[My] Life in Wisconsin

Redefining rape?

"Bruises and broken bones do not define rape - a lack of consent does.
Stand up and oppose the dangerous GOP legislation to redefine rape."

Click here to sign petition.
Or go here, http://pol.moveon.org/smithbill/?id=25965-17313833-iviw8Qx&t=1



This came through my email...

I chose to carry all my babies to term. This was MY choice. One I made because abortion is not part/parcel of my own soul.

However, I do believe that the life of the mother should never be in question.

I have a daughter that almost died, bleeding out, from date rape.
Nope. I cannot condone this, "far reaching", or not.

Read on...




Dear MoveOn member,
Think "no" means "no"?
Well, 173 members of Congress don't.

A far-reaching anti-choice bill, introduced by Republican Chris Smith and supported by 173 members of the House, includes a provision that could redefine rape and set women's rights back by decades.1

Right now, federal dollars can't be used for abortion except in cases of rape, incest, or when the woman's life is in danger.

But according to the New York Times, the Smith bill would narrow that use to "cases of 'forcible' rape but not statutory or coerced rape."2 This could mean cases where women are "drugged or given excessive amounts of alcohol, rapes of women with limited mental capacity, and many date rapes" would no longer count as rape.3

As far too many women know, bruises and broken bones do not define rape—a lack of consent does. The Smith bill is scary. And with 173 supporters it already has a frightening chance of passage—unless the public speaks up right away with an outcry that can't be ignored.

Can you sign the petition to Congress today, demanding they oppose the sexist, anti-choice Smith bill?

The petition says: "Bruises and broken bones do not define rape—a lack of consent does. Stand up and oppose the dangerous GOP legislation to redefine rape."

Federal funds are already severely restricted when it comes to reproductive rights and women's health care, a situation that ends up hurting lower-income women in particular, who tend to use federally-funded services more often than wealthy women. The last thing we ought to be doing is legislating to make these laws more stringent.

In addition, the Smith bill is full of dangerous anti-choice provisions as well as the rape redefinition. Called "Stupak on Steroids" by NARAL Pro-Choice America in reference to Rep. Bart Stupak's failed attempt to push stringent restrictions on insurance coverage for abortion during the health care debate, it would "force millions of American families to pay more taxes if their health plan covers abortion care, jeopardizing abortion coverage in the private market."4

The Smith bill is just the first of many attacks on women's rights to come in the new GOP-controlled House.5 If it moves forward, it would set an incredibly dangerous precedent for GOP action in the House for the next two years.

Can you sign the petition asking Congress to denounce the Smith bill to redefine rape? Click here:

Thanks for all you do.

–Kat, Eli, Milan, Carrie, and the rest of the team


1. "The House GOP's Plan to Redefine Rape," Mother Jones, January 28, 2011

"Stupak on Steroids," The Hill, January 25, 2011

2. "The Two Abortion Wars: A Highly Intrusive Federal Bill," New York Times, January 29, 2011

3. "The House GOP's Plan to Redefine Rape," Mother Jones, January 28, 2011

"Stupak on Steroids," The Hill, January 25, 2011

5. Ibid.

PAID FOR BY MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION, http://pol.moveon.org/. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.



Click here to sign petition.
Or go here, http://pol.moveon.org/smithbill/?id=25965-17313833-iviw8Qx&t=1


  1. They just don't stop do they? What state does this person represent?

  2. This was my answer on Heidi's page:

    lurchie wrote on Feb 1
    MEN dare to dictate to WOMEN what they can do with their bodies, when it's men who impregnate them. What a farce.

    Now, "a" woman can jump on me, who believes she can tell other women what to do. They're bullies, and they're insane.

  3. Thanks! Your signature has been recorded.
    Now that you've signed, help us reach our goal by clicking the buttons below and asking your friends, family, and colleagues to sign.

    Anna Shhhh I now live in 54304 Ashwaubenon ( 920 ) WI
    I shall write nothing else here


  4. Thank you Sweetie

    (Love the new picture)!!!!



  5. I think you meant the men are bullies and insane?
    It is a farce. But how these things even get possibly entered into bills is beyond me.


  6. You are bad!
    I believe that many petitions record the signatures and compare them with voter regs.

  7. The men, AND the women who tell other women what to do.

  8. Yes it is shocking, Annie.

    I agree with Lurchie, I know both men and women in real life and on Facebook, who try to force their views about abortion on everyone. I don't respond to their posts because you can't get through to those kind of people, I've found all they want to do is argue if you don't agree with them.

  9. I agree too-

    Sadly too, sometimes that's they only way they know how to get their point across.
    Not sure about you, but when I was told NOT to do something without a decent explanation, I would go ahead and want to know all the more about it.

    But you can't ever argue with a wall.
    That's why I divorced my wall. He was no fun to argue with.

  10. I found this yesterday, looking for the origin of the quote, A fool is know by his many words.

    " Oh, and you can’t force a fool to learn. “Though you grind a fool in a mortar with a pestle along with crushed grain, Yet his foolishness will not depart from him” (Proverbs 27:22).

    Inevitably the fool reveals his true nature. Foolishness is not something that is easily hidden. “Every prudent man acts with knowledge, But a fool lays open his folly.” (Proverbs 13:16).

    There's some great stuff in the link. I'll find it if anyone wants it.

  11. It is an act of violation with no concern for anyone.
    Put the animal down.

  12. Bill, it's far more likely that the woman will be blamed for being provocative, and that her reputation will be smeared.

  13. That kind rape is difficult to define given the woman might change her mind.
    It's no good crying foul in a game that two began in good faith.
    That is not cheating it is criminal.

  14. I meant that the woman would be falsely charged, as has happened before.

  15. Rape is rape. It has nothing whatsover to do with a woman's decision.

  16. Let's redefine "kill."

    It is NOT killing if:
    a) The victim causes provocation.
    b) Does not exert sufficient resistance

    ~~And so on. 173 Slime Buckets!
