sauce, apple butter, apple preserves, apple fritters, apple pies, apple cake..... I love apples! My pears are yucky, they're Bradford pears and don't look like yours, mine are round and don't have a neck like yours, they never seem to ripen, and when you eat them they taste like green, course sandpaper. Not at all like the pears I buy at the grocery store.

    Loved the sky picture, it does look like the weather is stacked up with fronts. But which one will you get?

    As we get older our bodies all start to crap-out in one way or another. But having your back crap-out effects everything else. I hope the second round of shots helps you even more. Keep wearing that brace and give your back as much rest as you can.

    I'm not a football fan, but I'd love to fix the snacks and the half time food!

  20. Your trees are looking great. and that apple with the bites out of it.. maybe squirrels.. I know I have seen more than one squirrel taking off with a stolen pear or apple.

    The sky is an odd one.. Great shot! speaking of shots.. you know your body best.. and Im sure if you felt you needed it you would not hesitate. Glad to hear though that it is at least giving some respite even if it is temporary.
    A very Happy Birthday wish to Gabriel.. Im so sorry that little fella has had to deal with his mom just going away. But glad to hear he is happy and being shown some much needed love. I dont think I shall ever understand mothers or fathers just walking away from their children. But I know that it does happen far to often these days. Makes me think of the song by the Judds.. Grampa, tell me bout the good ol days.. (are ya singing??)

    The weather here in Arkansas is just absolutely marvelous! Cool crisp mornings and nights.. a nice 70 deg day.. with some wonderful sun and not too much wind. Those picture perfect autumn days.

    Hope your having a marvelous weekend! Big hugs

  21. Hi Mommy!

    That first picture makes me freeze... I'm not looking forward to winter at all... At least it'll be better for me than last winter (at least I shouldn't be getting another surgery/transplant done)! :D

    I just can't imagine how silly those baskets looked when you came around the corner and just saw them hovering down the lane but couldn't see the people! Too funny!!!

    I, too, have no idea if Roberta knows that she doesn't have rights to her children anymore. You'd think she would've gotten notice or something, but who knows if the courts have her latest address. I'm just floored that she hasn't asked about them. It shocks me to think that maybe it doesn't cross her mind or bother her as much as it should. I'm not a mother, but I can't imagine losing custody of a child or even just not asking at all about them... It bothers me...

    It does give me solace knowing that he is in a wonderful home! Kristen is doing such a FANTASTIC job raising him. He's also got other children his age to play with all day/every day and it sure does keep him busy and content! I just wish it hadn't come down to this, but at least he's being well taken care of! And we still get to see him! :D

    Okay, there's rumbling going on in my abdomen so I must see to that. It might be hunger or it might be that darn lion that is managing to make himself at home in there... I suppose with the majority of my abdominal organs gone, there's room for him, but he sure is a noisy one!!! :D

    Love you MUCH MUCH!

  22. I don't know about better. I am thankful to be up and about.

  23. I hope things soon get settled with the adoption, sounds like he is with a very loving family and you can still get to see him whenever you want .. He is adorable and Happy Birthday to the little guy ..

    I hope whatever they do with you back it gives you LOADS of relief and makes your days alot more comfortable for you ..

    The weather looks unpredictable ..We have had rain everyday since early last week and I want to see the SUNshine .. We have had a couple of mornings were there was frost on the rooftops , makes me shiver and think of winter ..

    Wow the apple tree is still loaded .. My sister has two apple trees in her garden and we picked all the apples a couple of weeks ago .. My mom made pies and applesauce and it was all delicious .. Looks like some little critter was in your tree and decided to have a snack
