[My] Life in Wisconsin

Toyota: "Stop lobbying against car safety"


Chances are that we all know of someone who owns/drives a Toyota.
This is from my inbox this morning.
Please click and offer your own words to Toyota.
They have the audacity to lobby AGAINST American Auto Safety Standards?

Take a moment to click and to submit the petition.
You do not have to write your own words, but a separate box is there if you wish to.



From US News: "
“Toyota’s tentacles are spread far and wide on Capitol Hill. Senate records show Toyota-related entities spent $4.1 million on lobbying last year — and $35.2 million during the past decade.”


The article continues by illustrating the close ties between the NHTSA and the auto industry, pointing to how political appointees, who included car industry lawyers, ran the agency. It cites Andrew Card, George W. Bush’s chief of staff and former lobbyist for the auto industry, as concluding that “it may be that some investigations were terminated for political reasons.”

From Gladys:
Toyota says its most interest is safety ...
So, why lobby against auto safety standards for years, why a card carrying member of the Chamber of Commerce who also lobbied for years against safety standards and regulations!! Who's zooming who??
Senators Shelby and Sessions of ALA (R), Senators Cochran and Wicker of MS (R) and Gov. Barbour of MS (R) should all be subpoenaed to appear before a grand jury, along with Toyota's Japanese CEO !!
What is an American life worth to these republican politicians ??

Despite all their recent problems, Toyota is giving money to lobbyists who oppose car safety standards through the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

I signed this petition to Toyota urging them to quit the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and I hope you will too. Click the link"

If Toyota wants to earn back our trust when it comes to safety, they need to stop funding lobbyists at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce who fight car safety protections.

The " Toyota: Stop lobbying against car safety " campaign is brought to you by MoveOn.org Political Action™.

************ Text from site:

Toyota wants customers to believe that safety is it's number one priority. So why is Toyota funding lobbyists who oppose auto safety standards? Toyota remains a funder of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which for years has led efforts to strangle car safety protections.

Sign our petition urging Toyota to quit the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

A compiled petition with your individual comment will be presented to Toyota.

Privacy Policy (the basics): We do not share the information you’ve given us with unaffiliated groups without your explicit permission. For petitions, letters to the editor, and surveys you've signed or completed, we treat your name, city, state, and comments as public information. We will not make your street address publicly available, but we may transmit it to members of Congress and to the President as part of a petition. MoveOn will send you updates on this and other important campaigns by email. If at any time you would like to unsubscribe from our email list, you may do so. For our complete privacy policy, click here.


  1. toyota should tell this guy how safe his car is...

  2. I saw the fella had to be stopped by the cop this morning, 140k that's the speed limit here on our Freeways Anna, put the Toyota Board mbrs in them and send them off for a drive. We've had no complaints here as yet, I fill in the form mate ..... Give me a phooey address and Zip # :) mine's only 4 numbers 5252


  3. Soooooo

    Did anyone click and submit to the petition????????

  4. Give me a phooey address and Zip # :) mine's only 4 numbers 5252
