[My] Life in Wisconsin

Milly etc... Lotsa Stuff.

Maybe you are the only one who doesn't know about my Miss Milly?
Please CLICK HERE if you don't know.
Good Evening;
I caught myself- for the 100th time, looking out the kitchen window- specifically to look toward the kennel.
Wonder how long it takes to settle in that she won't be there no matter how many times I look? (And she has been INside all winter too).
Of course there are still times that I think to call Mom, just for that split~second... (And she's been gone 10+ years).

Punk is getting along well enough
Every now and then to just stare into the distance, to cry a bit...
But we have been playing outside lots too.

Nothing like sunshine (and many spent calories) to help!



She dreams about going to the woods again...
(Trust me, so do I).


Cnv1314 .
Not sure about everyone else, but the weather has been fantastic!


Just 2 days ago my yard was an ice rink!

I do think there is more mud in my yard than ice. (For now anyway).

I also realize that Groundhog Day only marks the halfway point of winter; so there is plenty left.


Good News!!!!

Micki and Mike finally have their website up!
Dedicated to Baby Mariah.
(Yes, I stole her picture of the laughing pencils)


"to bring smiles to the faces of children who have to endure a day, a week or even months in the hospital."

"Our mission is to be able to give local hospitals new coloring books, crayons, markers, colored pencils, craft items, etc. to pediatric patients. Each time they visit they will receive a new coloring book & box of crayons to take home with them. We will also offer alternatives such as puzzles, project bags, or paints. Often times, cancer patients are offered "community" craft items. With comprised immune systems, the threat is always there that the child may develop an illness. Riah's Rainbow eliminates that fear for parents.

To provide further assistance, it is our hope that in the future we will be able to provide parents with the resources to take their children out for a day adventure...maybe to the zoo, or dinner and a movie for the whole family."

Please check it out!!! CLICK or save http://www.riahsrainbow.org/

I have the news on in the background... I hope everyone is safe from the tornadoes in Oklahoma, and that you remain out of harms way.

On to a bit of the paranormal...
"At the heart of science is an essential tension between two seemingly contradictory attitudes - an openness to new ideas, no matter how bizarre or counterintuitive they may be, and the most ruthless skeptical scrutiny of all ideas, old and new."
- Carl Sagan
As many of you know, I probably don't live alone.
But what you don't know is that I finally got a new camera.
It has night vision on it. Infrared. And I have been having fun just taking random shots every now and then.
On the first night, I probably took about 20 shots just sitting on the couch after waking up about 2Am.
As I uploaded them the next day, I realized something was quite weird-
About ½-way through the pictures I'd taken on that night... (I hadn't moved either the camera or myself).

Please forgive my mess! hehehe
And then this one...
Taken right after that first one,
& in the midst of all my snapping that shutter.

What IS that???
Maybe the cat sneezed?

Know that the following shot was the same as the top picture here.

Sunday night I had gone upstairs to see if I could get a decent picture of the moon.
It was too high in the sky to do so.
I had been upstairs all of about 2 minutes.
Snapped a few pictures of my bedroom too. Nothing there. (Story of my life)...

But Sputnik decided to come up the steps and join me, so I snapped a shot of him.


Not too sure why his eyes make him look like a Nazi?

But do you see the two people standing in the bathroom door?
Back up a bit from your screen if you do not see what I see.
But I am glad they are quiet. hehehe

Methinks I really LOVE this camera!
Casey and I have been having fun too!
I bought her a little sewing machine for her birthday!

She is thrilled that in about 2 short seconds
she can sew the buttons back onto Greg's shirts! hehehe

My dad used to comment on how strange Mom was!
He found it odd that she would go to the store, buy some pretty material; only to cut it apart, and then sew it back together.
Too cute!

Not me though. I just find little treasures in the shed, or at Goodwill or St Vinnies.
(THEN I cut them apart and sew them back together). hehehe

Tired of having Master Gabriel look like a ragamuffin every time I see him, I finally broke down and bought him a zillion clothes, then dropped them off.


Here he is, waving at Casey and I as we left!
No one hears from Berta much. Last we heard anything, her new (now ex) boyfriend was fixing to throw her out. He'd called Casey and asked if she would take her in.
Casey said no. And hasn't heard anything since.

