The Daughter, The Dog- and The Daffodil!
Once again I have been a slugabout; about blogging, about everything.
This morning even waking with a bit of a migraine, which I will try to sleep off later.
Having dealt with pain in my back, and now in my shoulder- Both more a bit unrelenting. At times that even the pain pills I have do not help.
So, on Monday I finally called my GP and Casey drove me to the appointment.
Seems as though I now have bursitis, and tendinitis in my shoulder; and some other damn ailment of my elbow- (that I can neither recall nor pronounce).
Save for the tendinitis, they are here to stay.
As far as my back goes, and recalling the one time that I had a kidney infection, I thought perhaps I had another UTI, or had even passed a wee stone. The 'stone' came to mind because nothing made that pain even get a little better.
But with one quick little pee in a bowl, and they quickly realized I had no such 'luck'.
But hey, I do have a 'new' fracture in my damned osteoporotic back. This makes 28. (Which oddly enough is the number of teeth I should have; less now following the poison Reclast I had infused early last year).
Ah hell, I quit.
I have jumped (literally and figuratively), through their every damn hoop. I have taken 'everything' including advice, chemicals, vitamins, medicines, minerals, holistic, (and otherwise) for so long that I am a walking talking list of shit to not even waste your money on.
I have even worn my brace, faithfully; then again I have NOT worn it faithfully too.
I have exercised 'til I am blue in the face.
I have changed my diet, and my posture.
I even change my underwear on a daily basis.
All, seemingly, to no avail. "Avail" equaling relief.
I am more than frustrated.
And I believe I even passed trying to be depressed about it long ago.
Then someone threw in the terminal aspect.
Now it is onward to the "itis'es".
A maelstrom of "Morton Salt meets Murphys Law" days...
I honestly thought I was making everything better, had turned a corner on the fractures, and was even feeling better.
Correction, I was feeling amazingly~better just a few weeks ago!
Perhaps I overdid it.
Casey is constantly on me to stop "doing" And I would ... if I could.
But if I stop, I would soon get a letter along with a fine from the Village Gods telling me to cut my lawn, or pay them to come in and do it.
Call Randy.
Not gonna happen.
As it is, he already takes care of his own place, his Dad's place 45 miles away, plus his Mom's place- about 20 miles away.
Add to that, that his dad had a stroke on Sunday past- More of a TIA, but at any rate, it has left him with slurred, unsuccessful speech- and a weakness and vulnerability of his right side. Thank God Randy had gone up there that day... "Dad" is now at the VA Hospital in Milwaukee.
Casey is unable to mow- But there is some good news too, as she has her teeth now! Hopefully she can eat much better and get her damned blood sugars under control. If/when that happens, it might even help with her skin infection that [still] just won't go away.
She will be getting her insulin pump, (YAY!). Just that it takes so long to be able to program it accurately for someone who has such a wacky diet due to her mouth, then add the pain within her entire digestive tract.
My girl needs a break already!
Hey God, are you up there?
Are you listening?
I have been a member of a pancreatitis group since 2008- And recently there was a 'fight' about God on there.
I have been a member of a pancreatitis group since 2008- And recently there was a 'fight' about God on there.
I swear if I hear one more person say that "God" has given them their respective diseases I am going to vomit.
That is NOT the definition of karma, (not religiously-whacked or otherwise).
While I may admit that I possibly could have 'earned' my own maladies, there is no way in hell that Casey did!
End of my little sermon.
End of my little sermon.
- - Just not the end of the ranting. hehehe
Speaking of illness, you recall my good friend Polly- Her husband has just been diagnosed with Lou Gehrig's disease, also called "ALS".
Rich is only 58 for cryin' out loud! He is also very very active.
They will be heading to university in Denver next week to learn much more.
What a horrible thing it is, and I am feeling so badly for them both.
I was into town a few weeks ago to do some shopping- And I needed badly to obtain some Sudafed.
(Are anyone else's allergies worse this year, or is it just me)?
Anyway, to get Sudafed you have to show your ID- They scan it.
Asking why, the gal looked me over (leered at me), top to bottom- and said, "So we know who buys a bunch of it and maybe makes crack with it."
I could not help myself at her tart reply but to then ask for the biggest box. (Another leer over her glasses)...
I also got a box of the PE stuff for the high blood pressure end of things. She leers at me a third time and asks if I have high blood pressure. (Is this bitch my new doctor, or what)? I say yes. She THEN tells me not to even take that because it could mess with my b/p.
At that, I asked for a Kleenex and blew my stuffed nose right in front of her.
What a bitch she was! (OK, I concede that I was also getting to that point), especially when I handed my used Kleenex back to her and "Correct me if I am wrong..." as I pointed out that these meds are available over the counter for a reason.
One more "Grrr" as I relate that I have been unceremoniously kicked off the site I was using for information on my osteoporosis. And this because because I took umbrage at the notion that we should LIE TO OUR DOCTORS about what we take!
Just another dumb broad. But it's crap like that, that others might do, at her suggestion, and then wonder why their doctors cannot figure out what is wrong.
Just another dumb broad. But it's crap like that, that others might do, at her suggestion, and then wonder why their doctors cannot figure out what is wrong.
What a stupid viscous circle!
"What a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive"
Had I known I would be removed and blocked from the site, I would have told her in more colorful, and much less nice, language.
Oh well. Win some. Lose some.
There are more than a few of us that hopefully will be setting up our own site- but I remain at a loss, even after checking into about 10 'discussion' places where to even begin the site.
Any suggestions would be most helpful. There would be 2 or 3 that would be 'administrators', so that would also have to figure into it all.
OK. Whew.
I am done ranting.
Well, unless something else comes to me whilst I am showering. hehehe
Hope all is well with everyone?
My love to all!
My love to all!