Hey Good Morning Everyone;
I know I haven't been around much. But am trying to move around enough to be prepared for a bit of "live in" company.
Jenné and Isaiah will be staying here for a time. She has left her husband, Aaron, and is en route to Flintville.
Jenné has begged many times for Aaron to quit drinking and being such a child.
She is pregnant with his child, due in November I think. he is pissed about that too. (Now THERE'S an excuse to hit the bottle, eh)?
I had to close off my last blog because Aaron (at that point) was still unaware of Jenné's ~um, ~er, "departure"...
And 'someone' who shall remain nameless, almost gave away a destination.
They packed up fast yesterday after having to bring Isaiah to the E.R. (He is OK).
Then hit the road, and got stuck in traffic- Rush hour, Dallas.
They spent the night in Oklahoma (somewhere) Big Canyon?, I believe.
They are currently in Missouri, making their way to visit the arch in St Louis. Then however long Jenné (and Casey) can weather the storms with respect to their 'medical conditions' will tell them how much longer they can go for the day.
Everything is going wonderfully on this trip. They are all ready to kill each other at this point. **If they weren't ready to kill each other I would think there was something wrong with them all.
Nyk and Jenny Mella are fit to be tied over having to stop so often.
Of course they knew well in advance of both ladies medical needs. One needing to poo, another having to pee.
So too bad, so sad.
After Jenné and Isaiah get here and settled I swear I am either moving out or hitting the road.
Love to all! Have a wunnaful day!
Now on to my smart@ss comments back to you on my previous blog...