[My] Life in Wisconsin

Kelli's Bumps... And UFO's...

"God may not always give us answers, but He always gives us grace."

Photo taken by CaseyAnne, 08/31/09

Good Afternoon...
There are a few places in the grass, still damp from morning, so am going to write a few words-

Then maybe out to mow.

It is a beautiful day, as I wait for Casey to come out for a bit.
She starts back at UWGB tomorrow, and I couldn't be prouder!

Sue and Glenn were here already- Earlier this morning, to collect the fallen apples and pears.
Always so much fun with those two around!

I was told by someone, who shall remain nameless, that perhaps I should clarify my answers to my last blog- ESPECIALLY those 'answers' that involve whiskey. hehehe
I do NOT drink. 
Not that I didn't many moons ago, quitting one night that I "forgot"...
I promise I do not have whiskey for breakfast. Too funny you guys are!

Stopped at Kelli's the other day...
(She has been having a rough time with the birds and the bees lately).

♥  Oh wait... I mean the nettles and the bees.  ♥

A week ago, on SATurday, she was working in the pasture, fixing the fencing etc.
At one point, she had stooped down, and even through her pants got nettles on her backside.

(Which of course "yours truly" found quite hysterical). 
Kelli, not so much).

I went down there for a while, trying my damndest to keep a straight face, (and to show her a little compASSion too).

Well, ain't she sweet?!

Remember when Tim and kelli had gotten their new dog? Little Miss Coco?
Kelli has had her hands full between all else, but has gotten her trained quite well.

And it was high time for Punk and Coco to meet, nose to nose...
(Tim was still at work)..
Brave girl that Miss Kelli is!

It did get a mite loud for a bit hehehe

But all's well that ends well.
I had made some Italian Spaghetti that day- And had brought her some.

The picture of serenity as I pulled out of the yard...

This past Sunday, her and Tim had gone to get a load of hay for the horses.
She gets it from her boss.  He wasn't home, so they began to load bales onto the trailer.

She pulled out a bale. They were there to get a whole load. This one was only about the 12th~bale.

And it was that dang split-second of WTH before realizing she had upset a wasp nest, one~third the size of that bale!!!

Dropping the bale, and flailing her arms, she ran right past Tim- (who hadn't a clue what was happening 'til she finally found her voice).

Having NEVER been stung IN HER LIFE before, Tim took her over to the garden area, and began to cover her welts with mud.
She'd gotten stung over a dozen times. Head to toe.  I brought her down some benedryl pills, and some sudafed too.

She is alright.
No worse for the wear, but she knows exactly why I yell, "a bee!" when I see one now.  I was never like that before I became allergic to them either.
Now we both hollering like that.

Kelli came over the other night, bringing both dogs, Miller and Coco.

Casey took Coco's leash and was teaching Coco how to walk like a real lady! hehehe


Coco, very young and quite bright caught on pretty well too!

She would stop and sit pretty for Casey...

Well MOST of the time anyway...
Some slack in the leash!

Punk had run on ahead from us "slow pokes"...
And every now and then would turn to see if we really WERE coming along...
Cute little girl...
And finally we made it back to the woods...
Take a real good look at the picture...
I am patient, I'll wait.

Punk suddenly begins to suffer from something or another, barking very loud.
And absolutely meaning it too!


 "Wait a darn minute!" she barked.
"What is that "THING" in the sky?"

Always ready to "protect" us all, she was off in a flash!

Back she'd come after a minute or two-
(Convinced she'd done right by us and scared him off)...

And away he goes!

We took a few moments to allow the poor pup to catch her breath. I offered to take a picture of Kelli and her dogs by the Black Eyed Susans back there.


But too much sunlight still- to even see them behind Miss Coco



Kelli had offered to take the Rendezvous in for its necessary oil change.  The garage will come right to her work and pick the cars up, returning them when they are done. No extra charge either, and all done while she is at work!

But there comes a weensy little problem when it comes time for her to take my car.
Miller could not get into the rear area. When I had taken him anywhere, that one rear seat had been removed to accommodate our hotel/hospital things. I have since put it back in...


Fortunately Kelli's back works a far cry better than my own.

It's been a grand week so far... Hope it is for you too!

Perfect timing too, as Casey has just gotten back from having her car looked at.

Love to all



  1. Hmmm....Mr. Miller either needs to go on a diet or needs more meds for that arthritis! Poor thing. Or should I say...poor Kelli!

    I see Punk running after that Glider in the sky and I can hear music playing...."Dunt-ta-da-daaaa! SuperDOG to the rescue!!"

  2. Mimi is the same way with "unknowns" coming close, whether on the ground or air.

    Poor Kelli, that had to hurt, not that nettles are nice either.

    Casey wanna help train Mimi?

  3. Poor Mr Miller! How undignified to need a rump lift into a car. Miss Isabelle gets one these days too.

    Nettles to the backside sounds like heckonearth.

    wasps equally so.

    YEA CASEY!!!

    The ultralight was funny.... I saw it in the picture before reading and went "boy I bet Punk hates that!" Then read the caption! hehehehe

  4. Well, that made my evening. Thanks for sharing all of that.

  5. Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful as usual. The puppy pics are too cute. Miss Kelli has two beautiful kids but they still aren't as pretty as our Miss Punk.


  6. Mr. Millers hair sure grew back quickly, hes one big dog.....i like him.....I had a dog that protected our air space too, cracks me up......nice pics, great blog hon xoxoxo

  7. YAY! I'm glad CaseyFace starts school tomorrow! Things are getting back to the way they should be! :)

    I would have giggled at Kelli having nettles in places that they shouldn't be too... I am secretly evil, LOL!

