[My] Life in Wisconsin

My back rant. Forgive me.

Icicles over the back door...

Good Evening Everyone;
Just playing catch up again....

It is Casey's birthday- She is a whole Double-Dozen.

She is recovering well from her vagotomy.
(My spell check insists that 'vagotomy' should be 'vasectomy') - But I can pretty much assure you that is one operation she will never have.

Below is Regina...

Miss Regina!
She loves her job at U-of-M, and is a very joyful NA to have around!

As we drove home, Casey took a little nap- Snowfall can do that to a body- Kind of a flurry hypnosis.

Casey napping on the way home from MN Surgery vagotomy
'Course maybe the fact that she'd just had surgery had a lot to do with that nap too.

Nosy horses
Driving up B the other day, we saw these horses making a meal out of the trees.
The trees will never recover when the bark is stripped all the way around; and I am thinking that there is something important missing from their diet to be eating the trees.

Punk has been out of sorts as well.

Punk with pain, asleep on the couch, sitting up.

Maybe these little trips take their toll on her too. Casey even brought her to the vet the other day. We have been calling her our Little "PunkaLump" as she has bumps in a few places.  The bump that worried me was on her back- where she had gotten squished as a little puppy.  Oddly the one that worried Dr. Spires more is one between her toes. Time will tell if that growth changes or goes away.

And now...
Turnabout is fair play-
Casey took this picture of me while I was at the hospital last week for my back.

Me at St Marys-severe back pain, (Spasms)?
Damn fine thing I am still halfway strong, as I had most of my weight on my arms.
There was no way I was changing my clothes, so they just covered me up with one of those nice warm blankets.
A very nice doctor, and nice nurses too.
As soon as I was treated for my pain, Casey had left to run to her house to get some clothes to be able to stay overnight with me...

The radiologist (Holly) left much to be desired. She came in my little room, demanding that I "jump in the wheelchair" so she could bring me to radiology.
Nothing doing as I had all I could do to get from the wheelchair that carried me in on arrival, and get on the bed.
i explained that I could barely move without excruciating pain, and she got very angry at me, and asked if I could move? I said yes, that I wasn't paralyzed.
So once again, pointing, she demanded me to get in the wheelchair.
Again, after telling her how much pain I was in, I asked could she please wheel me down there on the bed?
She said they don't do that.
(No I didn't say that). I call BS though, as they have done that many times for Casey.  I didn't say that either.
But I did tell her "I am NOT going to argue with you."
With that she stuck her head out of the room and declared that she would need 4 or 5 people to help her get me down to radiology. While I am not extremely fat, I don't think 4 or 5 people would be necessary...

She wheeled me down the hall while everyone toddled behind.

When we got to Xray, "Holly" said they would pick me up and carry me to the table.
I asked them to kindly put the wheelie bed close to the table and I would move myself. after I was situated, I apologized to one nurse who was there for having made them wheel me down to radiology. Not knowing what had transpired, she looked a little perplexed but said, "Oh don't worry about that, we do it all the time. Besides that is why the beds have wheels on them.
(Bitch that I can be, I was quite pleased that she'd said that in front of the technician).

Everyone but one male nurse left at that point- He helped me to be able to move to get into position for "Holly"
She told me to pull my bra up to my neck.
HAHAHA- God how I wanted to laugh...
But all I said was "No."
I told her I would unbuckle it and put the metal tabs in my armpits. She told me they would be in the way of the Xray.
I then pointed (best I could) to my vertebrae. i explained that she was taking pictures of the middle of my back and that wire hootchies in my armpits should not interfere with that if she did it right.
Ooh was she pissed...
So onto my back I went.
I bit my tongue so I wouldn't cry out loud-
Sometimes that helps, sometimes not. (Thankfully it did help enough that day so I wouldn't cry out in pain as I slowly got onto my back).

She told me to hold that position after she had taken 2 Xrays, wanting to make sure they turned out before I had to 'move' again. She spoke as though I was lying about my pain, and had I felt better I would have had more than a few nice words for her... ('Course had I felt better i would not have been there to begin with).

After she checked those out and proclaimed that they were fine, her attitude changed almost night and day. Suddenly I was "Anne" -and suddenly she was very quieted and gentle.
Go figure- She'd taken one look at my Xrays and knew damn well what she was dealing with- and it sure as hell wasn't a liar!
Oy- What a bitch she was!
And yes, I do know my back is neither her fault nor her problem, but i do believe there might have been the part where she gave me the benefit of the doubt...

