[My] Life in Wisconsin

For "Mo"

For "Mo"
For "Mo" magnify

Happy Birthday CaseyAnne



Good Morning All;
21 years ago today, I gave birth for the fourth and final time. Whew...

The doctor said, "It's a girl!" ~But there are many things he left UNsaid...


He didn't tell me that "It's a girl" would be prone to a hatred of pockets.

He didn't tell me that she would be a lil pistol!

He didn't tell me she would be a mathematics whiz.

He didn't tell me that once she began talking she would never quit.

He didn't tell me that she would be the one child I had that actually DID stay little 'til her Carters wore out.

He didn't tell me that I would have to put her clothing on backwards until she was four; so she couldn't take it all off and run around in her birthday suit all day, no matter the weather.

He didn't tell me that I had to tell an 18~month old NOT to dial 911 while I snuck outside to get the mail.

He didn't tell me that at 3 she would kick my boss' son in the shinbone every time she saw him.

He didn't tell me that at 11 years of age, she would take the ACT, and bring home a 19 on it.

He didn't tell me that along with this obvious intelligence that I should have told her NEVER to Pledge the stairs.

He didn't tell me that when my mama died alone that my 11 year old would take my hand, and through my tears gently remind me that "Grandma didn't die alone, Mama; God was with her"

He didn't tell me how to make her own tears go away when all she wanted was to see her dad.

He didn't tell me how to comfort her when the phone never rang to return her calls to that same man.

He didn't tell me that she would always be taking her time about everything. (And that her nickname would always be "Mo"; short for molasses).

He didn't tell me that her passion for music would result in my 12 year old being able to pick up ANY instrument and almost magically make it sound like Heaven.

He didn't tell me how gentle such a baby child could be.

He didn't tell me how fierce she could be in all of the passions of her own heart and soul.

He didn't tell me that she would probably wipe my own tears as often as I wiped hers.

He didn't tell me that she would be such a blessed blend of all of her sisters, of all of her forefathers, and even of her friends.

He didn't tell me anything about a defective pancreas...

Nope, he didn't tell me anything like that.

Damn doctors anyway...

All my love to you, Mo; not only today, but always.


Mama D.


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Saturday January 26, 2008 - 08:43am (CST)