Emergency Letter to Obama: You Can’t Cut Social Security
…and then ask us for financial and volunteer support.
The New York Times and the Washington Post are reporting that President Obama may offer cuts to Social Security and Medicare to the GOP in their Debt Ceiling deal. This is an “All hands on deck” moment for every progressive in America. The same Republicans who raised the debt ceiling 5 times (and by nearly $4 Trillion) under George Bush in order to give HUGE tax cuts to the super-rich and mega corporations are now telling America that we can’t afford to take care of our parents and grandparents in their old age.
The Tea Party Congress is not even remotely interested in making compromises or doing what’s right. They are out to destroy America’s greatest social contract and promise to the American people: The New Deal. They are holding our parents and grandparents hostage right now to protect the wealth of the Wall St. tycoons that sabotaged our economy in the first place.
The President of the United States does not negotiate with hostage takers.
Sign our emergency letter to President Obama today: Protect Social Security and Medicare benefits – or don’t ask for grassroots help.
The Other 98% of America needs Obama to take Social Security, Medicaid, and Medicare off the table with the GOP. If the Obama and the Dems expect us to fight for them next year then we had better see them fight for us right now.