[My] Life in Wisconsin

Popping Corn and Peonies!

Good Morning Everyone!

It is 50 degrees as I begin to write, and I am even a bit chilled here. (Better than being hot and sweaty though so I am definitely not complaining).

On Monday morning, Casey arrived with my little boy~bundle. Roberta had planned on going to a job fair, and needed a sitter so Master Gabriel came right along with his Auntie Casey! He was a bit hungry himself, but he demanded to feed Miss Punkie first...



One little nugget at a time! (Miss Punk LOVED it)!



I made lunch then, turning my cooked chicken into Chicken ala King... A few mixed veggies, and a drink, and Gabriel was down for a nap,; belly more than FULL, diaper dry, he was warm and cozy. (He napped for over 3 hours)!



He awoke very bright~eyed and bushy~tailed too!




Casey made a snack... POPCORN! And they munched together, herself and him...



...while Miss Punk waited and drooled; hoping for a few kernels of her own...



He got his own little cup for popcorn too!
It sure didn't last long; (& needed to be refilled a few times)!



Roberta arrived at that point. Hopefully she can get a better job at the old AMS too. She is trying, and as always when you are the sole parent, it gets to be a bit hard at times too. (Too many of us know how that goes already). As Berta sat back on the love seat, Miss Punk had seen a leftover popcorn kernel... And since she couldn't get through another way, she created her own path...



Right over the top of the love seat... Shocked us all, but funny too!




Yesterday was spent mowing the lawns, and the very overgrown ditches too. In some places, the weed grasses were over 6" tall too. Had I waited another day or two I could have just cut it all for hay! hehehe

I sent Casey to town for new tires on her car. (She needed them so badly, the neighbors actually knew it was her coming down the road). She had a belt on two of those radials that had let go... When she got back, she thanked me and said it was just like driving a brand new car! She was so happy. She spent the rest of the afternoon putting her new seat covers on, and cleaning her car. (By the time she left to go to Family Night at Dereks, it even looked like a brand new car)!

The peonys have popped wide open with these rains we have been having. Looked so pretty even when I was cutting that I had to get the camera (of course) when I was done with the mowing...



Yes. Yes. I DO know that there are a few weeds in there too!



But by far the biggest weed yesterday was this one...
Casey~Face!!! ...hehehe



Not to be left out, there came another weed...
A very LARGE weed...
...An "E~NOH~MOUS" WEED...
Yeah sorry, I watch too much "Little House on The Prairie" on my lunch break!

And so today I shall try to attack those overgrown weeds in my garden. My friend Judy had stopped by yesterday morning, having gotten done with work early. Casey told her she would help with her yardwork today, so that should be fun for BOTH of them! (Yup, while I am here, digging out weeds with a gutter spike). Poor little me... hehehe

I hope you all have a "Wunnaful Wednesday" !!! ...It is to storm this afternoon so I will be working fast and furious to be done with all that before the rains come today. (I don't think I want to be out there tomorrow as the hot and muggys return. To be near 90 then). Today is only to be the low seventies...

Ah~h~h~h~h those lower 70's!
my personal (and ever so perfect), 'Comfort Zone'...




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