[My] Life in Wisconsin

Garage Doors, Dogs, Kids, and Bird Feeders

Wild Turkeys -by the woods...
Good Morning All.
By now most of you have figured out that CaseyAnne, Jenny Mella, and Nykquee all went to Texas to bring Jennifer and Isaiah back to Flintville.
As for the state of Jenne's marriage I will just cite "irreconcilable differences".

Speaking of states... was too...

And speaking of speaking... hehehe

I have just spoken to CaseyFace for the 3rd time today. They are about 75 miles south of Bloomington, Illinois- On the return trip.

They 'lost' Nykquee and Jenny Mella at St. Louis when Nyks Mom texted her with scary news about her grandmother.

Nyk and Jen are home already, renting a car in St. Louis and driving straight through the night. Please CLICK and see Nyk's Blog for her update.

So that leaves my Jenne, with Isaiah, and Casey on the road. Casey is driving the pickup- Jenne has her own car.

They stopped for breakfast in Lynchburg, IL.

They should be here by around 7 tonight, God willing and the creeks don't rise.

I took this picture right before Casey left last week...
And have it posted low on the wall for Punk to see.
Punk will look at it, lay down; and even sleep there.
Miller does not miss Casey as Punk does.

Indeed, he has his own object of affection.
601 Miller and Tigger

Yes, he is a thief!

Stealing it right out from my rummage sale items...
Rummage sale? 
was too...
First to get that BIG door on the shed fixed so I can open it up.

It needed new springs.
So Brandy and her dad sweat buckets just to loosen the old one.
602 Brandy and John

602 John Pryes

Taking it with them, they went to Pulaski to replace it. No luck either at the co~op or the hardware store. But got a tip that a place in Bonduel still carried the springs with the old fashioned springs on them. She called en route to Bonduel, as I questioned their sanity to drive miles and miles looking for them...

They returned without, even driving back to Green Bay to check out Fleet Farm.
Sadly, having to backtrack all just to reinstall the old spring. I feel bad for their waste of time and energy.

Having to make tracks myself here today, I must keep this short(er).

But out of curiosity, I am wondering...

601 Cone

For now I have got to clean up. I cooked a turkey yesterday, and never did get caught up on my dishes. Lots to do, and time is growing short.

Have a "wunnaful" Wednesday! And if you have a moment to welcome a new friend of mine, I would really like it if you would take a moment to visit Beth's page. Her own daughter will be having the same surgery as Casey did the week before Christmas.
Please CLICK HERE to visit her page and to say hello. Her daughter's surgery is in 2 weeks.

Love to all.


Posted to my Y! 360, Wednesday June 3, 2009 - 11:36am (CDT)


  1. Turkeys of all varieties today~

    Love the pine-tenna....

  2. Start with Turkeys and end with turkey. Hmmm, LOL

  3. I think I may have met a few of those turkeys...

    And there's the Pinetenna...
    I saw it by the old shed and just could run it over with the mower...



    Glad YOU are still around here...


    Had to edit this one... Forgot the "NOT"
    I saw it by the old shed and just could NOT run it over with the mower...

    For Gods sake, what IS this world coming to?

  4. Hmmm Yourself Sweetie!

    I was not the last person to touch the 20 ga.




    See? I have proof!


  5. and she used it TOO... on Meester Go Fair.....

  6. What a wonderful picture to frame as a portrait on the wall of Punk and Caseyface! They both look so happy and contented with the world.

    I swear, that dog has more brains and more feelings for human beings than many human beings have for other human beings. Of course, that explains why at times she thinks she is one!

  7. Everything is looking so green and beautiful. I can just see Dave with the gun after those turkeys!!!
    He's not feeling good today. His left arm is numb right down to his fingers and they pick. My son
    the paramedic, told him not to wait to go in cause there might be a blockage!! He's still waiting
    until morning and I can't say a word, cause I do the very same thing. Suffering with a urinary tract
    infection at present!! :) I'm not happy especially since it took three days for the Lab and my doctor
    to call the pharmacy with a script! They'll have this pain someday and they'll wonder why they
    didn't tend to me faster....LOL Have fun and be happy. Hugs to you my lady friend!!! :)

  8. Soooooo.... Is the turkey you cooked one of the wild ones by the woods?? Or are they safe for the time being?? hehehe...

    Hopefully the kids made it home safe~n~sound...

    How cute is it that Punk loves and misses Casey so much that she needs a picture of Casey to keep her content... (You should have done that when Casey was in the hospital in MN)

    Hope the rest of your week goes well!

    Love Ya!

    Slurkie :-)

  9. Great pic of Casey and Punk.
    I have a garage door opener that you could have.
    I would love some wild turkey please. The meat, not the liquor.
    I know you will be pleased to have all home safely.
    Love the pine cone. I've been trying to find some larger ones to stuff with peanut butter and bird seeds for my feather children. Would LOVE to find a ponderosa pine cone.
    The 20g looks almost as big as your Casey-girl.
    Mr Miller looks so very cute with your toys. Everytime I see him I just want to give him a BIG hug.
    I will get as many pics as I can.

    Usuns in KY (now KS)

  10. My garage door has given me numerous problems in the 12 years I've lived here. I've replaced 2 springs and have had the tracks repaired twice. It's a heavy wood one too, not one of the light weight ones they make now a days, so when it breaks it weighs a ton to raise up. I should just replace the whole freaken thing. I don't have anyone to call to come help me when mine breaks, so last time a spring broke I called a garage door company, a couple of hours and $100s later it was fixed. My biggest problem is that my garage is detached from the house and the only door leading into the garage is the garage door. I also have an electric opener, so when the electricity goes out I can't get my car out until the electricity comes back on. I've been meaning to put a regular door into the garage for years. It's been on my to-do list for 12 years.

    I love the picture of Casey and Punk!

    Great Pinetenna! I wonder if it's digital?

    So did Casey bag the turkey you roasted?

  11. was gonna ask the same thing.....did you bag that turkey you cooked??

  12. Wow.. I thought I had commented on this one.. Casey is so pretty and so spunky! and she knows how to shoot too.. goodness..hehe

    Well.. answer the question.. Did you bag that Turkey????

    Big hugs


  13. Turkey is definitely bagged. Ziplocked and all.

  14. Good thing.. Turkey goes bad quickly!

  15. Hi Mommy!

    I have returned safely!

    That turkey is most WONDERFUL!!! And how great to finally have a decent meal after eating on the road for almost a week... Well, not literally eating on the road considering that would be RATHER dangerous...

    I'm glad that Punkie could be comforted with just a picture... I know your own worries were a bit more complex, but I made sure to call you with updates... I imagine it was still hard to know that we were all so far away... But we're home now!!

    Love the Pinecone on the birdfeeder and "Pine-tenna" is a perfect word for it! Ever since I was little I remember finding odd-shaped pinecones around here... Do you think we should get those trees looked at? Nah, the pinecones are too cute!!!

    Mmmmm... Turkey... I think I might have some of your won'erful turkey-pot-pie when I'm done on your blog!!!

    Love you Much Much!
