[My] Life in Wisconsin

Independent- An Open Letter to Senator John McCain...



Borrowed From Becca

Dear Senator McCain,.

I have always considered myself an American Independent; living my entire life in the State of Wisconsin.

I am not big on politics, but I have always voted.

Because of that, and before this evening, I hadn't made up my mind whom to vote for.

I am not "Joe the Plumber"-

But I have worn many hats in my lifetime, the most important one being the 'mom' that I am. I raised my four daughters almost entirely without my ex husbands help, save for some child support.

I have lived on both sides of my checkbook, many times having to make the choice between mortgage payments and dinner on the table.
(A no brainer there, my 4 daughters were always fed).

My employer did not offer insurance. My daughters were covered on their fathers policy.
At one point I was paying over $430.00 a month for my own health insurance premiums.

I have watched all of the debates; vice presidential also.

I have seen your ads and Sen. Obama's ads on the TV and online.

I feel that most of the ads I saw on your behalf said nothing much about yourself, and I was left to find all of my own concrete information- To sort through the BS, to do the research, and to make my decision.

I know most people will be zeroing in on your economics.

I am not one of those people right now.

At approximately 9:03PM (CT) you said the following in defense of your own health program. I quote from the debate transcript at CNN:


"America will receive more money under my plan because they will receive not only their present benefits, which may be taxed, which will be taxed, but then you add $5,000 onto it, except for those people who have the gold-plated Cadillac insurance policies that have to do with cosmetic surgery and transplants and all of those kinds of things." end quote

Currently I have a child in the hospital.

She is my youngest daughter, who at 21 has been battling Chronic Pancreatitis for about 4 years now.
There is a possibility that at some point she will be needing a pancreas transplant.

I am wondering how you can possibly utter simple cosmetic surgery and a life sparing/saving transplant in the same sentence?

And I am also wondering how far you think $5000 will go to benefit one of those gold-plated transplants?

With your flippant words above, you have cemented my uncertainty.
...And to think I worried about a few faltering investments...

Yours Sincerely,
Anne (not a soccer mom)

Web Counter
Originally posted at my Y! 360, Thursday October 16, 2008 - 12:19am (CDT)


  1. Anna, I have missed you so much!
    But regarding this blog...I hear your pain, see your logic and admire your courage to blog your political leanings. Something many are not willing to do for fear they will offend someone.

    My parents almost lost their home because my father was in between jobs when he became terminally ill. As it stands now when my Mother passes away the government will confiscate their house. A sad state of affairs for any American citizen. My father passed away in deep sadness knowing that he left my mom in such a jam.

    I too am insulted the McCain did string along plastic surgery with life saving transplants. It is my hope by the time Casey reaches that point that the medical insurance fiasco now prevalent across America will have come to an equitable conclusion.

    Casey and you are frequently in my thoughts!

    God Bless You!

  2. Good morning Rock,

    I can understand your reasoning here.. As much as I hate to agree.. McCains idea of heath insurance is a joke. Obama makes a good speech and if he does what he says its a good thing. My problem is that his idea of spreading the wealth is Socialism. I hate to see our country go that direction. Many blame Bush for so many of our problems in this country.. but the fact is that we have a Democratic congress that has done little to help the people. They have not done what they have promised when elected.
    I may agree with Obama about the health care.. the rest of his ideas scare the beegeebers out of me.

    Personally I think Obama will say anything to get elected. I believe his idea of tax reform will toss this country into an economic depression and according to his own words he will rape the military and our ability to protect this country, not to mention our own ability to protect our homes.

    No I am not Joe the Plumber and I am not a hockey mom.. But I do agree that these people are very much like me and you.

    Luv you


  3. I would have to agree. I started out on McCain's side but ended with Obama.
    But I will vote because I am afraid if I don't...people like your daughter will suffer

  4. we pay 550.00 a month for my private medical insurance, another 240.00 a month for my insulin,medications, we have a stack of medical bills sitting in our bill box from hospitals and procedures that I must have, if I do not take these medications I get to die, how the heck is 5000 taxable dollars going to help me and others like me?

  5. Hey Anne,
    You could read the sentence a second way, which is the way I took it. "cosmetic surgery and (cosmetic) transplants." I do not think he was grouping cosmetic enhancements with life saving transplants, though I can see how that could be construed.

