[My] Life in Wisconsin

Independence Day Quiz

Hi all!
Am typing this up on 3-28-2010. Wonder if the postdated times really do work? hehehe

I have just stolen this from Peachies friend, Bob...


The 4th of July is the time when we celebrate our nation-- a time to reflect on the freedoms which we believe are not granted by our government, but are self-evident rights for all humankind.  Time for the Independence Day Quiz which asks,  "How much do you really know?"  Every day thousands leave their homelands to settle here in the land of the free.  Before they become citizens they are required to take a citizenship test and score 80%.  Could you pass this test if you took it today?  

Our quiz is made up of 20 questions which were once used on the actual citizenship test. 

We've added a few curveballs-- The last ten questions may be a bit harder, but a score of around 24 out of 30 is considered a passing grade




  1. omg....I am very afraid to go take this test! *bites nails*

    ........I'll be back...................and yes, it looks as if the post dating does work.......but, it came to my inbox today, you are speaking from the future! lol :)

  2. aaaccckkkk! I only got a score of 17!

  3. I did ok for a Canadian lol .. I got 15 but should have known more ..

  4. Thanks for doing this quiz at my place Anne and you got more right than I did. Also will say that you may take, borrow or steal any of my posts & photos except for the personal ones.

  5. it was hard when they came to the number of the amendments, I have no clue!

  6. I did this over on Bobs link. Had to guess at most of them. But I managed to get 25 right. I was surprised at the "official language" question. I really thought that I had that one right above many of the ones I guessed at and figured would be wrong. Duh!

  7. I did get to be a citizen but yes in the test I did there certainly are a few curveballs

  8. Wait up, !!!! wait up, I did this one http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/13442226/ not the already living there people !!!! This one was for 100 Qs:
