Good Morning to All;
And a very fine morning it is! (Well so far anyway- am trying not to jinx it by remarking too much)! But I feel so GOOD!
My headache is GONE.
Very completely gone! (And "finally" too I might add)!
Perhaps it was the visits from Zoe and Jenne and grandbabies that was this turning point- (Perhaps unloading my 'bad days' on all of you unsuspecting friends of mine)?! Perhaps too it was my extended little walk in the woods with Miss Milly and Miss Punk.
And ever so funny as we got back there- Punk is so amused by all the leaves, and chooses to nosedive right into them all. At one point, back by the cliffs that are over the river, she unearthed a pinecone with her nose- A little yelp for that- I bent down and clearly NOT thinking, flung the darned cone over the ridge...
... I say I was not thinking. And I wasn't!
Had I been, I would have thought to remember that Punk is a Labrador-Retriever.. Seeing me throw something like that, she took off like a bat out of hell. (She can't help it, it's in her blood)! Before I could even say "NO!", she was over the ridge (cliff) and completely vanished into the ravine... I could hear the slide on the leaves- and 2 little yelps; but could see no dog until gravity loosed its hold on her... And then only to see a speck of a dog all the way down by the river! As I saw her shake off, and try to start climbing up the cliff I had to laugh. Thankful that she was neither limping nor whimpering. Miss Milly was also watching- (having plunked her own backside down as soon as I had so carelessly tossed the stupid pinecone)!
And Punk could not have gotten up that hill if there was the worlds largest doggie bone up there!
First she tried one way...
She tried another...
And yet another...
Finally Miss Milly could stand it no longer and went to help her now exhausted little pup...
I know that the pics do not accurately reflect the steepness (is that even a word?), of the cliffs, but it is darn near impossible to come back up the same way one went down... (and I don't mean 'ass over teakettles' either)! Milly led Punk all the way back down, and then back up on the deer path-
And Milly - so very afraid of water, had fallen in the river helping out her little dog. She came back topside more than a bit dirty and wet.
After she had led her pup back to me, she then went down- disappearing once more; and leaving Punk to watch and wonder above...
Milly followed the river a while- and Punk and I just kept heading eastward. From up above we could not even see her, let alone hear her footsteps below. And we were BOTH very surprised when suddenly Milly was standing right behind us!
A great little hike for all of us... And high time to get back home- (The top photo on the page is of us heading back up to the farm)...
After getting back home, I transplanted a bush that had clearly been planted in very much the wrong place, with respect to mowing the lawn- Zoe and Valerie came at that point (where did my day go?)- Miss Valerie and I then transplanted 4 young trees to the east line of the property. (She is such a great help to me, and is so very entertaining too)! Having sort of wasted my day with other ventures, I had not cooked anything, so out of the freezer comes a frozen pizza! But we all must have been real hungry because it sure hit the spot too!
I hope you all had a great day too- A bit chilly in these parts, but such a good day to be outside! I am afraid that there are too few of those days left in 2006... It refreshes us all!!!
PS They say it is always good to learn something new each day- and I surely did yesterday! ...