[My] Life in Wisconsin

The Danger of Dancing.

Good Morning All;
I am not the best person to even have an opinion on "Dancing with the Stars".
(But I do)...

I fully admit that I do not watch this program- I actually cannot remember the last time I watched anything, with the exception of the local news, from start to finish, without recording it first.
Additionally, DWTS is not on my list of those somewhat entertaining, and at times enlightening, recorded items.

Waking this morning, the national news is on in the background as I read over my notes on here, and check my email.
I overhear that Bristolsp? Palin has advanced to another round on the above show.
I believe this is the final
? round.

The question arose "should Palin remover herself from the running so as not to endanger herself further?"
I remind myself this is a television show... Then, to answer, almost aloud, and almost flippantly, my mind says, "Oh, who cares?"

  - Then I realize that I care.

I care whether or not a young mother is going to put her life in danger because people are stupid enough to think that whether or not she can dance is of monumental political proportions.
I care that her child might be left motherless.
I care that people are ridiculously up in arms about a simple television show.

I don't care if anyone shoots their TV.
I don't care whose kid she is.
I don't care about the fact that I don't even watch this show.
But I damn sure care about her kid.

A short moment later, this question comes to mind-
Haven't the results already been skewed by even ASKING should she step down? Has she not been painted into that proverbial corner- as damned if she quits, and damned if she doesn't?

Just my thoughts... What say you?


Above picture from here


  1. I watch the show and I will admit I felt very sorry for Bristol , I do not know how she will be able to be her own person with a mother like that.........bottom line is the little girl could not dance and she got better and better, she learned to dance......putting her silly mother aside, Bristol did a great job on the show.

  2. Thanks Sweetie;
    Do you feel sorry for her because she should not be there? (Improvement isn't an option unless one makes the first cut. Should she have made that)? Since I don't watch it, I really don't know.
    Should she still be there then, or not?
    And what should she be doing about the death threats and all?


  3. Or is it too late to do anything?

    See where I can't figure, but damned if she does, and damned if she don't?

  4. thats it exactly, I felt sorry for her because as accused by some the tea party kept voting her in, and she seems like such a shy little girl, she focused on getting better, I would have cut her butt the first show she was so awful, but so was the Hoff...lol.....and MIchael Bolton sucked too....lol......Bristol did not have a real choice actually, learn to dance or look stooooooooopid. I dont know.....I'm sure that was not the first death threat the Palins have ever had.....lol
    Bristol took one for the team being on this show...but like I said, she got better and better,

  5. I don't watch the show, I try not to listen to stupid. I'm sorry there are people that have nothing better to do than to threaten a young mother because they don't like HER mother. Since I haven't watched the show, I don't know how well or how badly she danced. I admire her ability to go on tv with her head held high if she was as bad a dancer as has been intimated.


  6. I lost it all again!!!

    I watched every week and Bristol and Mark should never have been kept and Brandi and Maks
    sent home, but they have to go with the votes and if the tea party all got involved to keep that
    young girl, than it must of felt awful for her, even if she did better. Brandy and Maks were always
    on top of the leader board and Bristol and Mark were at the bottom six times.
    I was truly horrified.

    All the best to you my sweet friend. \hugs and all that stuff.....talk later!!!

  7. Hi Anna, personally I don't watch those types of shows as they seem to go on and on and on, that shows was even on the morning news here and I did think, what !! surely there is more news worthy things happening in this world than four people dancing; so she has the name "Palin" yes I know that name and I know she is the daughter of Sarah, but if she had put in the dancing skills required by her partner behind the scenes to even be there then a name should not matter.
    Other than that I have not read any news articles about her being in danger Anna and nor should she be just because of those two things ( "Dancing with the Stars" and Palin )

  8. I work in the summer, play music or write in the winter and partially blog the year round.
    Evenings, I drift off to sleep when watching TV.

  9. Hi Mommy!

    I just can't believe there have been death threats put out on her... That's ridiculous... I've occasionally watched the show in the past, but have not recently. However, I think it's still remains that the whole purpose of the show is for fun and entertainment.

    So how does it get to the point that people are so angry/frustrated/disappointed that they issue threats out on one of the participants?

    Can't they just turn of the friggen TV and let it go??? Or would that be WAY too intelligent for those people...

    Really... It's just a show, just entertainment and if they don't like it, DON'T WATCH! Sheesh....

    Honestly, there have been way more controversial contestants on there and one in particular that I didn't really like what I had heard about her. Her father is a drug addict but yet highly popular, and at the same time more insane than any other famous person I know of. He has willingly and joyfully killed creatures while performing. The whole family is tagged as quite a far way from "normal" and "sane". I figured she'd be one of the bunch and be as black as the clothing she wares and as crazy as her hair colors are. However, I was amazed at how well she really could dance, and despite the rumors, she spoke very well and was even quite cheerful on camera...

    The participant's father was Ozzy Osbourne. And she was his daughter, Kelly.

    Although I don't listen to his music, and refuse to believe that his actions labelled as "COOL" are anything but idiotic or hateful (or both), I didn't mind seeing her on the couple of shows that season that I watched of DWTS.

    Honestly, though, if I would have had a problem with it, I would have been mature and intelligent enough to have found the "POWER" or "CHANNEL" buttons on my remote...... Not issued death threats because I don't like her or have a beef with her father.... (The phrase "Grow up" comes to mind here....)

    Love you MUCH MUCH!
