One small step for me... A giant leap for water pressure!?
Good Afternoon All;
My hot water heater should once again be up and running, and it is high time for me to get showered.
I have a short. It has been found, rigged, but not fixed entirely. (Wonder if duct tape will work)? hehehe In the meanwhile I have used 2 larger fuses... They will work a bit- for a while; (until I feel like crawling down there again anyway)...
Pa always said it's a wasted day if we are not furthering our education in some way, shape, or form.
Through my readings today, I have learned lots once again.
Notably, and memorably, to have read Brian Richards letter.
It is that letter I wish to share with you today.
Here is his letter in its entirety:
Dear Senator Brown,
You do not represent me, my views, the views of the people of the State of Michigan or the people of the United States of America.
You misrepresent your own importance. You misrepresent the will of the people. You misrepresent the Constitution of the United States of America.
You are a liar.
I have no time for your start over policy. It is a deadly policy.
Five months ago I was diagnosed with cancer.
Less than sixty days after that diagnosis I received notification that my health insurance was cancelled. After forty years of good health and paying high insurance premiums, it came time for me to collect on that insurance contract and the insurance company failed in their obligations to me. People like you support that kind of irresponsibility.
I am a dead man because of this.
I have no appeal.
A sex offender on death row has more rights than I do.
Imagine that, Senator -- you support laws that give more rights to death row inmates than to law-abiding citizens who are ill.
What a shame. What a sham.
Senator, you are a liar, a killer and a fiend.
Brian Richards
Kalamazoo, Michigan
Brian Richards is not alone!
His response to the article below has me saddened; and hoping that the future of his health can be improved. Somehow.
"We are closer than ever to historic health insurance reform – reform that will extend coverage to more than 30 million Americans, provide security and stability to those who have health insurance, and shift power from insurance companies to consumers."
I ask you again, to tell me why we do not support this?
Because for the life of me, and with exception to a few radical right wing politico's on Multiply, I have NOT heard from a single one of my non-blogging friends or neighbors that do not support the Public Option, or HealthCare reform.
Like I said in yesterdays blog comments, Washington's reluctance to pass this reform has made us the laughingstock of the world.
And that is an awful fact, Pa, but I learned it anyway.
Bring it.
Stay well my friends.
Love to all.