Valerie and Isaiah
Good Morning...
I had gone to the doctor last week and told him that I am sleeping less (waking up in the middle of the night and staying up- tired most of the time)... He gave me a script for Ambien- I finally found the nerve to take it last night (honestly, I had visions of dropping where I stood, and so I promptly went to bed)...
-and waited to fall to sleep.
I don't know what's in it, but it surely doesn't work- have been up since 2 this morning- (That means I got a full 4 hours of sleep anyway). Oh well.
Picked up Miss Valerie yesterday, and she ran to me when she saw me- (kinda cool, that). Zoe's friend Eric is looking for a home, and had gone to look at a few houses for sale. Guess they weren't worth even looking at. (Once upon a time, I did read somewhere that you are never to actually buy the first 7 or 8 homes they show you). Guess that's why!
Jenne and Isaiah came out in the afternoon too. My grandchildren bring such joy to me- So very precious, and so much fun too!
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