[My] Life in Wisconsin

Thursday Stuff... ;-)

We'll take that 60° mark with smiles on our faces!
Good Morning!

I have to get Punk out in the sunshine today! (Me too)! It is too nice out there to stay inside.  I had an appointment for my back early on Tuesday.
She wanted to "up" my meds for my back... But I will wait on that decision.
Kind of a "put~up and shut~up" move. (Not really, I plan on whining as loud as I can).

Casey called early yesterday morning- She had tried to go to her classes and had so much pain she had turned around.
She was here by 8AM.
Casey, Migraine 
Casey. Sick.
Even through her pain, she did her homework- Actually was studying for a test she has today or tomorrow.
Punk did not want her to write at all.
Every time she would jot something down, Punk would just press harder.
By noon she was raring to go once more. So back to classes for her.
She is my rock. My inspiration.

Not a lot going on- After we get our exercise today I have to run into town. If I have enough energy, and only a little pain, I will stop at the library. They are having their book sale today, tomorrow and Saturday.

Been reading everywhere on the internet lately.
And since Veterans Day is coming up on the 11th, I thought this was an appropriate "How~To" to include here...

Fold the Flag

Please teach your children (and yourselves) how to properly fold the flag.
I do not remember when I learned to do this- Probably my parents taught me when I was real young... Might have been Girl Scouts too.

Those darn Girl Scouts, right???
Girl Scouts motivational poster
It's funny to me. I do not mean to offend anyone.

Now, on to your health...
I post lots of recalls, but for some reason the FDA isn't updating as frequently.
And I do not post those recalls that are for allergies.


FAAN works to build public awareness of food allergy through the media and through education, advocacy, and research efforts.
The Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network
  • Education.
  • Advocacy.
  • Research.
  • Awareness.

The Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network (FAAN) was established in 1991. FAAN’s membership now stands at close to 30,000 worldwide and includes families, dietitians, nurses, physicians, school staff, and representatives from government agencies and the food and pharmaceutical industries.

. .

Special Allergy Alerts- CLICK to receive alerts by e-mail:

These are the most common allergens:
  • Nuts
  • Soy
  • Wheat
  • Milk
  • Shrimp
  • Fish
  • Eggs
  • Gluten

I don't have (m)any- allergies- Lucky that way. For those of you that do, the links above will give you lots of info, not only on recalls.

Another Thought at Random here
There is something really wrong with my Yahell mail today...

In school, (ALL those many moons ago), I always had a problem converting to the Metric System.
Am posting this for my Canadian and UK friends.
And for me too!
Fahrenheit to Celsius:
To convert temperatures in degrees Fahrenheit to Celsius, subtract 32 and multiply by .5556 (or 5/9).
    * Example: (50°F - 32) x .5556 = 10°C

Celsius to Fahrenheit:
To convert temperatures in degrees Celsius to Fahrenheit, multiply by 1.8 (or 9/5) and add 32.

Maybe I will post this on my top page for Winter...

Casey's Greg uses a "Neti Pot" lots, and swears by it.
So I did some reading on Nasal Irrigation also...

From Wikipedia:
Nasal irrigation
or nasal lavage is the personal hygiene practice in which the nasal cavity is washed to flush out excess mucus and debris from the nose and sinuses.
It has been practiced in India for centuries as one of the disciplines of yoga.
  • Daily nasal irrigation with salt water is recommended as both an adjunctive and primary treatment in such cases and is preferable to the use of antibiotics or corticosteroids except in the most serious cases of acute bacterial sinusitis which should be immediately referred to an doctor.
Very interesting, no?

Neti Pot use 
From PubMed, "CONCLUSION: Nasal irrigation is a simple, inexpensive treatment that relieves the symptoms of a variety of sinus and nasal conditions, reduces use of medical resources, and could help minimize antibiotic resistance."

More CONCLUSIONS: Daily hypertonic saline nasal irrigation improves sinus-related quality of life, decreases symptoms, and decreases medication use in patients with frequent sinusitis.
Primary care physicians can feel comfortable recommending this therapy

This, from UW Madison (Includes a link to "You Tube" demonstration).

Safe for kids tooDo all the clicks when you can, you will be amazed!
CHEWING GUM to ward off infection?
This, for ear and upper respiratory infections
Studies have shown that xylitol chewing gum can help prevent ear infections (acute otitis media).
The act of chewing and swallowing assists with the disposal of earwax and clearing the middle ear, whilst the presence of xylitol prevents the growth of bacteria in the eustachian tubes (auditory tubes or pharyngotympanic tubes) which connect the nose and ear.
When bacteria enter the body they hold on to the tissues by hanging on to a variety of sugar complexes. The open nature of xylitol and its ability to form many different sugar-like structures appears to interfere with the ability of many bacteria to adhere.
In a double-blind randomized controlled trial, saline solutions of xylitol significantly reduced the number of nasal coagulase-negative Staphylococcus bacteria.
The researchers attributed the benefits to the increased effectiveness of endogenous (naturally present in the body) antimicrobial factors

How the heck I went from sick kid to Chewing Gum and douching your nose is beyond me.  ...And Holy Crap!!! it's after noon- I have got to get outside!