    As for the extra benefit of $2,500-5,000, that is over and above what you get now, not necessarily instead of.
    From his website: "While still having the option of employer-based coverage, every family will receive a direct refundable tax credit - effectively cash - of $2,500 for individuals and $5,000 for families to offset the cost of insurance...Those obtaining innovative insurance that costs less than the credit can deposit the remainder in expanded Health Savings Accounts."

  6. Above what we get now? What about the 50 percent that don't have insurance? Or those of us who are older and at risk? He does not have a plan for us..
    Obama mentioned some of these points but McCain did not (or would not) repond to it...but I will watch th debate again because I might have missed it.

  7. If I understand this correctly you'll have at least $2500 to spend on insurance. Ms Gardener I am older and at risk also and I don't think universal care is the answer either. I'm not sure what is correct way to go, but I have some serious doubts about the government in total control of the health care business. My $14 water bill came with $130 of extras added on, this is what bothers me.

  8. Sweet Mindy;

    Although I am NOT a political blogger, I didn't think twice about posting this blog.
    My friends are my friends, and I would not believe that anyone loves/leaves because of who I do/do not vote for.

    I do not mean to pry... Why would the gov't take your parents home?

    Take comfort in believing that your father knew NO sadness about anything once he passed.
    That is just that way it is.
    Nothing on Earth, save for love, matters in Heaven.
    And most certainly not our petty tangible things that we hold dear.
    Those are just "things."

    There is an old saying that "he who dies with the most toys is still dead."
    (Sassy but true).

    I do not claim to know what this "equitable conclusion" will be for America, or for Casey.
    But I do know that something has got to give. Somehow. And somewhere.

    Love to you


  9. hehehe Sweet Beep;
    it is almost evening now...
    I am SO slow these days.

    If you really do the homework, Mr. McCains healthcare facts are that this $5 Grand will come with a $15,800 deductible.
    I do not know many that could afford that, even if they didn't need a transplant.

    I don't care about anyone who blames Bush, Clinton, or Hoover for that fact-
    It is st00pid of us to look back and say, "gee, if only..."

    We need to move on.
    Forward, (and obviously in a different manner than whence we came).
    Anything else is a lateral move that is too dangerous for our children.
    And no, I am not only talking about healthcare in that sentence.

    And I do believe I wasn't paying attention... You are right, it is 'hockey' mom.
    And I don't wear lipstick.




  10. Sweet Grandma!
    At least we do not have to rely on the toss of a coin.
    And hopefully THIS election WILL be about what the 'people' want.
    I think Connie said it beautifully, these people are just like me and you.



  11. Sweet Slurk.
    I am astounded that our system now- is SO lacking to even allow anyone to die, or have that option because they cannot afford their meds.
    That is gut wrenching to even think about.

    know that you and Casey are NOT isolated victims here...
    There are millions of others, many who WILL die, because our system sucks right now.
    Do the math, (even omitting the $15,800 deductible that McCain forgot to mention). The $5000 will not even cover a year of insurance, let alone help or assist in any way towards the expensive medicines.
    And if you are like me, even cheap meds are not practical some days...


  12. Mr KhoolMan;
    What I wrote above is a direct quote "America will receive more money under my plan because they will receive not only their present benefits, which may be taxed, which will be taxed, but then you add $5,000 onto it, except for those people who have the gold-plated Cadillac insurance policies that have to do with cosmetic surgery and transplants and all of those kinds of things."

    So I figure my choices now are either gold plated, or "innovative".
    This is NOT black and white, cut and dried, with him.
    Beware the word: "innovative".

    So I think I would like someone who actually says what they mean, directly, and not to be apologized for misconstruing in any fashion.
    That leaves way too much gray area for me.


  13. Sweet GG;
    Here is the link to read the debate if you would like it word for word.
    I double checked there before I quoted McCain.


    It also has an option if you would like to watch it over too.


  14. I can't put it any plainer. ... I'm scared shitless no matter who wins!
    People tell me "Vote for the lesser of 2 evils"
    Well I can't do that! Thats like being on the jury & voting guilty just because 11 other people did...hell..someone might die that way...so unless im 110% sure I'm going to go back to bed & pray !!

