And a VERY "Good" Good Morning to All!
What a difference a day makes! And I am thinking that the reason for this wonderful feeling is the fact that we had near 75 degree temps yesterday, complete with sunshine and a light breeze.
I got to work up a whole bunch of ground yesterday, and heard my 1st Phoebe of the year too. I even got to get my hands, (and feet) dirty! And to sound more than a bit eccentric I'm sure, I love the smell of the Spring ground. It smells so very clean and fresh! A fragrance I only wish I could bottle...
Kelli called yesterday morning; she was heading over to the stables. Michelle had called her saying that the mare was in labor. I scooted upstairs and told Casey~Face the news. She was still asleep... Upon hearing that Miss Kelli would pick her up, she was raring to go. They spent 8 hours there, and no baby... They watched from an upstairs window, ready to help if need be. But the mare was not cooperating... hehehe
While Kelli had taken Casey with her, I had taken Mr. Miller for Kelli! These dogs had an awesome time yesterday~ Playing together, (and whining when they could not)!
Kelli has just called this morning, has been to the stables, (and of course has spoken to Michelle)! Congratulations are in order! YAY!
The newest arrival is a little brown filly; her name is Zoe, and I hear she is as beautiful (and frisky) as they come! I promise to have pictures for you tomorrow. Mama gave birth between 3 and 5 this morning... Michelle had checked at 3AM, no baby; and then again at 5... And her miracle had arrived!
My top picture?
After re~reading the Terms of Service for our Yahoo 360, it occured to me that there are many times that people "steal" anothers original content, and feel free to post it within their own blogs. Yahoo can and will remove your entire blog if you do this.
One of you had a 'blast' a few months ago about not doing this. I only wish I had the foresight then to have copied that blast to have a general idea of what to say in my own...
You can review the most current version of the TOS at any time at:
Do any of you remember THIS picture?
I had included a copy of this picture when I had mailed in my check to them... I spoke with Alan yesterday, and he said he laughed at it too! His driver had originally told him he had left a "few tracks" in my yard...
Alan said he had handed the picture to his driver, and said "Here, you got a love~letter today!" (And then he said, "A 'few' tracks")?! hehehe
He reassured me they would be here by next week to fix it all.
While we were waiting for Miss Casey to come out of her surgery, I took Punk walking around the campus of Froedtert Hospital. Way in the back, we found a neat little stream.
As I was just looking I got dive~bombed by an old mallard duck... (I really don't think he was focused on me, rather just heading toward the water... And HE MISSED IT! I laughed and got my camera...
Punk waited patiently in the car for the most part, and slept almost the whole time. She had food and water, (which she refused to eat unless I was there)... But we had a few thunderstorms while we were there too. The rain freshens everything up, but the thunder probably bothered Punk. I had parked in the ramp structure at each visit; and I am sure that every little rumble must have echoed throughout that place for her. But she did so well.
As Casey did yesterday, while they waited the impending birth! She is getting a bit better; sleeping longer, and not as much pain. Still pretty bad though... but at least it becomes 'livable' somehow. The miracle of healing! (And the power of all of our prayers as well)! I see that Casey has posted a blog too! CLICK HERE ; and don't forget to hit 'invite' so you can all read her own words too.
While we had eaten at the Planeview restaurant in Oshkosh, a little sparrow had visited right outside the window... and had watched us pretty intently...
Food? Do not mention "food" yet to Casey; (she has had her eating privileges revoked til Monday; as her lipase counts were up once more)... I think, at this point, that is the very worst part of it all for her. She subsists on Boost and Ensure for the time being... Poor kid...
Roberta will be stopping out with Master Gabriel today after they wake up. (She works til 11pm, so she won't be here too early)... But I do think you might expect a post from her later, as well!
Time for me to post this; and to get outside and throw a few seeds into that ground that I dug up yesterday. I always save my seeds from last years flowers, so I shall be happily planting those...
Yup, time to get my hands and feet dirty again! (Say "YAY" )!!!!
Have a glorious and sunny weekend!