Now go have a "wunnaful" day, and be uberhealthy!

Love to all


Oh and for the Ohioans among you; CLICK HERE for some Haunted Judicial stories.


  1. You got a lot of Buckeyes here?

    Our schools have recently sent home information about irrigating your nose with saline. If you don't have a Neti Pot, they suggested using a q-tip with saline and rubbing the inside of your nostrils. They also suggested gargling daily with salt water. The saline will not completely kill viruses, but it will help remove much of it from your nose and throat. This can lessen the effects of viruses like FLU.

    Glad Casey was able to get to some of school, wish she could get past this pain.

  2. And I thought my brain jumped around...hehe

    I have heard of others using the nasal thingy.. I hear it works really well and if you keep your nasal passages cleaned out it can actually reduce the occurrence of colds and flu. I dont know if its true or not.. but so they say.

    It is a pretty day here too.. I have gotten out and picked some greens and been going in and out.. while tearing apart the living room and cleaning it also.. I gotta get to my windows sometimes soon.

    Ok.. off to clean windows.. or something.

    Big hugs.

  3. Yep I douche my nose sometimes I will admit, I have allergies and it makes it feel so much better and helps clear it up. informative blog again, thanks sweet Annie xoxoxoxo I hope you didnt over do today missy.

  4. Poor Casey. I can't believe she's going to classes being in so much pain. But I guess a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. She's inspiring to say the least!

    Why won't you up your meds if it will make your back feel better? (Especially if your doctor is suggesting it.) Oh well, I suppose you know what's best for you. I'll bring the cheese, and we'll have a little whine and cheese party, okay?

    (The Girl Scout picture - hehehe!)

    I've never douched my nose, but I always have a bottle of saline salt spray on hand to clean out my sinuses with.

    I hope you and Punk (and probably Sputty too!) got lots of sunshine and fresh air today, that's something you can never get too much of. (It adds to the Vitamin D vault too!)

  5. I have yet to go buy a neti pot and try it. I know of a few people who do use one, but I am afraid I will inhale it or choke, lol.

    Take your meds for the back, I am sore today myself....mostly in my upper back neck and shoulders.......ugh...I am going to take a hot bath and some pain meds too. Take care.

    I hope Casey does well on her test!

  6. I like the Girl Scout picture... hehehe

    Poor Casey... She has been through SO much! But to see that she doesn't let it all get her down, is an inspiration!

    I don't think I'll be douching my nose anytime soon... I do gargle with warm salt water when I'm sick to help get the 'crud' out though...

    Wondering WHY you won't up your meds? It might be helpful to you in the long run (but I'm not gonna harass you about it, too much hehehe)

    Hope ya soaked up some vitamin D and had a decent walk!

    Love Ya!

    Slurkie :-)

  7. Girl scouts. That was where I learned how to fold a flag... and buy the $%!$^ cookies.

  8. I saw those nettie pots next door one day at Walgreens. I considered getting one then talked myself out of it. May get one anyway. It "twould" be better on my honker than those nasal sprays.
    I do wish I could chew gum like I use to. But my dentures tell me otherwise. It's kinda like getting gum stuck in a kids hair. I even tried the ones that say "for those with dentures." Liars. And I use denture adhesive and that gum still yanks them out! I live in mountainous areas where going down steep mountains in the car will make your ears pop. Fortunately, I would rather live on TOP of the mountain than down in the valley but still have to make a trip occasionally down those mountains. So instead of gum, chewing on licorice sticks will help with the pressure popping in the ears. Wonder if I they make licorice with that xylitol stuff in it?

    Was Casey having a bad headache? You can literally SEE her pain in her eyes. I get up like that almost every morning. Still not sleeping and resting like I should. No wonder I am gaining weight. I should be losing weight.Not eating like I should be. But I have read that people with insomnia will gain weight. These darned over the counter sleep meds don't even work on me. Well...they will put me to sleep in 2 hours. I will still only sleep maybe an hour and then I am wide awake again. Got a good sledge hammer!

  9. Just a few, but thought it might interest others also.

    Re: Neti pot... If you can wash down the "bugs" (or whatever else ails you), to your stomach, then they cannot survive there.
    Gargling help oodles too, but does not reach deep into your sinus cavities.


  10. Some days I just have to 'clean up' the stuff I have saved around my computer.
    Yesterday was just one of those days! hehehe

    What you have heard is true- I have found everything to support it, and nothing to disclaim it anyway.

    Now will you come clean MY windows???
    Oh, Randy is off today- Maybe I can get him to pull the ones in the kitchen that my back does not allow me to get to. (He'll have to bring some vinegar too).


