[My] Life in Wisconsin

HealthCare Facts ~or~ "Trying to keep the rage out of my inbox"


FACT #1: Medicare will not be ended, and no benefits or services will be cut.

Your services will not be ended, nor will your benefits be cut. AARP's position on this could not be clearer. And we have sent this message loud and clear to Congress. While the current proposals include savings in Medicare by cutting out fraud, abuse, waste, and inefficiency, we're standing up and making sure benefits for Medicare recipients are not only fully protected, but are improved.1

FACT #2: No legislation currently in Congress would mandate the rationing of care. Period.

Our staff has read all of the legislation circulating in Congress and there are no provisions in these bills that would ration care for our members. None. If any ever did, we would vigorously fight to stop that legislation.2

FACT #3: There is no provision of any piece of legislation that would promote euthanasia of any kind.

The rumors out there are flat out lies. Right now Medicare does not cover counseling for end-of-life care. The portion of the bill in question would simply provide coverage for optional end-of-life consultations with doctors, so that the patient can be aware of all of the treatment options on the table. It is not mandatory and it has nothing to do with euthanasia. 3

FACT #4: We have not endorsed President Obama's plan.

In fact, we haven't endorsed any plan.
We are supporting reform of our health care system, something that has been pushed for many years.
We're working closely with Republican and Democratic members of Congress to lower health care costs and to ensure quality affordable coverage for older Americans – and we want reform legislation passed and signed by the president this year.4

So what are people fighting for in health reform?

1. Stopping insurance companies from charging older Americans unaffordable premiums because of their age.

2. Ending the practice of excluding people from insurance because of pre-existing conditions.

3. Holding down health costs and making insurance coverage more affordable for all Americans.

4. Making prescription drugs more affordable by narrowing the Medicare doughnut hole, bringing generics to market faster, and allowing Medicare to negotiate better drug prices.

Find out more and take action at HealthActionNow.org.


Having argued with many already and trying to set people straight more than a few times, I have decided to put this info here for y'all.

In a nutshell, I do not want everyone elses opinions on the matter. Those emails are ONLY hearsay anyway and mean nothing)!
Not sure of you all, but as a voter, I want ONLY the facts.

And so here is the 1038 page bill for you to read.
I haven't received but 4 emails that have actually "QUOTED" the bill itself.
Rather my inbox reeks of fear- only a few peoples sadly uninformed and ignorant renditions of that bill before us.

Read it and weep.

As small children, supposedly we were taught not to spread rumors or malicious lies.
UM, weren't we?


1. "AARP to Congress: Don’t Make Medicare More Expensive," AARP, July 30, 2009 http://www.aarp.org/aarp/presscenter/pressrelease/articles/rand_medicare_statement.html

2. "Debunked: Health Reform Means Rationed Care For Seniors," AARP, August 4, 2009 http://blog.aarp.org/shaarpsession/2009/08/debunked_health_reform_means_r.html

3. "AARP Responds to Health Reform Scare Tactics," AARP, July 24, 2009 http://www.aarp.org/aarp/presscenter/pressrelease/articles/mccaughey_statement.html

4. "Obama Vows No Cuts To Medicare Benefits," AARP, July 29, 2009 http://bulletin.aarp.org/yourhealth/policy/articles/


Full Frontal! (And "the moon" too)!

This is what popped up on my weather screen earlier today.
And gives us a bit more rain today too.
Good Morning!
We are finally to get out of the high 60's and lower 70's - And perhaps even a chance of seeing a bit of sunshine today too!

That sunshine, mixed well with the rains we have already gotten, have caused a few more flowers to blow up!


"If the first week of August is unusually warm, the winter will be white and long."
From The Old Farmer's Almanac

No worries there. The first week of our August was unusually cool.
Today to be in the mid 80's, with plenty of humidity. And a chance for a nasty T~storm later on in the afternoon or evening.
Tomorrow will be in the 90's, with a heat index over 100. (Me no likey)!

Damn fine thing that pool is all shocked, and de~algae~ed, (among other things).
We will be using it!

You giggled at the shot I took of Greg, er, "filling the pool".
(I giggled too)!

So, without further adieu...     
Here's that full frontal shot...

Such a helpful cutie! (um, "I guess").

Hey, I didn't say Full Monty.
Having had to go 'shopping' for a few things to re~secure my home, Casey and I had stopped and bought a box spring for their new bed.
When Jenne left town, she had told me to $ell the rest of the stuff she had left behind.
Casey has paid me a dollar for the handmade bed I had originally given to Jenne. I had also given her a brand new pillowtop Serta, which she had also left behind. (Another dollar has exchanged hands).
While we were out shopping that day, I had made my way back to the car to pull up front.
I had to wait for these guys to cross...
Brave little buggars they were too!
We got back here and worked a while more on the pool. Straightening out the pool cover, Casey got a wasp in her jeans...
Stung her 4 times too!
Up until that point, I really didn't know how well Casey could dance.
~More of a jig, complete with sound effects, than a real dance though.
Must have been the Sullivan "Irish" in her blood coming out-
(The drunken Irishman also rearing his ugly head)!
After a generous splattering of Extra~Strength Benadryl cream
she then attached an ice pack to her back side
before heading down to Kelli's to help with the horses.

The pool at moonrise- Thursday evening...
We are invited to go over to Laurie's this afternoon. A party for my godson.

Sean is home from Iraq!

Sean Klein
(Sorry I couldn't make it any bigger)...
If the weather doesn't get too hot too early I may stay a bit longer than Casey and Greg- (They will be dining on Sushi tonight).
Even if those storms come later, maybe they will be gone by moonrise tonight.

I took this picture as I wandered outside on Thursday night...
Hope all is well in your little corners of the world!
Have a "wunnaful" weekend!