As for me... I worry; then I remember to "Let go and Let God."

I'd better close for tonight.
Hope all is well in your little corner of the world.


Originally posted to my stupid Y 360, Tuesday February 10, 2009 - 09:43pm (CST)


  1. Hmmmm.....a new camera to play with!

    I did back up and tried to look for the 2 people at the bottom of the stairs behind the cat. I could barely see the monitor screen! So, I kept coming closer a little at a time and I "think" I see them. Is the one on the left wearing a jacket that appears light in color and the other appears to be a woman in a long dress. Is that what you see?

  2. Then....yep....you got ghosts! Early century ghosts!

  3. Oh...and do I also see her tiny wasteline in that dress? She appears to be holding something in her left hand.

  4. I saw that too, Anna!! Who are you hiding from us??? haha Looks like you are giving that camera
    a lot of use. Good for you, don't want to waste good money, but if you see me approaching, please
    don't take my pic....really bad on the camera!! G'nite sweetie.

  5. You are a busy beav Ms Flintville. I bet the whole family yelled YAHOO when you got that camera.

  6. I can honestly say, it takes time and God to heal all wounds.

    Hmm, thinking I need a new sewing machine...and to learn how to show buttonson, LOL

    I'm sure Gabriel's care givers are as thankful as he for his new wardrobe.


  7. I couldn't make out anything in the picts. Maybe after my 2nd cup of coffee. LOL

  8. How weird is that!
    Perhaps a parasol? Which would back "early century" up about 75 years...
    (So would the corset)!
    The 'person' on the left looks a lot like Mama. Short in stature- and I still have her cream colored rain jacket.


  9. Not hiding anyone. But 'they' hide from me!

    As far as taking your picture... There is no one around here that I haven't shot. (So best to approach with a big old smile)!


  10. hehehe
    Not Punk though... She tried to hide behind the sewing table...

    Over it...


    and then she tried to hide UNDER it too!






  11. Right backatcha my little Splat!

    Mama D.

  12. Sweet OKA;
    Thank you so for the hug! I know this all takes time; just that I feel so stupid when I look out there, or "think" I hear her on the tile, or in the entrance...

    The buttons? That is the FIRST thing Casey wanted to learn how to do! (Good thing all machines have that little feature now). hehehe

    I haven't heard a word from Gabriels foster parents- (They were gone when I got there, her daughter watching the kids).
    I'd bought Gabriel a new snowsuit before we'd left for Minnesota.
    I still need to get him socks and underwear. (My next trip).

    Sure wish Berta would get off her deadbeat a$$ and help out a bit.


  13. Sweet Judy,
    C'mon, drink faster!


  14. OK.
    When did Multiply make all the reply comments go directly beneath the original ones?
    I thought it wasn't posting my comments.
    I even logged out and back in again before I realized I was just blind in one eye and couldn't see in another.




  15. Now THAT sounds really bad...
    You should see all the graves in the backyard???

    Open mouth. Insert foot.

  16. DId you accidently click on "Threaded" Where is gives you a chance to choose what order?

    You get to choose from Chronological, Reverse and Threaded Just abouve all your comments.


  17. Thank You Sweet heather!

    All better now, thanks to you!


  18. No problem, can't stand when things get out of whack, LOL

  19. We all say it, but what is "whack".



  20. Now this, from my email...

    (Laughing at how appropriate to this blog that one of the answers may be)...

    1.. Where is your cell phone? Dunno

    2. Your significant other? WHO?!?

    3. What is your hair color? spackled

    4. Where is your mother? bathroom?

    5. Where is your father? graveyard

    6. Your favorite thing? dreaming

    7. Your dream last night? none

    8. Your favorite drink? wet

    9. Your dream/goal? light

    10. The room you're in: dining

    11. Your fear? arachnids

    12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? anywhere

    13. Where were you last night? bed

    14. What you're not? nonspecific

    15. Muffins? thanks!

    16. One of your wish list items? knowledge

    17. Where did you grow up? farm

    18. The last thing you did? read

    19. What are you wearing? clothes

    20. Your TV? newsfreak

    21. Your pet? dog

    22. Your computer? on

    23. Your life? good

    24. Your mood? good

    25. Missing someone? yes

    26. Your car? garaged

    27. Something you're not wearing? sunscreen

    28. Favorite Store? cheap

    29. Your summer? sweat

    30. Your favorite color? all

    31. When is the last time you laughed? earlier

    32. Last time you cried? Milly

    Thanks Lisa.


