[My] Life in Wisconsin

Ending My Day (with a few giggles)...




  A man feared his wife wasn't hearing as well as she used to and he thought she might need a hearing aid.

  Not quite sure how to approach her, he called the family doctor to discuss the problem. The Doctor told him there is a simple informal test the husband could perform to give the doctor a better idea about her hearing loss.

  "Here's what you do," said the Doctor, "stand about 40 feet away from her, and informal conversational speaking tone see if she hears you.   If not, go to 30 feet, then 20 feet, and so on until you get a response."

  That evening, the wife is in the kitchen cooking dinner, and he was in the den.
He says to himself, "I'm about 40 feet away, let's see what happens."

Then in a normal tone he asks, 'Honey, what's for dinner?"

  No response.

So the husband moves closer to the kitchen, about 30 feet from his wife and repeats, "Honey,  what's for dinner?"

  Still no response.

Next he moves into the dining room where he is about 20 feet from his wife and asks, "Honey,  what's for dinner?"

  Again, he gets no response.

So, he walks up to the kitchen door, about 10 feet away. "Honey, what's for dinner?"

  Again there is no response.

So he walks right up behind her.  "Honey,  what's for dinner?"


"Ralph,  for the FIFTH time," I said, " CHICKEN!"



A precious little girl walks into a PetSmart store and asks,in the sweetest little lisp, between two missing teeth, "Excuthe me, mithter, do you keep widdle wabbits?"

As the shopkeeper's heart melts, he gets down on his knees so that he's on her level and asks, "Do you want a widdle white wabbit,or a thoft and fuwwy, bwack wabbit, or maybe one like that cute widdle bwown wabbit over there?"

She, in turn, blushes, rocks on her heels, puts her hands on her knees, leans forward and says, in a tiny quiet voice:
"I don't think my python weally gives a thit."

Good Night All!




  1. HA, LOL, HA, loved em both Anna it's good to laugh mate isn't it' ;-)

  2. Good ones Anne ..The first was my fav

  3. Thank you Annie for a morning of giggles for Both Rick and I.


  4. lmao oh my goodness still laughing, both are grrrrrrrreat!!!

  5. lol..good ones..liked the little girl ...hehehee

  6. Loved that first one! LOL! Men never think it's them. It's always gotta be us with the problem. LOL!
