[My] Life in Wisconsin

Turtle Soup

I am not sure how this old entry ended up as a draft, but am off to try to find out.

Tuesday June 20, 2006 - 09:09am (CDT)
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Good Morning to All!
   Another "beautimous" day ahead- Like yesterday... and before the hot and muggies return... Enjoy. I shall enjoy it as much as I did yesterday.
   Zoe and Valerie stopped out after work; as did Jenne and Isaiah a bit later- The photo above is of Isaiah under the old crabapple tree... 
It felt uncommonly good to even sit with Zoe by the old barngrade while Valerie tried to learn how to 'serve' with her new ball. A nice break for me, (and no, sitting on the darned mower all day does NOT count)!
   One person emailed me and asked me about my usage of the word "Orwellian" It is from George Orwell's Book, 1984. In it he wrote about 'big brother' always watching you- every little thing you do. Personally, I thinkthat book only made everyone a bit more paranoid in my Mass Media Class- (as if the early 70's didn't already inspire us all to be paranoids!). So much of that book has come to light already- Not by 1984, but by now anyway- Cameras on everything. And no trust. I compared what Suamico has done with the garbage shituation to all of that is all.
Here is a link for you to read a better definition of the term... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orwellian

I got outside about quarter til 9 yesterday morning, and didn't quit until it was almost 8 last night- An 11 hour day for me- What do you think of that? But I got a ton of work done too- True to form, Waste Management came and picked up my stuff. I know the driver from when we were growing up.And such a nice guy- His dad and mine were real good friends; of course both of them are gone now. And both from abdominal aortic aneurysms. He told me his brother passed away last year- of Lou Gehrigs Disease. Sad that, an that he was gone in a very short while after his diagnosis. Hard on a family to lose even one of the brothers and sisters- Brings with it a real true reckoning of our own mortality when it is our own generation.
   His mom is still feisty as ever -Happy to hear that! The lady smokes a carton and a half of cigarettes every week, and is healthy as a horse! Hats off to her!
   I think when you get to be a certain age, you have earned the right to do as you please- If you want to go drink whiskey and dance naked on a bar or a table with only a lampshade on your head, that is your right!
   I even learned a few things yesterday too. First off please remember that I have lost some weight since last year- (No I haven't been trying, it has just happened)... So my clothes fit a little loose on me. Also remember I have a bit of arthritis in my back and bending hurts sometimes.
   Anyway, the most important lesson I learned is the fact that when you are sitting rider  22hp engine. I had to go over almost everything twice- and what a gas guzzler too! They had brought it to me so completely plugged up with ground/grass clippings that I had to clean the deck (off and out) before I even started to cut. But anyway, the yards/grounds look a heck of a lot better than they did yesterday morning, so I really shouldn't be complaining.
   I also cut back by the old campsite in the woods- Saw an old snapping turtle too. (He is very lucky that I even saw him in the first place or I would have had soup for supper)... There are a few nettles growing back there- (aka "Itchweed")... I have some stuff to spray them with, but will call Greg just to ask him if he wants me to. And a few baby trees I would like to transplant up here as well. I shall also call one of my ex neighbors from when we lived NE of Pulaski- He has a bunch of Ironwood trees back in the corral- maybe he will allow me to dig up a few of the smaller ones... They grow so very straight and tall- So pretty!
   When I came inside to get a glass of water, I noticed a message flashing on the answering amchine- The furniture store- Caseys new bed is in... YAY!!! (Took long enough... I honestly had forgotten about it).  I called her then telling her to grab some paint for her room- She went to Home Depot, and picked out paints for the walls and for the trims. I haven't seen the colors yet, but she said it will go very well with her new carpeting from last year.
   Heck, I'd better close for today and get a bit busy here- Tons of "shtuff" to get done today again. I came in last night because I was so dog-tired- Honestly, I could still be out there pulling weeds! Have a wheelbarrow full of them already!
You have a great day-- And as always, one for me too!

Tuesday June 20, 2006 - 09:09am (CDT)

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