    Coco is precious! Such a pretty lil girl.

    Punkie is too funny chasing the UFO... hehehe

    Hope the rest of your week goes well!

    Love Ya!

    Slurkie :-)

  8. Goooooooooo CASEY! Woohoo! Im so very glad to hear she's back in school and back on track once again.

    Coco is a very pretty puppy.. I know what you mean about how loud it can be when introducing new friends to the pets.. they really can be quite vocal. Poor Mr Miller.. Im sure he was like.. Nope not gonna fit.. hehe.. the looks they can give us when we are trying to do something like this is priceless.

    I take it Kelli is not allergic to bees.. Unbelievable that she has never been stung before with all the outdoor stuff she does. I know I was stung several times as a child and even as an adult I have been got. They certainly do let you know they are there.

    Punk is so funny with UFO's .. Nikki just ignores them.. But believe it or not I think she would actually chase cars if she wasnt inside a fenced area.

    Hope you have a great Thursday!

  9. I bet you are proud and so you should be .. All the best to Casey

    I love the pics , showing us all the things in your life that are very important and loving to you ..

    I laughed when I realized what Punk was seeing.. Its good to know he will protect you ..

    I can imagine Kelli was not impressed with getting stung but glad to know she is ok ..

    I hope your enjoying your weekend ..Hugs

  10. Hee hee heee.... It's just awful to hear about the nettles and the bees, but knowing that she's alright I can giggle now a bit! :D

    I'm glad we all got to enjoy the walk back to the woods! It was quite the adventure trying to get Coco to listen and walk nicely on the leash... She wasn't a big fan at all of the situation! She did very well though, by the end of the walk...

    Trying to get Miller in the car was entertaining, but the phone call once Kelli got home was even more entertaining! "Um, how do I get the dogs out of the back of the Rendezvous???" Having never driven your car around, she had no idea how to get the rear hatch to open!!! LOL!!!

    Well, we will be leaving soon, so I should get ready for game! Thank you for the lovely blog and I'll be back to see the rest of the ones I've missed!

    Love you MORE! :D

  11. Oh man, I'd of never made that call, I would of been too darned embarrassed. I would of kept looking, grabbing, and feeling around until I figured it out, LOL

  12. Sweet PeachieBaby!
    Miller is on a diet- Like The Punkster, neither are losing too much weight. And it sure doesn't help that I am basically "grounded" either. These walks of ours are too few and far between.

    Do you think she should have had a cape on?
    Can you say All Hallows Eve costume?


    Sheesh I am way far behind...
    Sorry everyone

  13. Sweet Oka;
    You are lucky to have Mimi- She is very cool! (Kinda like Punk that way).

    Awww... Kelli was in bad shape- Worse from the bees- She just didn't look right when I went down there.
    Hopefully she doesn't get stung anymore this year. I think that would be awful for her.

    Please send gas cash for Casey to come down and help train Mimi. On her breaks that is. hehehe



  14. Sweet Pea;
    Mr. Miller was just happy to get back into the Rendezvous. He always wanted to ride in the way back anyway!

    I am such a bad friend. I giggled at her nettles.
    (But I broke record time grabbing the benadryl and the sudafed when she got stung).

    Punk was delirious!



  15. What a nice thing to read Mr Robert!
    Come back anytime!


  16. The question is, "What does a boomerang say?"

  17. Sweet Snotball!
    Awww.... I did read these before, and still you make me say "Awww" as I reread it...


  18. Sweet Pamela;
    One year we shaved him twice. (Wish my hair grew that fast). hehehe

    Oh happy you had a dog that did that too. They are SO comical to watch!
    And they must be properly thanked too.
    Punk was happy with a "good job Punk" and a pat on the head.
    (But I think she knew we were laughing at her too).


  19. Sweet SlurkieBaby!
    um... Did you just call me evil? (Or did I already do that to myself).

    My week was narfy, but maybe these next few days will be "wunnaful"
    Hope yours are too!



  20. I still think she is part pit. But such a nice girl too.
    Yes, we will be working with her to trust us all.


  21. Sweet Boomerang!
    Oh boy was that LOUD between herself and Punk.
    Not sure who started it either- Just a flash, and lots of noise.
    But Kelli didn't pull Punk away either- Their tails were still wagging through it all.

    I couldn't believe that she had never ever been stung either.
    Now they are catching up with her I suppose.

    Miss Nikki would be dangerous chasing cars.
    What if she caught one???? hehehe

    These dogs of ours sure are lovable, aren't they! Kinda like you. ;-)


  22. Sweet Carolyn;
    It's just like Connie said, "Gooooooooooooo Casey!"

    Punk thinks she is alpha dog. I let her think that most of the time, (It keeps ME out of trouble).
    But I laughed too when the airport changed their landing directions- Now they fly straight over head and it riles the heck out of the poor pooch.
    (At least the airport is South of here and she has only field that way).



  23. Sweet Kid of Mine;
    I was quite impressed that you stuck with Coco all the way back there! I even remarked to kelli while Coco was taking you for a stroll, that I was proud that you had the lead behind your backside! ( little extra help)! hehehe
    Kudos my girl!




  24. Oh Sweetie;
    Kelli and I have been good friends for a couple of decades now so there is nothing left to ever be embarrassed about any more. We have shared more than most sisters do.
    She would have just wasted her time and all. hehehe


  25. Howdy, Anne. I was scanning the inbox and came across your sweet blog and as always great pics. So glad to hear that Casey starts back to school.
    Before we know it, you'll be showing us pics. of snow. I enjoy all of your pics., but my favs. are of the beautiful winter scenes at your place.
    God bless you and yours.