  21. I'm sorry about Milly I have felt the pain of losing a beloved dog, I'm glad you got a new camera too, yippy , more pictures and blogs! It's so fun reading your page Anne I really do cherish our on line friendship , we had a ghost in our last home, I didnt want to sell it because I knew they would stay with the home, but the ghost I had were of an older man and a a younger man, and when I did get a chance to see them they were always doing work on the house. lol hey I wish it coulda been real work done huh....anywhooooooooo...xoxoxo


  22. You are SO sweet to say that all!

    And you MUST blog about your ghost! (We love those blogs)!

    Wonder why my own are hanging out in the bathroom anyway?
    They should get busy, right?


  23. It does make sense that they would be in the bathroom... Either they are both "freshening up" or the earlier 1800's ghost is actually standing in the "outside" of the original house and grandma is just checking up on you... Very interesting... I had to come and look at the picture again after having the dream last night of trying on dresses from the 1800's and to call you this morning and realize that you blogged about a woman wearing a dress from the 1800's!!!! HOW COOL??? Very...

    I giggled at the quiz and where your mother is! I also giggled at all the one word answers... You're so creative!!

    As for Milly, I don't know how long that takes for it to sink in... I almost stopped to pick her up the other day before realizing it was someone else's dog running around outside their van on the road... It was a dead-end side road, so they had probably stopped to let him/her do their "duty"... I still look when I drive in, so don't feel bad about that... Just time and prayers can only help...

    I'm so happy to hear about Riah's Rainbow!!! What a wonderful thing to kick off and get going... Greg said he would help out with the website if they needed it. I'm glad he got to meet Micki!!!

    I must go lie down now... I feel like caca... Oh! I have my monthly check-up tomorrow morning at the clinic at 10am... Forgot to tell you that earlier...

    I love you MUCH MUCH!!!

  24. If you are anything like me (I know you are) you'll miss Milly forever, your routines involving her will slowly change. I used to have to medicate my dog Jezebel (epilepsy) 3 times a day (noon, 6PM, midnight) and for the longest time after she died I'd reach to where I used to keep her medication at those times. If I were honest with myself I'd have to say the real reason I still haven't gotten another dog (it's been 4 years) is because I still miss Jez and Tasia so much, and I don't know if I could handle losing another dog again. For now it's just me and the cats: Belle, Katiedid, Squeaky and Spike.

    Are you going to scatter Milly's ashes? Maybe in the woods where she loved to visit? I wish I'd cremated Jez and Tasia, but at the time it was a financial decision.

    My computer monitor has seen better days. All I can see in the hall picture with Sput is a light colored blob on the left at the bottom of the stairs. I agree with Casey, with houses as old as yours you have to keep in mind what the house was like way back then, sans renovations(?)


  25. Dearest Casey;
    I am sorry you are feeling like caca today. Caca will pass. (One way or the other).

    I should have remembered about your checkup. Forgive me for not going with you- Too many poopie people there.
    I do have a bunch of running around to do tomorrow- maybe we can meet up somewhere?

    You are so bright to realize that the bathroom wasn't added until 1956.
    But wait, Mama didn't have that jacket then either. (I 'know' this because I bought her that one at Sears).
    Besides, in 1956 she would have been in a dress/skirt. ?
    But it makes sense.
    There was a window there.
    The door is in the original place. Actually the entrance door is the original door...

    But why are they looking in the window then? (Mama was a Peeping Rita)?

    Please make sure that Miss Micki has Greg's phone number just in case anything ever comes up.
    (Or did I give it to her already)? I might have.
    Brain cells gone missing...

    I love you too!

    Mama D

  26. Sweet RT!
    I know how very much we are alike, and that is very very cool.
    And I know that time does heal, but never does cure that base hurt either.

    I think I will scatter Miss Millys ashes- unless Casey would like me to do otherwise. (I just don't want her sitting on top of the piano or something for years on end).

