[My] Life in Wisconsin

To God, I hope you don't mind

To God,

I hope you don't mind, but we would like to talk to you-
There are some things we need to straighten out-

It is about these Christians.
They claim to be from your nation. But man, you should see the things they do all the time- blaming it on you-

Raping the Earth.
Taking more than they need -in all the forms of the greed.
They say it's God's will

I don't mean to be disrespectful, but you know how it is. My people have their own ways. We never even heard of you until not long ago.
Your representative spoke magnificent things of you, which I was willing to believe.
And the way they acted.

We know you.
We were being deceived.
It is time for you to decide what life is worth.
We already remember, but maybe you forgot

At times they were kind, they were polite in their sophistication, smiling, but never too loudly, acting in a civilized manner; an illusion of gentleness- always fighting to get their way.
... while the people see, the people know, the people wait, the people say the closing of your doors will never shut use out, the closing of your doors can only shut you in.

We know the predator, we see them feed on us, we are aware to starve the beast is our destiny. At times they were kind, they were polite, but never honest.

We see your technological society devour you before your very eyes- we hear your anguished cries exalting greed through progress while you seek material advances -the sound of flowers dying carry messages through the wind. trying to tell you about balance and your safety

But your minds are chained to your machines -and the strings dangling from your puppeteers hands turning you, twisting you into forms and confusions beyond your control

Your mind for a job, your mind for a t.v., your mind for a hair dryer, your mind for consumption.

With your atom bombs, your material bombs, your drug bombs, your racial bombs, your class bombs, your sexist bombs, your ageist bombs

Devastating your natural shelters making you homeless on earth chasing you into illusions fooling you, making you pretend you can run away from the ravishing of your spirit

While the sound of flowers dying carry messages through the wind trying to tell you about balance and your safety.

Trying to isolate us in a dimension called loneliness- leading us into the trap believe in their power; but not in ourselves- piling us with guilt- always taking the blame- greed chasing out the balance- trying to isolate us in a dimension called loneliness

economic deities seizing power through illusions created armies- are justified class systems are democracy- god listens to warmongers prayers- tyranny is here, divide and conquer- trying to isolate us in a dimension called loneliness

greed- a parent insecurity- the happiness- companion- genocide conceived in sophistication technologic material- civilization a rationalization, replacing a way to live- trying to isolate us in a dimension called loneliness

To god we hope you don’t mind but we would like to talk to you; there are some things we need to straighten out, it’s about these Christians they claim to be from your nation but man you should see the things they do all the time blaming it on you:
manifest destiny, genocide, maximized profit, sterilization, raping the earth, lying taking more than they need in all the forms of the greed.
We ask them why, they say it’s god’s will.

Damn god, they make it so hard.
Remember Jesus?
Would you send him back to them, tell them how to kill him, rather they should listen stop abusing his name, and yours.

We do not mean to be disrespectful but you know how it is, our people have their own ways we never even heard of you until not long ago, your representatives spoke magnificent things of you which we were willing to believe, but from the way they acted we know we and you were being deceived.

We do not mean you and your christian children any bad, but you all came to take all we had -we have not seen you but we have heard so much it is time for you to decide what life is worth
we already remember but maybe you forgot.

Look at us, look at us, we are of Earth and Water
Look at them, it is the same
Look at us, we are suffering all these years
Look at them, they are connected.
Look at us, we are in pain
Look at them, surprised at our anger
Look at us, we are struggling to survive
Look at them, expecting sorrow be benign
Look at us, we were the ones called pagan
Look at them, on their arrival
Look at us, we are called subversive
Look at them, descending from name callers
Look at us, we wept sadly in the long dark
Look at them, hiding in tech no logic light
Look at us, we buried the generations
Look at them, inventing the body count
Look at us, we are older than America
Look at them, chasing a fountain of youth
Look at us, we are embracing Earth
Look at them, clutching today
Look at us, we are living in the generations
Look at them, existing in jobs and debts
Look at us, we have escaped many times
Look at them, they cannot remember
Look at us, we are healing
Look at them, their medicine is patented
Look at us, we are trying
Look at them, what are they doing
Look at us, we are children of Earth
Look at them, who are they?

Be rational.
Be kind.



  1. "God is the last refuge of someone with no ideas" - George Carlin


  2. Sorry if you couldn't see this...


  3. This blog, inspired by a recent conversation on another blog...

    You are undoubtedly very Christian. That is not the point here.
    The question was where do you leave room, or honor, for the Native Americans with your point of view?
    Land has nothing to do with it. That is just bad history- (again written 99.999% by those who did the killing and the taking).
    I am asking only where then does Christian vs Native Spirituality fit in? How can one be Native and undoubtedly Christian?

