[My] Life in Wisconsin

You Figure it Out?

Sputty says "hi"!
Good Evening-

I was going to wait to post this second blog of the day...
But I am happy to report that I can eat and think at the same time.

Both fuses were replaced in the water pit yesterday, and I had no water still. Nothing would turn on anywhere out there. Suffice to say I was more than frustrated at that point.

After supper, I went outside with Punk. As I walked, I ended up out by the pumphouse, and went back inside the little building.
As I opened the door to the darkness, the system kicked in and everything started running once more.

This is not the only weird thing that has happened of late, and mighty often for the past few weeks. (OK, more often than normal for here).

Add to all that, these pictures.
And then let me know what you think.

Casey looked at them this afternoon, and had two words. "Oh, my!"









1. What my upstairs looks like
2. Two orbs
3. One orb
4. What the hey?!?

I do love my little camera. Know that I had taken a dozen or so pictures in the meantime, (all with the infrared setting on), but the rest were all "normal"

Like I said, you figure it out...

G'Night All.




Good Evening All;
It sure was a "day" yesterday... (And OMG, I hate days like that).
With Casey's surgeries next week already, I do not seem to be dealing with anything decently anymore.
The water s(h)ituation seemed to be that proverbial straw for me.

I am happy to report I do have water today. The washer has been running almost all day, and the dishes are almost all done. (Too lazy last night).

Not that I didn't have water yesterday-
As soon as I had called, Kelli was over in a flash with 7 gallons for me to use; (which made me very happy- And a bit calmer too).

She also brought CocoBean and Mr. Miller. (Which made Punk very happy, although NOT any calmer). hehehe

CocoBean ran around like a fool- Punk just kept gnawing snow and crying about it all the while.
(Guess ice cream headaches aren't that bad to a dog).
Mr. Miller was unhappy, given the fact that no matter where he stepped, he broke through that crusty top layer of snow...
He came up by me then.  Too funny!

While Beaners and Punk vied for Kelli's attention...
Then they have to wrestle!
Shortly thereafter, that 'wunnaful' Minnesota/Dallas game came on.  I was rooting for Minnesota ya know; and will continue to do so until they are finished for the season...

Then it was high time for a bit of running water.

Randy crawled down in the pit...
... And YIKES!  I haven't seen him since.

Punk had had a very rough day eating all that snow, and playing in the sunshine.
She slept like a baby all night long!
Know that she is a great foot warmer when I fall asleep too!

Just took my pizza out of the oven- I left the onions big so I can pull them off for Punk. She likes pizza too! hehehe

Be back later! (I have a ghostie blog to share).
Love to all
