[My] Life in Wisconsin

More, on Marijuana.

Please feel free to link to, even to make others aware.


"Liberty without learning is always in peril; learning without liberty is always in vain."  JFK

From the American Medical Association- (AMA)

11/10/2009: Conclusions:

Results of short term controlled trials indicate that smoked cannabis reduces neuropathic pain, improves appetite and caloric intake especially in patients with reduced muscle mass, and may relieve spasticity and pain in patients with multiple sclerosis. However, the patchwork of state-based systems that have been established for .medical marijuana. is woefully inadequate in establishing even rudimentary safeguards that normally would be applied to the appropriate clinical use of psychoactive substances. The future of cannabinoid-based medicine lies in the rapidly evolving field of botanical drug substance development, as well as the design of molecules that target various aspects of the endocannabinoid system. To the extent that rescheduling marijuana out of Schedule I will benefit this effort, such a move can be supported.

marijuana tumor suppression

Start In 1914: Marijuana 1st made illegal in Texas Against Mexican Immigrants
Finish In 2011 with Cartels:


March 19 (Bloomberg) -- Mexican billionaire Ricardo Salinas said the U.S. should legalize drugs to reduce violence tied to the narcotics trade.

“We’re certainly not winning” the war on drugs, Salinas said today at a conference in Phoenix, Arizona.

Bravo Argentina:
Private conduct is allowed unless it constitutes a real danger or causes damage to property or the rights of others."

Thank you President Obama and the Administration in General! Now please re-classify Cannabis/Marijuana to Class # 3 of the Controlled Substances Act based on scientific research of the past 10 years, and
Regulate Industrial Hemp Farming, as Canada has successfully farmed Hemp now for over 10 years.

"Drug war failed; legalize marijuana"


know a LOT of people that would definitely benefit from being able to [LEGALLY] use this drug in any of it's forms.

Stop Arresting Sick People

As it stands in too many states, caveat emptor, {aka: "let the buyer beware"} is NOT working! Sick people are being imprisoned, (and with some very HARSH sentences) for no other reason than that of being in pain, and trying to feel a little better; and NOT having insurance to afford either a doctor OR a prescription!
Methinks that "We the People" should be ashamed!

Legalize marijuana in all 50 states, and territories! Add a little tax, and VIOLA!, you have enough dollars coming in to save many of today's programs without abusing Medicre- or reducing it to vouchers- (so that the INSURANCE COMPANIES profit; or to Food Stamps, which are being threatened in many republican states.
And yes, there are those that are fraudulent- whether by physician or through the people themselves. These peoples represent but a fraction of THOSE WHO ARE TRULY IN NEED!!!

Again, as I had previously written on another blog, :

“He who trembles to hear a leaf fall should keep out of the wood.” Unknown

 I am more than bored with those of you who cannot stand to have your cowardice exposed.
There have been recent posts concerning the upward blood pressure of the American voters.
The author(s) of these posts believe this anger is misplaced.
Really?  I don't think so.

"Oh please stop writing of hate", they cry, (or 'disagreements'- yada yada yada- fill in your own blank).
If you have written any of that, you may now return to your viewing of Billy Jack.
The rest of us have better things to do; and need to leave an impression upon those who are willing to learn.

Newsflash. (In any political field).
There will be disagreements. (You cannot pretty that up).
There will be anger- (Such is the nature of the human animal).
There will be heated discussions. "If it's too hot in the kitchen", (well, get out of the damn kitchen already)-

Still with me here?
I was never political, aside from voting for people I thought could best lead us. I was silent, almost like my basic politics were so very personal. That all changed when Casey got sick, and there was a possibility that she would have to live out her life without basic medical treatment and/or diagnoses.

Back in 2008 there were noted health care options that came from our presidential hopefuls.
One actually had a plan that offered hope for all Americans, sick or healthy.  (The other thought that transplants and facelifts warranted the same level of insurance and medical care).  That was enough to get me to vote for # 1.

From the 'TNJ' group one wise person observed, "People like to believe in nonsense. It is far easier than thinking."

From your algebra classes- or your other advanced mathematical or political classes remember this: "There is no such thing as unsustainable debt.
We cannot pass debt to our children."
That is not to say we spend frivolously or unwisely.
That is not to say that adage is correct as it reads, "the rich get richer and the poor get poorer."

"What is dangerous about extremists is not that they are extreme, but that they are intolerant. The evil is not what they say about their cause, but what they say about their opponents."  Robert F. Kennedy

Sadly, Bobby Kennedy could not have even guessed that this level of intolerance would be rampant among Americans of all races, creeds, or even sexual preferences.
Bobby Kennedy could not have known what a Freeper is.
He would not have known the term 'Astroturf" save for what was fake grass in the 60's.
He would not have known Tenthers, 14th Repealers, Birthers, Gay bashing, and other not~so~subtle attempts at what essentially is ethnic cleansing.
He may or may not have seen the level of filibusters that take up time, only hurt people and destroy credibility. 

