[My] Life in Wisconsin

Tremors, Updated- Damage Photo- And other Stuff.

The Casey- The Cat- and The Canine-

Good Evening All;
Just thought I would post a quick update before I turn on the tv.

Casey will be getting her insulin pump. She must take her readings 3 or 4 times each day, then they will put that data into her machine and VIOLA! she will have a fairly accurate pump!
This should be in about 2 weeks or so.
her islet cells are struggling due to her skin infection, her ulcer, and her pain.
As you all know she has been struggling too, to just feel a little better.
This week- yes an entire week, straight through for her- has brought some very good news; so she is really looking forward to how she feels by next month... or so.

My appointment also went very well! My doctor was as nice to me in person as he had been in his letter to me.
All is well, (and I do not have to go in search of a new pain specialist)! hehehe

So y'all remember what I had written about Clintonville, WI? 
Click here if ya missed it.

As it turns out, these
BOOMS and BANGS really were an earthquake!
This is quite 'new' even according to the USGS.
So.... what happens now?!? A new fault line perhaps? 
And I thought Wisconsin was relatively 'safe'; even with respect to the New Madrid fault...
Oh well.

Lots more info from Channel 11.   Click
And a wee bit more from the USGS.   Click

My sister, the Dear Sweet SissyKrissiePoo, has sent me a photo of the damage.

Clintonville Earthquake

Downright scary huh?

But they have grit, determination and resolve! 
 *** At this point they are not seeking any donations...    hehehe


Have a 'wunnaful' weekend, all!