I had an appointment with my pain management doctor the following day. Casey drove me there after staying overnight.
(Thank God they had a wheelchair, or I would not have gotten in the building).
Miss Becky was wonderful as always, and even brought in a different doctor to consult with. I had gotten out of the chair to go to the table, and wound up on my knees by the table. Not too uncomfortable, but I do believe I scared the dickens out of her and Casey. (Sorry girls).
They put 6 shots in my back once I was on the table.

Tomorrow I go in for 6 different ones.
She changed my pain meds too- They make me very tired- so at least I nod off every now and then.

I don't know what will happen next. That's maybe the worst part of it all. Though to be truthful, the pain actually scares the hell out of me at times.

Casey has been so very good to me, and I am sure that she would much rather be sleeping next to Greg than next to the stupid intercom phone here.

I haven't even dust-mopped in so long, and my once tidy house has become quite a mess. The hardest thing when Casey isn't here is letting Punk out, and getting her fed and watered. We finally put the 5 quart pan on the floor by the sink so I don't have to worry about carrying a stupid bowl of water.

I can't begin to tell you all how bad this is. There are no words to even describe this pain.
I did ask about the cement- No go -because it is now my entire back, and that cannot be done on the whole back.

They will put me to sleep tomorrow as these shots go straight into my spine. I pray that they work.

And on Friday, I get my TENS unit. Maybe by then I won't need it?

I wish there was a maid service for people with disabilities...

Casey has just gotten back- They had game tonight- She left early from there so we can be up early tomorrow too.
Poor kid.
She even bought her own cake. That made me cry.

I hope all is well with you all.
My love always.



  1. they DO have a maid service for people who are hurt or injured......

    *gentle hugs*

  2. My Dear Anne,

    You bring tears to my eyes Sister. I wish you could feel the hugs I'm sending your way. You have every right to "rant" and I hope you remember there are several here, including me, that will always listen and not poo-poo you. Expressing the pain may only be good for releasing the frustration but at least that's a little something.

    Miss Regina looks like the kind of NA I was. I'm glad Casey had someone with a sense of humor.
    Poor Casey looks so whipped. I hope she enjoyed her birthday. Double-dozen, eh?? I can remember those days. LOL
    If they are missing something in their diet, at least those horses aren't bones as some are around here.
    Poor Miss Punk. I hope her bumps are nothing to be concerned about. She's such a dear.
    Even in pain, you are a beautiful Lady. I like the hat by the way, lol.
    Holly, needs an attitude adjustment. Even if she sees back fakers every day, like you said she should at least give one the benefit of the doubt before "assuming" they are faking. I admire your restraint in not telling her what an a** she was being. I hope she felt very badly after she saw your w-rays.
    Depending on what kind of medical assistance you are receiving, you should qualify for some kind of, not home health but housecleaning in a similar vein.

    You can always "rant to me, I will gladly listen. That's what sister's are for.

    forever your snotball

  3. Hi Sweet Mommy!!!

    I'd not rather be any place else than loving and caring for those I love! It'll be easier if we land a duplex on the reservation. Then Greg and I will be just on the other side!!

    Oh, and as you are singing to me again, THANK YOU for all the special Birthday Wishes and for the songs! I don't believe I've been sung to this much on one birthday! And you're getting another one in before the clock strikes 12:00, and then I turn into a white mouse and become the owner of Earth!! LOL! Sorry... Got stuck on the book I'm reading currently The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams... (Greg got all six books for on the Kindle... Absolutely HILARIOUS book by the way...)

    Anywho, never worry about crying when you're dealing with so much pain! When you cry, it has been proven that you relieve stress, so it's a good thing... I know you were raised to believe that crying means that one is feeling sorry for themself, but I'm sorry, this is a bunch of bologna! Just like "a woman's place is in the kitchen" is a bunch of bologna... People who actually believe this keep everything bottled up inside and never let it out, and it has also been proven that bottling stress up inside you like that and never venting it out can actually end up manifesting itself into physical problems. SO... It'll be much better for your stress levels to let it all out!