Also from the mid 60's came this powerful quote. “Racism negates two aspects of man’s life: reason and choice, or mind and morality, replacing them with chemical predestination. ... A genius is a genius, regardless of the number of morons who belong to the same race -- and a moron is a moron, regardless of the number of geniuses who share his racial origin.” -- Ayn Rand

On Lies:  “Lies are a tool: they can be used either for good or--no, wait, I've got a better one. Lies are like children: hard work, but they're worth it because the future depends on them." Dr. Gregory House

On Ignorance: “The wise understand by themselves; fools follow the reports of others”  Tibetan Proverb

And the winner is: "I don't want facts because my mind is made already made up!"

Where are you finding yourself on those quotes?
Where are you now?
And why not say so?

We need to have this on the vote in those states that do not already have it legalized.
And we need to truly and truthfully EDUCATE OUR PUBLIC.
To that end, please feel free to link this page, or to email this to everyone you
Just as important, please write to your legislators!  (
Click on the line)

Aw heck, I MUST get in the shower!

My love to all.



  1. One either embraces individual liberty or they do not.

  2. I totaly believe in it--
    my stepdad had lung cancer and with his fix every day his life was miserable with it he ate he laughed he was part of our lives for 6 months till he died but he died without pain --
    we broke the law and bought it on the street but I would do it again if it would help someone--

  3. I too bought street marijuana, it helped my sister, so sick was she , if I could help her out by giving her marijuana to get her to eat, I did, to get her legs (which she had none) to stop aching, I lit her a pipe load. and it helped. legalizing this herbal drug might help take more dangerous drugs out of peoples systems, like morphine . Legalize it........tax it........use the money on Medical programs for America.

  4. We have medical marijuana in Michigan, approved in a referendum by over 60% of the voters. Now our Secretary of State and my local county prosecutors are arresting people left and right. They claim the law is vague so these right wing "anti-government," "personal freedom" assholes beleive they can over-ride the voters. The DEA has been involved with a couple of raids.

    My doctor offered to sign an application for me, but I'm afraid these goons would come after me and my license. I'm free to kill my liver and kidneys with NSAIDs, along the way enriching pharmacuetical companies, but I can't grow my own medicine in my own backyard. Don't Tread on Me, indeed.

  5. wow who are you ? i want you on my contacts list ! where have you been ? lol GREAT POST . I don't smoke weed but I did when I was younger . I know alot about what it does and doesn't do . I think anyone with the courage to get cancer in this damn country should automatically qualify for free weed and have choices of type and strenght . We give them what is basically heroin now . Which is part of the problem with weed . the drug companies own these heroin type drugs but can't patent weed and own it . My wife was strung out for years on pain meds for her back .She sued 2 different companies at 2 different times for on the job injury . Netted about 19,000$ and a drug habit while nothing was done for her back .4 years more or less passed before she had a test that showed 2 ruptured discs and she went from that test room to a regular hospital room and surgery the next day .4 years .the operation was somewhat sucessful but she still had to work and was given a limit of 12 lb lifting limit . Of course she pushed it and still had pain anyways and pain meds and ended up dying at 46 weakened by pain meds .but how much better of a life if she could have had weed instead of heroin ?

  6. I am definitely going to click on that link! great post Anna!

  7. Good post, Annie! I'm not into marijuana for the sake of getting high, but I do think they should legalize it for medicinal reasons.

    PS - how is Casey doing?

  8. I'm ALL for it for getting high as it reduces STRESS! we ALL need that for sure. it is a MUCH BETTER alternative than alcohol. and yes I am for it as well for people who are sick and in pain.

  9. Suzy I've only tried it one time and I hated it. To me it was like an instant drunk without any of the fun of getting drunk if you know what I'm saying. That's what all the pot smokers used to say when I was young that it's a better alternative than alcohol, but I don't agree at all.

  10. that's ok Sharlee, you don't have to agree. everyone is allowed their own preferences! :)

  11. I did read During one campaign appearance, Obama recalled that his mother had died of cancer and said he saw no difference between doctor-prescribed morphine and marijuana as pain relievers. He told an interviewer in March that it was "entirely appropriate" for a state to legalize the medical use of marijuana "with the same controls as other drugs prescribed by doctors."

    I got the questions right but don't drink so can you send me a nice cold Peach Tea instead :-) and I make sure I laugh everyday to reduce stress, could you imagine me after a few puffs, I would for pain reduction but only when necessary

  12. My objections to weed revolve around the fact that it is illegal. To end up arrested and with a record limits a young person's choices, since they drug test prior to employment one's choices are again limited, since it is not regulated it is sometimes laced with other drugs that are more harmful and lastly to purchase it supports organized crime. All these things are because of the illegal status. I have always said legalize it, tax it, and control the content and strength.

  13. Skeezicks, I saw too many people denied security clearances (and lost their job and/or weren't hired) because they couldn't pass the drug tests where I worked. One girl lied and said she was in a car with someone who was smoking pot, she later admitted she was lying. I too think they should legalize, tax and control the content and strength, especially for those who need it for medical reasons.