    Reply: (After undoubtably saying they are American Indian)-
    well I guess it's because I'm an American, I don't need the other word in front of it.

    This hurts my very soul to read, and saddens me greatly.
    The "other word" as you so wrote means very very much to many Americans.
    And yes, imho you need it very much.


  4. Free will, Not God' fault humans are selfish, greedy power seeking fools

  5. Also inclusive of above mentioned blog-

    "I asked a question- Not of yourself, and not how YOU asked it)- but since you want to hear a reply here it is.

    Wiccan. I will not ever 'diss' those who are. That is not what I am on this Earth to do. My own spirituality demands fairness to everyone, regardless of their Faith or even their lack of it.

    I am Native American. (And sagely, & justifiably humbled of my ancestral family and my heritage)!

    The Native Holocaust- Overlooked by textbooks, 99% of Native Americans were killed by Europeans...
    Perhaps you would (could?), overlook that your ancestors survived somehow. I am not that shallow...

    I do not care to, nor will I ever, turn my back on that!
    Again, Being NA is in the DNA, being Christian or Wiccan or Jewish, or or or, is not.

    aka Card-carrying, (and deeply proud) Tribal member of The Sault Ste Marie band of Chippewa Indians.

    Comes the reply: replying to the AmerIndian Holocaust-
    "That's just baloney, most died from the un-intentional spreading of disease's that they had no natural defense against. The Erie Indians were wiped out by the Seneca's, the Seneca's (which were part of the Iroquois nation) were always at war with the Delaware. Native American tribes were constantly at war with each other, it was a huge part of their culture. As was the total disrespect of women. (really spiritual huh?)"

  6. it would seem that your Native American spirituality has no place in it for respect for others beliefs as much as you ask others to respect yours.


  7. I asked of many on here already- Where does Christianity fit into the whole mess if one is also American Indian-

    To date, I have received no response- Save for what I have blogged above.


  8. Where does 'do unto others' come in then?
    Is that not of the Christian bible?

    Or is it just good decent advice?

  9. While I couldn't agree more on the highlighted words, I do not see how this fits into the blog above?


  10. Can you not see it- what is written above- by walking a mile in someone elses moccasins?


  11. Who says one has to be Christian to believe in God? There are many paths to God, find your path and follow it and you will get there.


  12. I certainly did not mean it to be interpreted that way.
    Admittedly my path is a bit conflicted. You have only written the obvious.

  13. Not the best commentary on 'god's' handiwork, is it?

  14. Of course with that said all Native American Indians do not practise their spirituality. As do the people of any religion. I think were each responsible as singular persons on what we believe and how we get to where we want to get to, and should respect each others views, respect does not mean we also have to agree with them.
    xoxoxoxoxoxo, Most the time I feel your writings are right on the money my Sweet Annie....this writing sounded a bit leaning towards your peoples views are more pure or something....I dont know.....I will come back and read it again in a bit my love. Im hungry....lol

  15. "We are expected to respect another man's religion in the same vein as we are expected to say that his wife is beautiful and his children are smart." -- H. L. Mencken

    I'm not bound by such antiquities....

  16. Annie, my point here was to reflect on the nature of the god-cult in human history - when humans can't explain something, many of them are fond of saying, "Well, 'god' did it."

    It's a circular argument with no proof - in this case, (1) 'god' founded the U.S.of A.; (2) this is because some of the Founders believed in 'god'; (3) if you don't believe this, you're not an American, because (4) 'god' founded America.

    These people leave out the people who were here first - the First Nations peoples (Native Americans); they also leave out anyone who doesn't believe in their 'god'. It'll all too convenient - and it also is pretty cavalier with the fundamental human rights of 'nonbelievers'.

  17. Maybe you do not get the meaning of free will. What mankind does is not God's doing.We made and still make the choices good bad and otherwise. The fact that you do not choose God is part of that free will. It does not make you better or worse than others,it makes you what you choose to be.

  18. After reading the other posts I do have to say, I think that there is not any ethnic people that are more spiritual than native Americans. It makes not difference which tribe or family they come from.They have an innate spirit that most others have not achieved


  19. Oops-

    It was written by John Trudell, Sweets- Perhaps that is why you nailed it. hehehe
    In my rough draft I had given credit to him. I see it is not there now.

    Hang on...
    Must fix that for everyone.



