I am sure we have all read this one...
I received it in my email, along with a message that I was doing good work, and to "keep up the good work"...
One day, the father of a very wealthy family took his son on a trip to the country with the express purpose of showing him how poor people live.
They spent a couple of days and nights on the farm of what would be considered a very poor family.
On their return from their trip, the father asked his son, 'How was the trip?'
'It was great, Dad.'
'Did you see how poor people live?' the father asked.
'Oh yeah,' said the son.
'So, tell me, what did you learn from the trip?' asked the father.
The son answered:
* I saw that we have one dog and they had four..
* We have a pool that reaches to the middle of our garden and they have a creek that has no end..
* We have imported lanterns in our garden and they have the stars at night.
* Our patio reaches to the front yard and they have the whole horizon.
* We have a small piece of land to live on and they have fields that go beyond our sight.
* We have servants who serve us, but they serve others.
* We buy our food, but they grow theirs.
* We have walls around our property to protect us, they have friends to protect them.'
The boy's father was speechless.
Then his son added , 'Thanks Dad for showing me how poor we are.'
Good Afternoon Everyone;
The above picture representing still another thing I should probably not have been doing. (Not that I did much, but carry things back and forth), to build up that pile...
At about 6:30 yesterday morning, as I was changing, I heard a tractor. never knowing if this represents my hope that the neglected fields will be finally tended to; or something else, I had to take a peek. (It was "something else"). hehehe
Neighbor Greg had his tractor and mower out there to take down some noxious growth around the fields. He had already called work and told them he would be there by nine, so he was up early and working hard.
He offered to dispense with my "Garden of Weeden".
I happily accepted, but warned him that there were old 2 box springs out there, under those weeds. We had burned them last Fall, so all that remained was the spring apparatus within.
When Spring came and the workers came to the field, Kelli had dragged them to the garden, knowing that I was not going to be planting one this year.
So yesterday, we found one, and he pulled it free of its overgrowth.
We both searched for the other to no avail. Smiling, he said, "IOh, I'll find it", (as he pointed to his pull behind mower).
He sure did! And it shut the whole shebang down.
Thinking he could untwist and unwind it, he crawled under there. A few moments later, after freeing up most of it, he grabbed a large stick of wood from the woodpile by the grill.
And he began to pound... And pound. At that point, I'd come in and brought out a few hammers, and a few pliers and screwdrivers and a tin snips too.
Soon, all but one little piece of wire had been freed.
Wire, mind you, about an inch long, and about the width of a coat hanger.
And it was in-between the blade mechanisms and the deck.
No amount of leverage by screwdriver, or strength by pounding would free it.
Coffee break...
He backed it up under the willow then- Too late for him to be dry- (The lawns all covered still with 60 degree dew).
I too was wet- my shoes making that slursh~sloopie~ing noise as I walked. And clear up to my knees.
But unlike Greg, I had not been laying on the wet grass either.
We finally called Jim, (next door)- Greg drove it up there and was back mowing within about 20 minutes. (About the time it had taken me to get redressed).
Enough excitement for one morning...
Casey came out... (She is now up to 101 pounds)! YAY!
At any rate, when she came yesterday, she had stopped at CVS, bringing my new meds with her. (Which was a very good thing- since I had taken my last one at about 2 in the morning).
My appointment with the pain doctor went well. I will be receiving 2 injections in two different places in my back on the 8th. (I am not looking forward to those, by the way).
First up, I will be having an MRI at St. Marys Hospital next Friday.
Having one
heck of a time writing last night, ("finners" and brain not connecting right), I received this reply...
"I take it the meds mixed with your dial up were too much for a blog?
As Dr. Mario saw my xrays from this year and two years ago, he saw 4 or 5 bone spurs that definitely need attention too... (I would say so)! So to keep my appointment mid next month with the "Spine"ologist.
Results from the MRI will then be in both places. (I love the digitized and shared capabilities of most hospitals and clinics)!
But we did stop at our own clinic before seeing him... Casey went in to pick up my xrays.
Punk and I played a bit of fetch.
Looking East
And toward the North
Just before Casey came back outside we had gotten back in the car...
Punk dropped her ball...
So the "I" fetched too!
.So the "I" fetched too!
Later on, Casey, Kelli and Michelle packed up Miss Nadia, (one of Michelle's horses), and Miss Breezie and May, to go over to The Folkman's. Alan trims hooves.
I will leave Casey to put the rest of the pics on her blog... But just wanted to show you a few pics of the equipment involved.
And the worried look on Miss Mays face!
Walking outside with Punk the other morning-
...To be greeted by my Orange Blossom Bush-
I got to thinking about all the weeds in my pictures.
Then I realized I would very much rather look at them than this...
Yes, I already know that Daddy-Long-Legs are very beneficial.
They are also the ONLY spider I can stand to be near.
.They are also the ONLY spider I can stand to be near.
Even so... I would still rather look at my weeds.
So there you have it! Another exciting rendition of my week so far.
Hoping you all have a "wunnaful" weekend!