Good Sunday Morning to All!
I thought maybe I had to babysit yesterday... So when Mary called in the morning, I wanted to surprise her by bringing Master Gabriel down to Appleton to visit too. A good thing I didn't get her hopes up because he never came. Roberta had to work, and her regular sitter must have taken him...
And so, Miss Punk and I headed down to Appleton... Along with Marys birthday present. (Yes, her birthday was February 9th; and no we haven't seen each other for that long of a time). So it was either FINALLY bring her present to her; (or mark the darned thing and sell it in my rummage sale)! hehehe
Yes, I had BIG plans for 'finding' my back room yesterday. And I had even BIGGER plans of mowing back to the woods and through the campsite... (Neither of which appealed to me after I found out that Mary had the day off)! How bad is that!?! But wanted to see her too... So my lawn and my back room will keep til later today perhaps... My back room you ask??? A place to put so many things til they get marked and put outside. (And these are the nights that I really pray that my house doesn't burn down or something; because I would HATE to have all these people be seeing that room as it is right now)! Don't even try to tell me that you don't have a "junk room"...
So I loaded up The Punk and off we went. Buddy, who is also Punks sibling (brother), was waiting in the door for us. (I swear these two pups even remembered each other the way they played together)!
Buddy is the one who got into SO MUCH TROUBLE last September. CLICK HERE for THAT awful story! He has since healed, and recovered so very well.
Yesterday they ran and ran and ran... (And finally pooped themselves out enough to catch a picture of them that wasn't blurred)! Later, Mary and I had sat on her porch and talked for a bit before I'd left. These two kept a very close eye on us both.
Punkin and I were home by three, and after putting my feet up for a few minutes or so, it was back outside to get Miss Milly a bit of exercise too...
Speaking of Springtime...
Ah... I do love the Springtime! And I must be getting busy for today too... All those plans of getting so much done yesterday were put on the back burner, but just for yesterday too. It is supposed to be 79 degrees today, and sunny too... More~so windy though; when I mow lawns when it is so windy it is much like being sandblasted by the grass! hehehe
The topmost picture is at Kellis... Punk and I had stopped in last night after brushing Milly. The branch down is from lightning last year. We walked through her pasture too. Tim has dug a moat around their pond. Kellis new electric fence doesn't even permit the horses to get that close to the pond though.
"Procrastination?" Yeah, I did it SO well... (yesterday)! We SO had a magical and 'wonder~filled' day!!! I sure hope your day was just as grand!
...Needless to say, my Punkster is STILL fast asleep this morning!!!
Hmmmm... (You DO have a "junk room", don't you)?!?!
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