Good Morning Everyone;
First of all, if you have no Faith in God (or whatever you call your higher deity), you need to read NO further.
Don't even TRY to tell me that there is no God watching and keeping us all safe.
I have already spent too much time already this morning- reading, (waiting for pages), reading, (waiting some more)...
And trying to keep my blood pressure down...
I wish I could keep this shorter for today, but I do not think this will be the case as I am madder than a wet hen that spits nails right about now...
Or shall I say "STILL" madder than...
As you read in my last post, Gabriel had taken grandfathers Glipizide pills.
After Gabie~Babys blood sugar had dropped to 50 that same night, he had been released from the hospital on Tuesday, about noon.
And MUCH better.
Thank You to the Suamico paramedics and first responders who came so very quickly to help him out (and to calm our fears).
After this latest fiasco, I told Berta no more babysitting...
(This pistol child really scares me)!
She called Tuesday night-
Would I babysit on Friday?
But of course!
Berta has been working a ton of hours for low pay and scant tips. But her roommate is home 24/7 and would babysit.
(Roomie, "Jessica", got fired from her job 2 months ago, and refuses to go look for another).
Not sure what's up with that...
(Mostly though, Jessica should NOT be my problem either).
Roberta lives almost next door to where she works, AND an added bonus being that she is so very close to home if anything happens.
Any geologists out there?
(Cuz I sure as hell wasn't going to be digging in that pile anymore).
and helped me get those rocks moved.
While I continued on my idle way, the phone rings.
It is Roberta, calling from work.
(From the sound of her voice I thought she was very, very ill).
Turns out I was wrong.
She wanted me to go pick Gabriel up.
Something bad had happened...
Long story short, (the gospel according to Jessica), is that she (Jessica) had been doing dishes, and heard the front door open.
By the time she even noticed he was gone, he had traveled half a block down Mason Street, (Highway 54), to the corner of Fisk and Mason-
This is an extremely busy intersection mind you...
A police officer got to him, snatching him out of traffic.
In the meantime, Jessica had gone downstairs to ask a neighbor what she should do.
How about call the police?
How about even look for him?
Also in the meantime, Casey's ex happened by...
(They own the apartment complex that Berta lives in).
Recognizing our Master Gabriel, he told the police officer where he belonged.
The police officer gets to Jessica and says, "Let me get this straight... You are alone with a 2 year old. You hear the door open, and don't even bother to look?"
Not sure what will happen there today.
I made record time going to pick this little guy up yesterday...
And boy was he worn out!
Since I feel terribly insignificant with this child, I moved his little swing to where I was working outside.
Like the hospital crib, he was quite secure in it with the lap belt fastened.
(Much easier to keep an eye on him this way)...
No, I didn't leave him sleep there-
(But I did keep him downstairs)...
Roberta came to pick him up about 8:30...
Still very shaken, and very angry too. But ever so grateful that Derek had been there to know Gabriel, AND for him to hear Jessica's version of what she had told the cop...
Hopefully this roommate can be off her lease in short order.
(Non~medical police calls/visits violate the lease).
And of course she was not even home when Roberta got there.
But she did have the idiotic thought to go to Berta's work and ask her if she was mad.
(As it occurs to me that she has never seen Berta quite so angry).
Berta is off today, and works tomorrow 'til close.
I will have The Master here.
Am thinking maybe I should go buy a leash for him and connect him to me then...
Damn, hey?
Love to all.
Hope YOUR blood pressure is better than ours...