I don't know why some of you get my blogs as I post them, and some do not. I have 'backed up' the posting time here...
I am ever so tired, and will be keeping this quite short.
Know too that I am going to post this as "network" as I know that many of your own family and friends have been praying for and thinking of Casey daily.
And a big OOPS on me...
*** If you are planning on sending flowers or candy, there are no live plants, or cut flowers etc, allowed on the transplant floor/wing.
And of course candy is out of the question with her blood sugars being so wild.
(She does NOT tolerate the chemical/fake sweeteners either).
My apologies for not posting about this sooner, I found out myself (the hard way).
~The tree below being the one I tried to bring to her room 2 days ago...
Caseys Address:
CaseyAnne L. DeGrave
University of Minnesota, FAIRVIEW Hospital
Room 238, Unit 6B, Organ Transplant
500 Harvard St. S.E.
Minneapolis, MN 55455
University of Minnesota, FAIRVIEW Hospital
Room 238, Unit 6B, Organ Transplant
500 Harvard St. S.E.
Minneapolis, MN 55455
I will also be posting a photo album from here in Minnesota.
(I might do that tomorrow).
But here's the thought for this blog-
? If you were here, and if $$$ wasn't an option,
what would you put under the tree for Casey this year?
I am SO looking forward to see your comments below & what ideas everyone has.
.what would you put under the tree for Casey this year?
I am SO looking forward to see your comments below & what ideas everyone has.