Casey took this picture (of her blanketed feet) at her last infusion...
Good Morning All;
It has been way too long since I have written a real blog- and it's not going to happen today either.
A few of you have written to ask what is going on. Truth be known, the answer is nothing.
My computer is as uncooperative as my back- (And that has gotten worse too). As is my sewing machine. I'd taken it apart, and put it together again. It no longer clunks, but skips stitches in the normal sewing setting. My zigzag works very well though, so am using that setting tons more than I ever have. Too funny.
Talk about unique artistry with a sewing machine! hehehe
I was to have a dentist appointment on Tuesday, same day/time as Casey's infusion- Neither of us made it. Casey was too sick, and I had a massive anxiety attack as I was fixin' to leave.
Oh, I waited and was ready to beg that dentist for new teeth. Heck, I don't even care if they come out every night either! I am tired of trying to keep up with them.
Life goes on.
Casey's appointment is rescheduled. Mine will be too, as soon as I know what is going on with her anastomotic ulcer. We go back to Minnesota next month to find out.
Click to read, "Anastomotic ulceration following subtotal and total pancreatectomy"
I woke this morning after having a very odd dream about... ahem, er, -um- "recycling"-
In this dream I had married my 2nd 'ex' all over again. (And that's plain wrong)!
I haven't decided yet if it truly was a dream, or a nightmare. Just very weird. As we said the "I do's" etc, I knew I didn't love him, I suppose I just wanted to make trouble.
Interpret that if you will. hehehe
Going to close for now. I send my love to all.