[My] Life in Wisconsin

Miss Mariahs 4th Birthday!

Start:     May 28, '08 12:00a
End:     Jun 1, '08 11:45p
Please send Baby Mariah a birthday card, or two or three!!!
And do not worry if it is belated either.

To date... (stolen from her Mama who wrote at Caring Bridge)...
"She has received cards from 17 different states: WI, ID, CA, MD, MI, LA, RI, OH, AZ, IL, KS, ME, VA, PA, NE, MO and she also received a card all the way from England!"


"Mariah's birthday is May 28, please send cards, she loves them.
3181 Trenton Lane, Green Bay, WI 54313"


(Miss Micki would LOVE to have Baby Mariah get all kinds of cards from all over)!

Love to you ALL.


"...weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning."
Psalm 30:5b

"God has His hand on Mariah, we see it when she smiles." Micki

***In Micki's April 17th blog, she thought maybe Mariah would like a card form every state.


Please copy and send this to your trusted friends within your emails too!

Mariahs birthday party is June 1st...

It IS Late April, isn't it???

It's beginning to look a lot like...
It's beginning to look a lot like... magnify



Good Afternoon!

Yes. OK, it really is not snowing.
Not yet anyway.
They might have it predicted for tomorrow or Monday.
(Not sure, I didn't care to see that far into the future).
But it is SO windy today, (hence my new blast for you)!

The blast has the link to Baby Mariahs Caring Bridge website. (or CLICK here on the red)...
Her mama has posted their address so we can all send Miss Mariah a birthday card. (I shall also get her big sisters birthday so she doesn't feel left out).
Please lets make these birthdays perfect for them...

Due to the shot I received for my head yesterday morning, I got to sleep throughout all the bad weather last night.
~~Happy, happy; ~~joy, joy!!!
Having minor recollections of things that may/may not have happened too.
I think at one point that Casey was asking me for a shopping list. And I believe that Randy bought the wrong furnace filter too. No big deal, really; until you take into consideration that the wind gusts are sucking the heat right out of my house... I have turned the heat up twice today. No more though. It is already 67 in the house, and that should be nice enough for anyone.

Back to the above picture.
A bluebird house.
And usually we have either bluebirds or tree swallows in it. (Sometimes a "mowiss" family in winter too)!



The other day I was out walking...


And got chattered at and chirped at by Mr. Bluebird himself!
("Scolded" is probably a more accurate word).
Isn't he gorgeous???
And I could get fairly close to him
because he was keeping vigil over his Missus...
...she was quite busy herself,
picking out the perfect decor for their new home!



They paid no attention to the darned chipmunk/gopher either...

She was just headed toward my garden
and looking tired from being ever so pregnant!
Damnable varmints...
And she will probably give birth to 1000 or so next week.
OK not that many,
but then THEY give birth to their thousand or so.



But it's Punks job,
(and she well knows it too),
to keep those varmints at bay for me.



She found a hole out in the field...
And began to dig...
Bad angle for her so she changed her strategy...
She dug some more, before sniffing the hole out...
"Anybody home"???
I said "HELLO?"



Nothing doing with a hole the skunk had dug last year before relocating.
So we went back to the woods to catch up with Mama Milly,
who was already doing her own detective work...
Having found her own hole to invade down by the river!
Both dogs came up empty handed...
(But it's so much fun to watch)!
Besides, KC always needs target practice!
A few irises up by the house have dared to come up...
With Mamas Wire Chicken Basket in the background.



My chives, (regular and garlic),
are ready and waiting to become taste on my taters!



Speaking of food...
It is high time for me to be chowing down here.
SO hungry!

Have a wunnaful weekend! (And don't forget Baby Mariah)!


I am attaching the pic I received in an email from my sister~
~~~for those of you that couldn't read the Sarcasma note...


Oroginally posted to my Y! 360, Saturday April 26, 2008 - 12:05pm (CDT)