[My] Life in Wisconsin

QUOTE OF THE WEEK: "Security should be taken seriously, and it's great that people are kind-hearted enough to think of warning others. But take the time to think twice before spreading a hoax message to your friends." -- Graham Cluley,


  1. I'm copying this to Facebook....a few of my contacts have done that this week and as much pain as I'm in right now it made me want to choke the living shit out of them.

  2. Thanks, Annie. Some of my FB contacts also post things without checking them out. I'm going to copy and post to FB too.


  3. People are just LAZY about research- One can pretty much figure out what kind of grades they might have gotten through HS or college.

    So please, yes- Help yourselves!


    I added it to my signature line on all my emails.

  4. Anna when ever I get an email that I send out to everyone on my page here I always verify it first then send it, otherwise one is just it's just carrying on a rumour type of situation and that just pisses me off no end.
    Can I say "pisses" on here ?

  5. I use to check everything out on snopes.com till I realized that they too were under some scrutiny over how they verified the facts. So....I simply read...chuckle a little...then move on with neither posting or caring whether it is fact or not. I figure if its "real" news, I will sooner or later catch it on TV. And even then, the truths are up for grab!