    Many times I've broken down out of sheer frustration, and felt so much better about it after. Even if I just get to vent to someone and have a shoulder to lean on (you and Greg have done that for me many times) even if it's just for a minute, it feels much better to let it out!

    Those shots they gave you were interesting to watch, but they must've hurt something fierce! The needle was at least 3" long, so that they can penetrate deep into the muscles, and that was creepy to see a needle that long!!! Glad it was over with after only a little bit, but it hurt me to see you in that much pain... At least I didn't kick him though!!!

    For the people who don't know that story:
    Mom had gone to a doctor's appointment when I was around 2 or 3 years old. He was doing an exam on her and something was hurting her (hence the doctor appointment). Well as he was poking and prodding, she said "Ouch" loud, and I ran up to the doctor, kicked him, and shouted, "DON'T YOU HURT MY MOM!!!!" I guess even then I couldn't stand to see you in pain!

    I still can't stand to see you in so much pain and feel so helpless as there's nothing I can do to make it better. Sure I can help you with things around the house, but I can't take the pain away. Frustrates me to no end...

    Hey, if you're just trying to get me back for putting you through the same thing for my whole life, I get it so you can stop now... Okay??

    I know you're not doing that, but I figured maybe just telling it to stop might work... Ya never know! I have read that yelling at the pain, telling it to go away, telling it that it's not doing any good, and you're not going to take it anymore, does actually help as well! Even if the pain doesn't go away, you can certainly blow off some steam yelling at it! But do it quietly so that it doesn't hurt, as I know talking loudly does hurt...

    I pray that this all goes away for you, so you can live pain-free... I pray for that every night! Just as long as you remember I'm here for you no matter what, and for anything! I'll keep doing everything in my power for you... (You raised me and did a wonderful job doing so, and I'm more than happy to return all that help you gave to me during my illness(es?)...) Just remember that all you gotta do is ask!

    I love you so very MUCH MUCH!

  4. I'm so happy to see so much love here for you! I know how terribly important that must be, as I haven't got it, I mean, there's no one 'here' for me.

    How I hope you'll get rid of the pain! I must have kept the third floor of hospital awake for most of my first six days, until someone decided I could have morphine for pain. (Three times every 24 hours.)

    "I don't know what will happen next. That's maybe the worst part of it all. Though to be truthful, the pain actually scares the hell out of me at times." Of course it does! Pain takes a lot out of you. It totally wears one down after awhile.

    I don't know what else to say..."They will put me to sleep tomorrow as these shots go straight into my spine. I pray that they work." SO DO I. ♥♥♥

  5. Hm. My insurance case worker told me if I couldn't go to the lab (for my INR) or see my stupid doctor in 2 weeks after being discharged, (!) I should probably be in a nursing home! I'm entitled to four VN visits for drawing blood & tomorrow is my last. GIVE ME A BREAK. All I want to do is rest & recover, not have to fight over medications & everything.
    Someone to take down my garbage, (yes, I fix my own meals), & get my mail twice a week. I called the PO four times to set up a hold for three days, & then delivery to my door, but the supervisor has never called back.

  6. I used to work as a Home Health Aide. I took vitals, ran errands and straightened up the homes I worked in. Most of my Clients were on either Medicare or Medicaid. I also did Supported Living and worked with MR/DD Clients. I made sure they got to work, if they were employed, took them to the store, helped them prepare meals and helped clean their house. I hope you find some form of assistance.

  7. Thank you. This must be a quirk of my insurance, or, the woman doesn't know what she's talking about. I'm still on oxygen...fifty feet of line...I do my laundry, cook my meals, (I order groceries online), & take care of my kitty. But I CANNOT walk as far as the mailbox or down to the dumpster.
    (Maybe I'll just toss the garbage over the balcony!) hehehe

  8. Really?
    I have never heard of such a thing.

    Then again, what if they come in here and decide that I shouldn't be living alone etc?
    It would be the death of me to have to go someplace else because my floors needed mopping.

    Backatcha Sweet Pea.

  9. Oh Sweet Snotball, please don't waste any of your tears on me-
    Maybe save those tears for the horses down your way that need a bag of food once a week or so. Around here people go to jail if the others find out about that kind of crap.
    Kelli's friends- (thst do the trimming of the hooves for May and Breezie) actually bought a ranch about 4 miles from here that the previous owner had all her animals taken away. I can recall a few other farms that just didn't take care of their animals.
    To me that is a mortal sin- and people should expect to find their own special place in hell for that abuse.

