[My] Life in Wisconsin

Will have to play "ketchup" tomorrow. Another trip in to St. Marys. BUT... I got a referral to a new doctor, a specialist for my pain and my back! (Say "YAY"). I would also like to add that I have no idea how Casey ever got through taking that dilauded... It is kinda rough on a body. Time to sleep now. XOXO, Me PS to Casey- I thank you again. Love, Mom


  1. OMG Anne! ANOTHER trip to the ER???

    Thank goodness that they gave you a referral for a new doctor, hopefully this doctor will be able to give you some much needed relief for your back!

    Get some rest and I hope you get to feeling better soon!

    Love Ya!

    Slurkie :-)

  2. Dilauded was the only thing that finally cut the pain when Rick had pancreatitis. He had been on morphine before when his toes were dying and the only thing that did was put him back incountry. Glad they may have someone that can help you FINALLY!!!! Big gentle hugs.


  3. "YAY"...I sure hope this new doctor will help in all ways. You just have to get some help some way. I'm so happy you finally have a referral. :)

    Now rest and get your name on this new doctor's list a.s.a.p.

    Hugs & blessings,
    Bev xo

  4. Will continue with my thoughts n prayers, dear ones---always on the edge looking in on ya--headin on over to my new facebook page--All the LOVE, Geege

  5. ugh... praying for some form of relief ((((ANNE))))

  6. Wishing you well...praying for healing....love you :)

  7. Hope you feel better soon... Take care & big hugs!
