~Jus' look at the size of these mulberries, wouldja!!!
(And we ALL know what THAT means)!
It's me!!!
Hello Fur~Friends (and others);
I've been meaning to write for a long time, but then doo~doo always happens, and things get in the way...
Since I haven't written for so long, this might be long.
(Better grab a bowl of kibbles to munch on).
LOTS of things happen around here every day... But in the course of my own 4~footed days there are some things that are just plain fun for a dog like me.
Like the other day when we all went back to the woods. My mama Milly never sticks around for all the fun, so I can't find any pics of her that day.
'Cept this one...
And all you can see is her silly butt!
My mama must have secret places.
And that's the "Little Guy" too!
But first he had to ask permission to go?
(And he has to say "May I please...")?
And he was all smiles when my 'she' said "GO"
He followed me everywhere.
I went kinda slow so he could sorta keep up too.
But I still had to wait every now and then...
I showed him stuff,
like a bird in the trees...
And the bird wasn't even a~scared of us!!!
My "Little Guy" doesn't like things that move without him,
(like bugs and stuff), and he saw one... and screamed!
So we were 'off' again.
Well, at least I was!
(That scream always makes me run)!
But I had to come back 'til he caught up...
We went to the old Mulberry tree.
It was LOADED with yummy berries!
My 'she' used to go sit in that tree when she was young
And eat berries all afternoon!
My Little Guy got his hands all stained!
This was funny,
Just that he didn't think so!
The berries were REALLY big too!
(Just look at the very top picture)!
It was pretty hot that day...
And since I'm s'posedta watch my "Little Guy", I couldn't go down to the river.
But that was OK with me...
I found the next best thing while they ate berries.
Well, I thought is was OK 'til my 'she' turned around
...and gave me a really dirty look!!!
I had to 'pologize...
(But then I did get to go swimming in the river)!
"ARF" !!!
er, Pretty smart of me, huh?
I went down there to get clean,
And my Little Guy tried to follow me...
He's kinda fast like that,
(especially DOWN~hill)!
Nothing doing though...
My she's back hurts and she wouldn't go down.
So then they played in the grasses.
Some are bigger than he is!
He found some seed pods...

And found a green pinecone too!

Then we had to go back home,
dry off;and take a nap. ...zzzzzzzz...
The End.
Have a grrrr great dog day!
Love, Punk
Later I will write about what THIS guy does to me.
And how he abuses me something fierce!(He's really MEAN sometimes)...
Mean. Mean. Mean!
. .