    As for me, I try not to cry. But it works less and less some days. I KNOW people that are much worse off than I am. But I just wanted everyone to know where I have been- I'm ok leaning on one arm, with the other using the mouse- But when it comes to the actual typing, its hard because I am using both hands and trying to lean on my forearms at the same time.
    I'll screw up even worse than before, so expect that. Hitting ther shift key sucks and I seem to miss it a lot. My apologies to all. (but I don't really care much anymore about my secretarial skills as long as I get my point across).

    I imagine that I would have loved having you as my NA while I was there- even for a short while. Miss Regina had 'personality plus'! One of a rare or dying breed...

    As for my hat, I don't think I ever even took it off. Not even realizing it was still on.
    But today they will give me a hair net thing to wear, so it'll have to come off.

    Holly needed a kick in the ass if ya ask me. She was in her 40's and a real bad, and dark, entity- I though of her children- Knowing I was tough on my own, but never ever with that kind of hatred.
    She might think to give people the benefit of the doubt once in a while. Oops. You already said that. hehehe
    I hope she felt damned bad too.
    I am glad I held my tongue- with the exception of telling her I would not argue with her. Once I become *quiet*, look out. hehehe
    I am disabled now and receive medicare- (Can't remember offhand what *parts* I have though).
    I will call them and ask what is available.
    And I will be awful embarrassed to be having anyone else doing my housework too.

  10. When I read what happened to you in radiology, it brought back memories of when I fractured a vertebra in my lower back. The hospital people and radiologists acted the same way and I COULD NOT MOVE MYSELF and I was in extreme pain. Then they told me I just had a bruised spine and to go home (without pain med) and I couldn't walk to the car and they ridiculed me for it. Another doc looked at my xray hours later and I got a call at home telling me how serious my injury was and pain meds were called in for me. I have great sympathy and empathy for how you felt be being treated that way.


  11. Sweet Baby Girl;
    We will get that duplex if I have to steal it.
    Or at least I will do my best at beg borrow and ... hehehe

    Am running out of time to do my little replies here, and I must come back later now as I still have to wake you and get my sore back in the shower.

    Oh- and so you know, when I cry or yell out loud, it scares the dog.
    Mostly it scares me.

    I love you always ya know

    Mama Me

  12. Dear Anne,

    We had a "man" in Rowan County that let 24 horses starve to death and they found 12 more that were nearly dead. He tried to say it wasn't his fault because his son was supposed to be tending the horses as he had become ill. The worst thing about the situation was that most of these were horses he was boarding. What does that say about the horse owners that they didn't check on their horses in the length of time it took them to starve? We had another "man" that sold 10 horses for 1000 trying to conceal the evidence of his starvation. One of these horses was Keno's Gold Bar a 7 time world champion Palomino Overo Stallion. He was in such poor condition that when treated for the starvation and pain, the pain meds killed him. I don't think he served a day for the abuse of these beautiful animals.

    "And I will be awful embarrassed to be having anyone else doing my housework too."

    NEVER be embarrassed to have someone give you the assistance you need. You had said you worried that they might make you stop living alone if you couldn't mop the floor but this is something you shouldn't worry about. I have taken care of people living alone that REALLY shouldn't be but with us coming in they were able to keep their independence.

    Praying today goes well.


    Annie, I have a friend whose ex-husband was taken from his condo & put in a nursing home because the County believed he shouldn't live alone. He didn't have one word to say about it.

    Fortunately, he had lots of money, & the 'nursing home' was more like some kind of spa, but the point is that it could happen.

    I have to keep a low profile so it doesn't happen to me, although it would be so helpful to have someone come in twice a week just for the garbage & the mail!

  14. I have only had back pain one time in my life and I'm positive it wasn't anywhere near as severe as yours. It was one of the worse pains I've ever had. I couldn't do anything without my back hurting. I was so surprised how much you back is affected just by the simple everyday things in life. Get better soon, dear Annie.

  15. oh my Annie, you poor thing! what is this about cement?? I must have missed that blog! Happy Birthday to Casey and I hope Punk's lumps are just benign. I hope you can get some kind of help in your home like maybe once a week perhaps? I guess call your insurance company and find out what is available to you.
