[My] Life in Wisconsin

Damn Doctors.

Mad about the way I was treated this week...
But OH, the things we take for granted-
...Like walking, sitting, reclining without pain.

Remember last week when I didn't want to be taking the f00kin' Oxycodone that my doctor had prescribed?
Well, I did try it. (This, only after trying to NOT take anything except aspirin as I had run out of the vicoden over a week ago).

This oxy crap kept me awake until 5:30 the next morning. (After that point, I had gotten a few hours of sleep).

When I was at the doctor last week, he told me to call him this week and to let him know how I felt.
I called on Wednesday- I told him what had happened. He told me this was not a side effect.

SO? (No, I didn't say that, but I sure as hell wanted to).
For whatever reason all these stupid narcotics have ALWAYS kept me awake instead of knocking me out.
I have always been that way. I do not know why.

He told me to keep taking it. That he wanted me to have some relief.
Hmmm If I don't take it, then there is zero relief- Kinda chop logic there Doc- (but no, once again, I did not say a damned word back at him). I think at that point I was so surprised that he wouldn't exchange these meds that it shocked me.

Mad at the end of our short (curt) conversation, I hung up.
(I only wanted to be able to "move" -even walk around- a little WITHOUT fear of falling to my knees- I wasn't trying to move the freakin' earth- Nor did I think I should be pulling teeth just to want to walk a bit)...

I wrote the following at 3AM the next morning...


Good Morning Doctor;

CaseyAnne had left your email address tacked onto the poster board in the back room when she moved out. I hope you don't mind that I am contacting you this way.

I am writing to ask again that I not take the oxycodone drug.

I am wide awake once more in the wee hours of the morning, and worse, my back is killing me. I napped for a while yesterday evening, waking about 11- I have been up ever since...

* Am I tempted to take still another pill, thinking maybe the next one won't keep me wide awake, and that maybe my back might get an hour or two of relief?
Yes, I am very tempted to try again.

* Will I take it? I definitely prefer not to.

I understand that this oxy drug is supposed to be stronger than the vicoden.

I should have done this research last week Friday, but did not.

With my history of epilepsy, the gallbladder disease, and the head injury as a child, I just don't think this is a good drug for me to be on.

When we spoke yesterday, you said that I was getting too much acetaminophen if I took the two hydrocodone at bedtime. (I also would take 2 during the day- for a total of four every day).

Why then would Dr. Jackson have increased my dosage to "1 or 2 tabs every 6 hours as needed" as she did on 7/6/09? (Her dosage was the only way I got any sleep when we had to go back to Minnesota last week).

Your words about too much, and her dosage, truly scared me into doing a bit of research (because I sure as heck don't know about this stuff).

This is what I learned. (Please let me know if this is incorrect).

"It is important to avoid taking more than 4 grams (4000 mg) of acetaminophen per day. (This includes other sources of acetaminophen, including many prescription pain medications and many non-prescription cold and cough remedies)."

The amount either of you gave me, (yourself and Dr. Jackson), vs the amount I took, was well within those guidelines; especially since I do not take anything else that includes acetaminophen.

Additionally, I do not drink, so I believe my liver is in good enough shape to tolerate either prescription dosage.

Again, please let me know if this information is incorrect.

Incidentally, the oxy drugs are the reaction, what gave Casey a seizure while in the hospital, and what had been making her heart rate go to 200+ a year ago in March. (More, that was all designated as "medically insignificant" by Dr. Hujuet (sp) at St Marys)...
Granted, she had been on two different kinds of "oxy" for a few months, but I just don't think that I should be taking that chance.

I have a copy of the initial note that I gave you about my medical history and would include it here, but it is on my old computer. I cannot get that old computer hooked up right now; it weighs a ton and is on the floor in the back room.
I do believe you kept a copy of that in my chart.

Once again I thank you for your time.
Please contact me at 920-639-2001

Anne DeGrave

This is what I learned online:
"Before using Hydrocodone, tell your doctor if you are allergic to any drugs, or if you have:

* asthma, COPD, sleep apnea, or other breathing disorders; liver or kidney disease;
* a history of head injury or brain tumor;
* low blood pressure;
* a stomach or intestinal disorder;
* underactive thyroid;
* Addison's disease or other adrenal gland disorder;
* curvature of the spine;
* mental illness;


* a history of drug or alcohol addiction.

Before using Oxycodone, tell your doctor if you are allergic to any drugs, or if you have:

* asthma, COPD, sleep apnea, or other breathing disorders;
* liver or kidney disease;
* underactive thyroid,
* curvature of the spine;
* a history of head injury or brain tumor;
* epilepsy or other seizure disorder;
* low blood pressure;
* gallbladder disease;
* Addison's disease or other adrenal gland disorders;
* enlarged prostate, urination problems;
* mental illness;


* a history of drug or alcohol addiction."

