Good Night Everyone;
As I'd written to my Sweet Becca last night...
I spent yesterday at the hospital... (I could barely move from all the pain- and had swollen up like a water balloon). Casey brought me in-
They gave me 3 different kinds of things in my IV to try to counteract the damned boo~boo my doctor had made last Thursday.-
Truth be told I could not even concentrate well enough to read-
I told Becca I would come back again tomorrow (today). I promised.
And told her that if I didn't, she had my permission to drive up here and steal my new set of wheels...
... My guess is that she is probably heading north already!
I also received a very very cool letter from Doug. I had taken more than a few minutes to write a response when my desktop decided to crash...
I lost the whole damned letter!!!
I also have a friend from Y!-360 days- She has written to me and I owe her a letter...
I also owe Polly (my ex-next-door-neighbor) a letter AND a thank you card too- She'd sent me some yummy chocolate mints for Valentines Day.
But for me~ my back and 'more' ~it only gets worse -and worse etc. Apparently with my "computersaurus'" too, (but my laptop is my savior again).
Yesterday my back. One would think that with all those shots they gave me, that I would have dropped off to 'LaLa Land ' very quickly after Casey drove me home.
Yeah right. I was up until after 4AM.
I was woken at 9AM by a very obnoxiously hungry dog, with a very cold wet nose...
... And I woke too, with a terrible migraine.
My back being as bad as it is I didn't make it to the toidy before I barfed. Darn good thing the garbage in the kitchen had just been brought out the night before.
(Special thanks to Casey for that- and oh, for so very much more too).
I will now try to move my head and my back (and other various parts should they might choose to follow)...
I shall (hopefully) get a few Zzzz's in the lazy-boy. This now, so Punk won't have to wake me up late tomorrow just so I can feed her that darn breakfast 4 hours late.
Nighty-Night for now.
I promise to make no promises about tomorrow. hehehe
Sweet dreams!
My love to all.