  15. Just a thought here... And I'm NOT sticking up for McCain (or Obama for that matter and I don't vote so I don't affiliate myself with either political party)

    But could what McCain said have been a slip of the tongue? Where he said 'transplants' could he have meant 'implants'?? Y'know he IS getting up there in years and maybe his mind doesn't work like it used to... LOL

    Anyway... I do agree with what you have to say in your open letter... Have you thought about maybe sending it along to him? If more people give their opinions maybe these presidential candidates will get their sh*t together, pull their heads out of their a$$e$ and be truthful to the American people (I know that's hoping for alot there)

    Hope I didn't offend anyone. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

    Love Ya,



  16. Sweet Bug;
    I would never EVER presume to tell anyone who to vote for.
    (And I do understand about the praying too)!

    There is SO much reading one has to do about this all before we vote.
    So do not go back to bed.
    Pray as you read.


  17. Sweet Slurkie!

    I posted it on iReports.
    After reading a few other blogs there, I did notice that many McCain supporters began their comments the very same way.
    ie: THIS is what McCain REALLY meant to say..." And then they go on to decipher his every word the way they believed he meant.
    Sorry but what if he then says something wrong to Putin?
    (Long shot, but hey)...


  18. Then I guess we can kiss our butts goodbye...

    You know whats funny? I tried to watch the replay of the debate on CNN at midnight last night and didn't make it through the first 10 minutes... Obama & McCain sent me to Snoozeville in record time LOL!

    I know it should but these politicians just don't interest me...

  19. way to go Annie...! it will be tough with the goofy and dangerous economics we've been dragged in to, but i do believe we need a national health ins plan for everyone. We cannot send billions of aid to other countries and continue to make reckless decisions about war until we take care of our own here--FIRST..
    Amen sister!

  20. That would not come even close to paying our insurance! In fact it just makes me laugh. I am also taking care of an elderly Uncle whose meds are more than that in a Month! But we only have to pay 434.00 out of pocket each month for his meds....amused smile. So far all I have found is Mr McCain wants to make the rich richer and the poor just gets poorer. I made a mistake by voting for Bush and will be sure not to do a repeat:)
    I am really hoping for something different and have no easy answers. I do not envy the next president...what a mess to clean up huh?

  21. Here's a link to a pretty good article on the different health care proposals. It's from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinal and they will probably endorse Obama. http://www.jsonline.com/story/index.aspx?id=807132

    I'd love to hear how more government involvement will make anyone richer. I think the bickering between both parties is to blame, not just one person or party. It's time they both grew up, did what was best for the country first, their party second and themselves third. Then maybe we'll get back on the correct path, then again maybe not.


  22. Sweet Slurkie!
    ...And here I thought it was the most interesting and animated debate of all of them!



  23. Sweetest SissieKrissiePoo!
    From your lips to Gods ears...

    And the fact that you have so stated this, given that you spent your entire life working for the damned government on behalf of children, is one hell of an endorsement.

    Thank you SO much!

    Love always,

  24. Sweet GG

    "ONLY" $434.00 a month?

    Given that some of friends on here will remember buying their first home, $434.00 month was ONLY for the richest of the rich.
    Now you cannot even rent a one bedroom flat for that price.
    And if you do, I promise it is not even worth that much.

    At any rate, given the co$t of 'life' in general, now one must be very well off to even afford the meds to live.

    No one is looking for a damned handout either. Just trying to afford to live.

    You are right too, whoever gets into office will have their hands full.
    And no, it won't be easy.

    "Difficult, but NOT impossible"...

    As such, my vote goes to Obama for his proposed Nat'l Health care.



  25. I read the article Mr. KhoolMan;
    Interesting to say the least.
    Those people who are looking at the here and now will likely vote NcCain.
    Those with a bit of patience will vote for a bit of government watchdog.

    Not sure it will make anyone richer... Certainly NOT these wacked out insurance companies...
    BUT, at least there is a possibility of having some control.
    God knows the prices people are paying now are NOT under control.
    Not their doctors.
    Not their meds.
    Not even their gasoline to get there.
    (Not everyone lives in a town with public transportation).


  26. The insurance/healthcare system, is a huge mess. Like most huge messes, to clean it up, it will get messier as you separate the garbage from the keepables. (I am currently in the process of moving so I'll use that metaphore) There will be a lot of grunting, a few scrapes and bruises, and a lot of whining and frustration. Not something anybody can throw money at and hope it goes away. For the record, I am very happy the govornment is not helping me move....

  27. If you're not good, we can get them to help? How about a move to Packerland?

  28. Can't stand waiting...
    You KNOW how dang impatient i can be if I work at it...

    DETAILS please?