  20. You have a good point- as always- (I like the way you think)!
    Your definition of respect should be printed everywhere


  21. Yes- Mr. Mencken was correct- but only to a small degree. What if the kids are smart, and the wife is beautiful-

    Still, there does have to be a modicum of respect- real respect- for others' religious viewpoints.
    And you well know I am not asking anyone to respect fanatics or extremists either.

    The radical supremacists (whether well-meaning or not), that wish to shove their own god down everyone's throats- Well they can take a hike away from me. I do not care for anyone thinking their god is better than anyone else's.

    The focus above, to me- was not anyone's specific religion, but what they have all done, in the name of their own god. And the fact that even Mr. Trudell, does not understand.


  22. Another great point Will-

    The 2nd paragraph states more closely to how I felt. Cavalier is a very good word for it.

    "Fundamental Human Rights"- I love that.
    Because it sums it all up in the right way.

    Thank you again


  23. I think you are right-
    Even when I didn't "know" I was American Indian, that same spirituality ran way deep within me.

    Thank you Tee


  24. I must go away for now.
    Have a 'wunnaful' day.


  25. Well, not sure where Christianity fits into a American Indian's spirituality...this is what I feel about some things though;

    The Native Indian revered the land at every turn, they respected and loved the land they lived on for giving them food, shelter and clothing...not to mention weapons as well, for killing their food, and later, for fighting the white man.
    I believe the white man used and betrayed the Indians, taking over the lands, killing the herds, and never respecting the Indian Tribes or land. Whether they did so "in God's name", I don't know.

    According to the "Bible", humans are given free-will to make their own personal choices about everything. Humans are naturally greedy and lustful, so the free-will gets them into a lot of trouble spiritually, and many never even realize that. Humans are stubborn and selfish regardless of what their spiritual belief system is, or regardless of their Nationality. There are "good" people, and there are "not so" good people of every color, nation, etc.

    I think that if an American Indian wants to worship in the Old Ways of their heritage, that is their right. But it is up to them on how open they are with it, how strongly they believe in that system, and so on. If they are true to their belief's, then it will fit into their every day living. Christians have no right to tell anyone "who" to worship, or "how" to worship. Spirituality is individual, and should not be shoved down another s throat.

    I am sure I did not answer your question Anna, but I just said my thoughts.

  26. I am giggling at your last sentence- And I am smiling because you shared your thoughts!

    It is all part of the DNA- Yours- and in a little while you will be able to swab and know exactly what proportion you are.
    People just need that inner peace, no matter what comes at them from day to day, and through their own ability to socialize.

    "I believe the white man used and betrayed the Indians, taking over the lands, killing the herds, and never respecting the Indian Tribes or land. Whether they did so "in God's name", I don't know."
    I believe they did this also. And was told that the following" People wrongly idealize the native American culture...they were no more spiritually enlightened than we are, they killed off each other and were earth worshiping pagans!"

    Pagan? The man does not understand nor know...
    (And yet he dares to thump me with his bible).

    He went on to say,
    "Flintville, based on your attitude you seem more " Wiccan" than Christian to me...

    My reply:
    "Wiccan. I will not ever 'diss' those who are.
    That is not what I am on this Earth to do.
    My own spirituality demands fairness to everyone, regardless of their Faith or even their lack of it.

    I am Native American. (And sagely, & justifiably humbled of my ancestral family and my heritage)!

    The Native Holocaust- Overlooked by textbooks, 99% of Native Americans were killed by Europeans...
    Perhaps you would (could?), overlook that your ancestors survived somehow. I am not that shallow...

    I do not care to, nor will I ever, turn my back on that!
    Again, Being NA is in the DNA, being Christian or Wiccan or Jewish, or or or, is not.


    He replied,
    "That's just baloney, most died from the unintentional spreading of disease's that they had no natural defense against. The Erie Indians were wiped out by the Seneca's, the Seneca's (which were part of the Iroquois nation) were always at war with the Delaware. Native American tribes were constantly at war with each other, it was a huge part of their culture. As was the total disrespect of women. (really spiritual huh?)"

    This is absolutely where the textbooks have done us all a great disservice.
    Our children suffer from an abhorrent lack of knowledge, as do too many of their parents, obviously.

    You also stated, "Christians have no right to tell anyone "who" to worship, or "how" to worship. Spirituality is individual, and should not be shoved down another s throat. "

    I could not agree more!


    They need to be able to step back and

  27. WOW!

    This hits to the core! I'm in agreement with all of this man's writing! How baffled I feel when I look at supposed "Christians" who are doing evil deeds and saying it is in the name of "GOD"...

