[My] Life in Wisconsin

Pink Bunnies. Busted Trailers. And a Long Drive Home.

I hear you lost your cat?

Good Morning All;
I was reminded yesterday that it is 'time' for a blog from Flintville.  I have taken note;l and love when i am loved enough to be missed!
Yes this is almost a 'cheater' kind of blog- I actually put this together a while back, and just saved it in my drafts-
It only needed words.
But it's the words that are a worsening and now painful problem for me.
Adding to the frustration of trying to hit the correct keys, came the fact that I 'think' I either bruised a nerve near to, or broke, my left thumb, somehow.
I feel like I used to feel in typing class. Major "KLUTZ~n~Duh"... And who the freak didn't know how the alphabet went??? Or so it seemed in office class for that first day.
(Of course, anyone under 35 or so will not even understand what a 'typing class' is)...
Personally, I am so happy that there is a backspace key- Surely if I had to use whiteout I would have passed out a LONG time ago.
(Those under 35 will not know what 'whiteout' is either, save for a blizzard).

I do not know whose cat is in the top picture. But he has taken over my outside areas. A good thing -as my annual "catching of the mowisses" is at an all~time low this year. Thus far I have only caught one measly little mole. And he was in the attached garage. Sputz got a baby mowiss earlier... but nothing more... yet.
(What's with all the freakin' moles anyway? Are they eating my mice or what)?
The first time I saw the cat is credit to Punk. It was dusk, almost dark- I was watching the early news.
Of a sudden the dog actually tried to fit through the screen on the window. She squealed. She barked. She sounded pathetic...
I went to push her aside so I could see too. Didn't work- I had to open my own set of drapes. She, being my fierce protector.
I opened the drapes to the next window over, and I swear what I saw was a pink-ish bunny! (In my own defense, he was facing away from us)... Punk would not move away from her window, so I closed the drapes in the hope that she might quiet down for a little while.
She did. I missed the news.
A few days later, I had to go through the whole thing all over again with Sputz. Closing the drapes on him is not an option- He just moves them aside and perches on the windowsill.
Possibly the 'pink' cat looks to be hurt a bit- But there is no getting close enough to it to see if it is just dirty- or truly hurt.

On to Flintville... ('bout time, eh)?
The view across the road... (from when the corn needed pickin').

Corn Field needs pickin'
"Pick me!  "Pick me!"  "Pick me!"

Finally, in the little bit of snow that was leftover, came the gravity boxes.

Gravity Boxes for harvest corn

The corn-picker too...

Corn picker- done for the day.

Like the corn in the field, our snow was gone in a few days.
But it was still quite chilly some days...

Casey had a doctor appointment to check her blood- Punk would not hear about staying home- And leaving a crying whimpering dog behind the door is an awful hard thing for me to do.
Since the weatherman had said we would have intermittent sunshine that day, I agreed she could come- *if* she wore her sweatshirt.

My Personal Backseat driver

Oh. Wait for it.   hehehe

Punk- waiting for Casey

At the clinic now- Mad she can't come in too.

Casey and Lori
Casey and Lori- Lori is the nurse that told Casey 3 years ago that she couldn't have her TP/AIT because of the budget... Long almost unbelievable story that.

Later, as Casey picked up her meds, Punk and I took a little walk...

Punk at Oneida Clinic
Cute, no?

sunset at the clinic
The sun ready to set- and in a whirling of clouds- painted the sky so very pretty.

I dropped Casey off at her place- and took the highway home.
BIG mistake as it was the Friday before gun-deer hunting season.

41 North from Hy 54
Way too much traffic- and way too much construction.

Deer Hunt Friday Traffic- Broken down
What an awful thing to break down on the way "up nort'" But no, I wasn't giving up my place in this nonstop line of traffic to ask if they needed help. Besides, there 2 guys- they would be ok.

Finally off the highway I could enjoy the sunset a bit better...


Isn't it awesome?

My love to all.  Have a wunnaful Sunday!


To be continued...   (I think...)! hehehe


  1. Again- (And darn my freakin' dialup)- I cannot see but only about 1/10th of my pics- Please let me know if they come up for you?

    Thanks a Zillion.


  2. I just love the picture of Punk in the sweatshirt!

  3. Nicelyillustrated story. >smile icon here<

    Dial-up? ARe you so far out in the Boonies that you're not yet wired for DSL? I mean, the price is about the same, and there's no compariston in the performance.... ???
    anyhoo, yes, nice pics, Beautiful Dog :-)

  4. ps - what? They don't have typing classes anymore? How can that be? It's so much easier than hunt and peck, even for pro's like my Andy Rooney and my Dad. Wait, a friend of mine at work took typing in HS within the last 10 years, so ..... I don't get it. They don't teach it in MI for some reason, perhaps? (Everyone's gonna grow up to be a lumberjack, anyhow....)? Please get DSL if possible. And I'm sure you'd have it if it were possible, so forget what I just said. There's surely no comparison though. It'll probably take 10 minutes just for this message to materialize. sigh.

  5. Dear Sweet Annie,

    Poor pink bunny/kitty. I agree that the right side of it's face looks wounded. I'm glad it's helping Mr Sputty keep the mowiss population under control.

    Miss Punk is as ever a beautiful Lady. Love her sweatshirt.

    Casey looks like she's feeling a bit better. I truly hope so.

    Your sunsets are as lovely as your traffic is horrid. Glad you made it home safely.

    I love and miss you and hope you're feeling better yourself.

    Sending love and big HUGS from usuns in kentucky.


  6. claps yay, I love the Flintville blogs , Punk looks adorable in her sweat shirt..lol great pictures, I love your photography!!!
