Good Morning!
This picture is of my Little Miss Valerie- asleep after her tonsillectomy, and doing well already yesterday afternoon!
And so, I wake up this morning... (and quite belatedly, I might add because I couldn't fall asleep to save my soul )... I am one of the few who, when given narcotics, stay awake forever...
Upon arising, I find that I have been very literally broken into and robbed! (YOKES)!
I have been violated; and there is a molar missing! (wtf? and call the cops already)!!!
Upon my hazy memory kicking in, I do seem to have some recollection of the thief... He was actually quite cute- Dark hair, (and mesmerizing enough to completely knock me out)... But I do remember something very cold on my arm before they put the IV in... To numb it so it doesn't hurt? I told him I was not afraid of needles, (and told him that I welcome them when I have a migraine too). I remember holding Caseys hand and telling her she had to remain in the room. (Yeah, right). I was out for no longer than 20 minutes; and he also removed a previous $1100.00 root canal tooth that was not going to survive much longer.
The worst part is the waking up. I swear that nurse screamed at me! But I am sure she didn't; just when you are dead asleep, and you hear anything it startles you into this awful thought of "WAKIE WAKIE" and you don't want to. Having my mouth full of gauze, I couldn't speak, (not that I wanted to), but the first thing I noticed was that there was NO MORE PAIN! (and then to notice I cannot feel my face either, so he 'froze me' so I wouldn't go 'nutso' when I woke)... Little does HE know! hehehe
Casey delivered me home; and then went to go pick up the pain meds for me- In the meanwhile I was 'thawing out' ...and realizing that the prickly feeling was all I was feeling! I do not know how very much pain I must have been in before this, but I do know I have not had such a pain~free mouth in quite a while!!! Yes Doctor, money well $pent! (Even though I am thinking I made the next payment on his vehicle)!
I called Zoe and Valerie in the meanwhile too. Miss Valerie sounding great as I spoke to her on the phone too! (After seeing how Zoe and Casey had come through their own tonsillectomies, I was absolutely floored by how great Valerie sounded)! Hope she got some good sleep last night too!
Such a beautiful child too!
Zoe had sent me these pictures yesterday afternoon already! (Perhaps she has inherited my own mothers photo gene! Sure hope so)!
Haven't heard diddley~squat from Texas either... Hope all is well with all of my cowpokes down yonder!
I had best keep this short today... Life is waiting!!! (as are my Christmas cards still)...
Hope all is well with everybody in My Little 360 Wonder~World; and that you are safe, warm and cozy in your little corner of it too!
Now go have a damned fine weekend! hehehe (And I shall try to do the very same)!