[My] Life in Wisconsin

May 2nd, 2008

Entry for May 02, 2008
Entry for May 02, 2008 magnify
My First Daffodil of the Year!
('bout time too)...



Good Morning All;

As you can see, Spring is here; but it just does not 'feel' like it yet.



The other flowers are 'trying' just as hard to add a bit of color too.



And since it is supposedly Spring, Casey and I took a little trip to Green Acres Greenhouses.
We picked up just a few plants to replace a few that Winter killed...
But the best thing was that there was barely anyone there when we went.
(This gave me great photo ops)... hehehe



What you see in the background is maybe about 5% of the place.



.The turtle and the iguana...
And now, MY personal favorite...
This is Walter.

His honeybunch in the background;
protecting their newly hatched babies...
Sorry, but Mr. Walter was VERY stubborn and would not move.



Not too much other news from Flintville.

Miss Punk was a bit chilly the other morning,
stealing an old housecoat...
So before our walk, Casey warmed the dogs up well...
As they both vie for the ball off the roof of the shed.
Note: Never bet against Miss Milly,
(even when it looks like Punk will get that ball)!
"Looks" ARE very deceiving...
Of course, Mama Milly is much like Speedy Gonzales,
running full speed to the woods.
While Punk is left wondering why we are so slow...
Specifically Casey,
~as she threatened to turn around and go back home.



We have been apartment hunting for Casey. And yesterday, we even found some spectacular places! We will revisit a few today.
As many of you know, she needs to get to the Mayo Clinic...
(If she has a reservation address, all referrals and subsequent treatments are covered; including any/all ER visits).

In the meantime, she is trying to NOT take her pain meds. We spent last Saturday night at Bellin hospital. They said her colon is shutting down from a combination of the narcotics and her raunchy pancreas.
(Hmmm, does that make her "anal retentive" then)? hehehe...
ok, bad joke. Mea culpa.

My house is a disaster area. I was online the other night, and had the TV on in the background. There was a show about switching wives. ?
Not sure what it was even called. BUT, there was a snippy lady on there that SO put down the family she went to. Their house was a mess, and she treated it, and them, like they were lepers.
Yes, she was snooty...
In all honesty, I never even turned my head to look at it, just reaffirmed that "it takes all kinds" to make our world.
But she had to have missed the 'soul' of that family too.
I have always told people if they want to see me, to come ANYtime. But if they are coming to see my house that they should give me a 6~month notice.

Life. (It IS what happens)...

But just in case someone like her decides to grace my door, I'd better take advantage of the rainy day and at least move a few furballs to under the rugs.

Time for me to get my backside moving...

Have a 'wunnaful' Friday!

Love to all


Originally posted to my Y! 360, Friday May 2, 2008 - 08:43am (CDT) 6