    God, I believe, is ALL-LOVING! That means ALL, not just Christians, nor any other group, but ALL! It is our choice then to believe in that love or not, but it is there nonetheless. I also believe he is ALL-FORGIVING. Again, this means ALL.... Someone who is ALL-FORGIVING doesn't punish, doesn't judge, doesn't speculate, they just forgive. As Alexander (?) once said, "To err is human; to forgive, DIVINE"...

    I think this God is the same God of us Native Americans. We just choose to call Him and Her a different name, and worship with different ideas... Yet we respect those around us who are of other religions. This is because, as the comment above says, you can respect someone but that doesn't mean you have to agree with them... This is how religions fit together...

    Where they don't fit is where someone is saying theirs is "better" or "more correct" or my personal favorite, "THE ONLY WAY TO GOD!" Yeah, bull, God is God, and who are they to tell me that my religion is wrong? Are they professing to be God? If so, doesn't that go against the very core of their religion?? Hmm... I think that everyone should think before speaking...

    I also believe the world would be so much better if everyone followed the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have done unto you... If you wouldn't expect someone to do it to you, then why to it to anyone else? Is it because you think they have less of a right than you do to be hurt? Again, bull....

    Love you MUCH MUCH!

    I hope this makes sense... I can barely think right now, and it has taken me forever to get through the post and all the comments... Again, hoping that tomorrow will fix this inability to think clearly and inability to be awake for more than an hour... As this is injuring myself and hurting others... Focusing on tomorrow! :)

  28. "Comes the reply: replying to the AmerIndian Holocaust-
    "That's just baloney, most died from the un-intentional spreading of disease's that they had no natural defense against. The Erie Indians were wiped out by the Seneca's, the Seneca's (which were part of the Iroquois nation) were always at war with the Delaware. Native American tribes were constantly at war with each other, it was a huge part of their culture. As was the total disrespect of women. (really spiritual huh?)"

    Has this person never really read any history?? Does he not know that smallpox infected blankets were deliberately given to The People to kill them? Does he not know that for the whites to wipe out a village down to the last man, woman and babe in arms was a "battle" but a few white soldiers killed in fair combat was a "massacre"?

    We had a live and let live attitude, we were willing to live side by side with the whites. The whites said our beliefs weren't right and we had to believe as they did or die. Why then is it that even when we "converted" we still weren't good enough and it was still alright to kill us?

    As far as the truly asinine statement that we totally disrespected our women. What about this quote?
    "The honor of the people lies in
    the moccasin tracks of the women. . .
    No people goes down until their
    women are weak and dishonored,
    or dead upon the ground.

    Yes, that's disrespect for you. I will admit that our Women are treated badly now but that's because so many follow the white man's way and not the Ancient Teachings.

    I'm sorry you had to argue with such stupidity Dear Anne.

    forever your snotball

  29. I couldn't venture to say what this person had or hadn't read, but it's obvious they don't know what happened.

    Cille, history, as I learned long ago studying for a master's in the subject, is written by the winning side. It's only now that the unvarnished truth about our treatment of the First Nations' peoples is coming to light.

  30. After a couple of conversations with some Fundies today, I'm recommending these as a hazard-warning on every Bible in America:

  31. You're right. One should believe in Hate and Greed and Myopicness....
    Wait. Nope.

  32. I didn't realize there was a second page of comments (at least, there are 2 as displayed on the cell), and I think I repeated some things others had said. I aplogize to anyone whose points I repeated without acknowledgement. It was unintentional. And I'm sorry to have been repetitious at all.

  33. Do me a favor.

    Leave my name out of your rants.

  34. Thank you Will. We seem to butt heads on many things and I was trepidatious when I saw you had replied to me, LOL.

    History is indeed written by the victors. Many will refuse to believe the atrocities perpetrated on the First Nations Peoples and many will say that the First Nations Peoples deserved what they got because they did not give up their way of life and embrace the "progressive, better" way of the invaders.

    Sad that.


  35. I don't hold to highly to being told what to believe by another who reads the same Bible verses I do and they have a whole different meaning. People should meditate/Pray and go "within" themselves for answers and guidance from God. And I don't believe you need 4 walls and rows of pews to achieve that guidance either. Communing with nature while being spiritual is just as favorable to God. Probably more preferable since it allows God a better chance to speak to us "one on one."

    The Native American Indians were very spiritual people who also respected what God gave us. You respect and take care of the land and nature, and it will respect and take care of you. Disrespect and abuse will be met with turmoil. Unfortunately, we have been going down the accepted path of disrespect and abuse of Mother Earth for way too many years now.

    Wouldn't it be nice if we could all convert and learn the ways of the Indians again? I think the earth would be more than gracious if we did.

  36. You're right. You're not worth repeating.