  11. Isn't it funny how I tried to talk myself out of posting the Neti Pot for fear of grossing people out, and I have not received one complaint? People DO want to be informed!
    I am SO happy to see you do this also, and that it offers you great relief!

    I didn't overdo--- But I feel it none the less.


  12. Casey sure has taught me a thing or two about hanging in there too!

    I won't 'up' my meds because the more you take the harder it is to get off of them. (Not that I think I will ever NOT need them). Still trying to figure out the Marfan angle too. Wouldn't I have been diagnosed much earlier in my life? Or is it a case of the docs not being able to add two and two?

    I live in Wisconsin Girl! I will bring the cheese! hehehe

    They say the bottle helps too, but does not reach far enough up into your top sinuses to help clean those out. (Man, I have to get me one and soon. Guess I could use a baggie for starts.

    Yes, of course The Sput was outside with us! hehehe
    Damn cat. ;-)



  13. I have NO intention of drowning myself. hehehe I really would seal it and cut a hole in one corner.


  14. OK. You try the baggie first... hehehe
    I have not seen one person in all of my readings yesterday that claims death by Neti.
    You might spew a little back out of your mouth the first time or so. But they say it really does work easy, so you might not too.

    Sorry you are in pain too. (I do know how that goes).


  15. ...Sorry. Had a case of "Punkus~Interruptus"


  16. I knew plenty of my friends were warped enough to like that pic. (I stole it from an email).

    Again, the gargling does nothing for your sinuses.
    And your sinuses are where the little buggie varmints hide out and reproduce, (then try to kill you).

    Not too much Vitamin D as I had to wear a jacket.
    But still I got some. (And some is better than none any day of the week)!

    Casey is my Energizer Bunny. After her classes and exam was over, she picked up my pills for me. Then she even went for a walk with Kelli and all the dogs!

    I am SO tired of taking the damned pills. I know they are necessary, or I am completely useless.


  17. Dang! Maybe it was 4-H? I honestly don't remember. (And I hate when I don't remember things)!

    I sold those $%!$^ cookies for years. Sold so many that I don't even like them anymore.


  18. Maybe YOU should try the baggie first, and let me and Suzy know how it goes...

    The xylitol in that gum gives me the poops, so I don't really chew gum a lot. And when I do, it is usually just the old fashioned Wrigley's. Double-mint to be exact. hehehe

    Pa would suck on the Chiclets til the coating was gone, then he would chew it. He never got it stuck either. (Course maybe that's cuz his dentures were in his pocket 99% of the time). hehehe

    Casey did have a migraine when I took that picture. When I had reached for the camera, she very quietly had said, "if that flash goes off you WILL be dead."
    (Since I have never had a migraine in my life, I took her word for it, and complied). hehehe
    OK, truth be known, I had already shut it off.

    I do have a good sledge hammer. But it needs a new handle. So to be on the safe side you will have to get one of your own (Lest you miss and hit me). You sleep like I do. But I like me fine this way. hehehe (I blame it on the Paxil that I take that keep my anxiety attacks to a minimum).

    I know you take the melatonin, but DO NOT EVER take a sleep aid if it has Tylenol (acetaminophen) in it.
    When my sister, Mary, was going through chemo, her doctor told her that unless she can't take anything else for pain, that (especially) menopausal women should never take the stuff with Tylenol. It makes hot flashes worse, and messes up your whole system too.



  19. great timing here- My dryer is buzzing again as I type!

  20. You crack me up!!

    It never ceases to amaze me how resilient Casey is. She inspires me to forget my problems and do something right, positive, and important with my time...because God has blessed me so...that "if she can do it, so can I" attitude. God bless her for strength, courage, and endurance!!

    I have been wanting to get a Neti Pot since it was first on Oprah a year or 3 ago. It just seems to slip my mind. It's funny though. someone at church today just told me to buy one...I think reading this tonight is all the intervention I need...I'm going to put it on the shopping list. After being sick for a month and dealing with walking pneumonia, I am sooo ready to search out anything that will contribute to my wellness.

    Love and apologies for not being around much. Your still on my mind and in my heart.

  21. I hope you don't mind me commenting ? I also like the Girl Scout picture and posted it today on a Free Speak site I have, as for Metric :IE Celsius, Fahrenheit and Imperial, all the programs we get here from the US are in Metric they speak in Mils, Metres and Kilos ect I find it so easy and so much better.

  22. hehehe
    That SASSY Scout picture!!! Sure an' everyone seems to giggle at it too!

    Now about the metric system- if I think long and hard, I can get close- Just never used it until I had friends from the rest of the world on here.
    I think we had one chapter in a math book in 4th grade or something. I even giggled at the cars that came out with MPH/KPH gauges and pointers)...

    Come and comment anytime!


  23. If I were to say that the temp today was 29 and I drunk 3 Litres of water that I could comprehend but if you told me 84.2 and you drunk 5.84 Pints..

    You will get used to it Anne and it is so easy honest :)