    I actually had time to consider what to do with Milly-
    I had written a note to Kelli after clearing it with Dr. Spires that she would be cremated if anything happened to her while we were gone. (Milly that is). pardon my sick sense of humor there.
    Maybe I knew ahead of time too. I don't know. Maybe it was just realism.

    I am almost paranoid with respect to Punk. I could not grieve enough to have to lose 2 dogs close together.
    I even tied her up when I got the mail today. (She looked at me like I was crazy). Oh wait. I am.
    Oh well.


    Correct me if I am wrong, but I think you just called my mother a "light colored blob"
    I shall have to send her your way now.

  27. Oooooooooooooo what a fun camera! You did good Rock! I would be interested to see the pictures in the light.. and then a comparison.. My analytical side showing up..hehe

    Im sure all of you are gonna miss Miss Milly for a very long time. Our pets do become so much a part of the family, they are missed greatly.

    Hope you have a great Thursday!

  28. I am so happy you are finally getting some good weather. I love the pictures too. I can see your hide aways. Congrats on the new camera and the interesting shots.
    How is Master Gabriel? Is he happy? I am sure he will enjoy the new clothes but I'm sure he enjoyed your visit more. He looks like he is getting so big!
    I hope all is well with you as well. Please take care of yourself. Lots of love!


  29. Hang on Sweet Beep...
    Those pics are coming! (If I can get flickr to cooperate).


  30. Here you go...





    I just took these two a few minutes ago...

    The bottom one is how it SHOULD have turned out.


  31. Oh and this one too-
    Inbetween the two pictures above...



    Just odd, if ya ask me...

  32. Sweet Darla;
    Oh, I am quite happy with the weather too! Now I can actually get into the old pumphouse if need be.
    It is to remain above "normal" for the next week. Don't get too excited though- Normal is 26 or 27.

    Master Gabriel is doing well. But naturally he doesn't understand why he can't go with Sam when Chuck picks him up. Poor kid. And no, Chuck isn't related, so he can't pick him up.
    Sad that, because Gabriel knows Chuck as such an integral part of his life.
    And yes, Chuck would take them both if he was allowed to.

    He is getting big! They both are- And I never want his hair cut either.
    Hope I can have that 'say' in the matter.
    he is a young Native boy. He does not need his hair cut.


  33. I like your new camera! How cool that you have night vision now!

    I DO see something in your picture... Maybe you could do some research on 'them' and find out 'when' they're from. That's what I would do anyway...

    Punkie looks sad in the picture up there :( I KNOW she has to be hurting as much as everyone else is...

    You're a GOOD Grandma making sure that Gabriel has clothes to wear. Maybe one of these days Berta will wake up and see that she is missing out on the most important time of ALL of her sons lives...

    Hope ya have a good Thursday!

    Love~n~Hugs to you!


  34. Well I told you my monitor has seen better days. Send her on over I'd love to meet her!

  35. Knowing your mother she might just agree with a grin and a sparkle in her eye. Or say something cocky like "I've been called worse by better". (No offense RT) Then hug away your embarassment.

  36. Sweet SlurkieBaby;
    Ooh I like my new camera too!
    And I probably should do some research, but I wouldn't know where to begin. (Kinda nice thinking that it's Mama though).
    As for the tall skinny one, I have no idea who that might be. Mama's family was mostly shorter, but not sure about 150 years ago either. Those are some fancy duds she's wearing...

    Punk goes into her little zones, and I'm not sure how dangerous that is... I usually say 'let's go outside' when I see her moping.
    She has become much more, (hmm) not exactly 'nervous' but more aware of what is going on around here.

    Berta? Methinks I must have missed a good swift kick in the ass at some point...
    But my boys are safe now and very well taken care of too. You might have to do a bit of catching up, but a bit of that story is here too: http://flintville.multiply.com/journal/item/621
    (Maybe I should have spanked her for that one)?
    But I do not play those "games" with kids.



  37. Ok
    From your lips to Mamas ears!

    But ya gotta pay attention.
    Watch your cats! (Mama does not approve of cats in the house)!


  38. Oh. I remember! She gave the greatest hugs, didn't she?


  39. Nothing but the best! And softest too!