The above info copied from here: http://www.drugs.com/



Funny. In a very odd sort of way...

After I sent him all of this, I had a prescription in my hands within hours.

Go figure.



  1. You go girl! Now that was a very good way to respond to the dr.
    I may have opened my mouth during the conversation on the phone and got myself into trouble. I am amazed at the control you have, even in your pain.

    Doctors have a hard time with patients or mothers who know more than they do.
    I pray you find that relief for some much needed rest.

  2. I really really need to follow your lead and take a more proactive aggressive approach with my own health issues and these crazy so called "specialist"


    FYI, the comment that got him to change the meds, was the one highlighted above.


    Love you!

  4. My Dear Anna,

    Only you could have held your tongue until you could get your thoughts together to send the dr such a concise and intelligent email. I am very proud of you.

    I hope you are able to get some relief.


  5. Glad that you got some meds that will hopefully help you...

    You have such a way with words!

    But WHY am I only just now seeing this @ 8:30 at night and it was posted this AM??? :(:(:(

    Me thinks someone forgotted about me... LOL!

    Hope you will be on your way to feeling better here soon!


    Slurkie :-)

  6. Great way to get it done... Congrats!!

    Love ya heaps!!


  7. hehehe

    One of the reasons I did not open my piehole when I called him was that I was on my way to court for Master Gabriel. And had plenty more on my mind than arguing with an discompassionate boob.

    Now know that the vicoden helps a bit more than the aspirin, but I think it all depends on my back- If it's going to do the sharp pains or not. And when that happens it is so bad. That is the very worst of it. And it has nothing to do with movement or anything else- (Just a kick from the jackass that leaves me dizzy from the pain).
    Not really sure how to explain it. But it hurts.

    Love to all


  8. Have they tried muscle relaxers or don't they work either? I know several people with the same "It works backwards on me doc" that you have.

  9. Great question Sweets;
    I have 2 different kinds-
    While I prefer the cyclobenzaprine, I admit that it doesn't do much either.
    I think I took one last week- But every now and then I will take one for a few days just to remind myself that it doesn't do much good.

    I have heard of others like me that opiates do not put to sleep, or anything close.
    What the heck is that all about anyway???


  10. From what I can gather, you have your Native heritage to thank for that. It seems that alot of people with Native blood, opiates and head meds work the opposite on. Seems white eye drs can't get this through their thick heads either. They will tell you it's all in YOUR head.

    Do you have any idea how things went for Master Gabriel yet? BTW Gabriel is my second stepson's name, Gabriel Conan Shaner. A good kid and a Very good Dad.)


  11. See? Damn doctors anyway...
    (And I go to the Oneida clinic)! They have a reciprocity agreement with my tribe...

    I will be blogging about Master Gabriel soon.


  12. Maybe you can get somebody to listen to you and get you some help. Damn that flower bed anyway, that's what triggered this last long bout with your back.

  13. Oh that's right!
    Digging up the west side of the garage...
    And I have about 4 flowers that made it through this drought and all (Made worse by the days that I couldn't get out and water the darn things)...


    Casey has just left- Maybe I can nap a bit again...

  14. I hope you can get some rest my friend.


  15. I know ya didn't... I still love ya!

  16. Very Very well said.....And I hear you on the opposite of what they should do reaction to opiates....

    For me it is the Hydrocodone......If I take too small a dose it doesn't work but if I take the dose they want me to take between 750 and 1000 then I am wide awake and amped......I wind up sounding like an auctioneer when I am talking.....And I often get the heart racing thing.....

    So glad you held your ground.....

    Much Love and Many ((HUGS)))

  17. asprin knocks me out as does advil, tylenol, etc...

    The opiates, not only keep me awake, they make me twitchy as heck.... remember the horror of the surgery when they gave me morphine? Yeah, its like that.

  18. You know, this boils down to, the bad seeds ruin it for everyone else. All theses fools go in and lie about things so they can get multiple prescriptions for these drugs. Doctors start trying to enforce zero tolerance of this behaviors, but forget there are truly people in pain that may need them. There fore, the patient has to be smarter than the doctor (ex, YOU) to get them to act.

    Mike is having some trouble with scripts and the doc too. Can't wait to walk my arse into that doctors office Tuesday morning.

  19. hehe... good for you! A woman/patient that does her homework.. shock shock shock!

  20. To keep the body in good health is a duty... otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.
