Good Morning All;
Before we left for Casey's last two surgeries, I had parked Casey's car in the garage here.
When we got back, I had changed the cars around- Mine inside, hers outside.
Yes, they would both fit if my garage wasn't so darn full of 'stuff'. But such is obviously not the case, so out hers went.
Having my own car in the garage makes it much easier for me to get in/out of the car, not having to deal with the snow and the ice under my feet; and not having to clean it off either.
On Saturday I had to go into town. And dangitall, if my garage door hadn't frozen solid to the apron. I tried the long ice scraper...
No luck, so I tried it on the outside of the garage door too. When that didn't work, I was quite upset and kicked the garage door.
(Unfortunately I kicked that door with the same foot that has an ingrown toenail).
Then to add a little more insult to injury I saw the dent I left in the door.
But alas!,
I stopped to fill her car up with gas, and drove on into town. Wanting to call before I got there, I realized I had left my cell phone at home. Oh well.
We returned home about 11:30, and I was very tired too. Looking forward to being able to sleep, I grabbed my purse and got out of the car.
After digging in my bottomless purse for about 5 minutes, I realized I had no key to get in the house. I must have set my own keys down when I had returned to the house to grab Casey's keys...
So to get back in that little car and drive right back into town- this time to Casey's. (No phone to wake her or to warn her I was coming either).
I could have gone to Kelli and Tim's, but Kelli had just put in an awful week- A friend of hers had lost her husband in a freak snowmobile accident. His funeral had been Friday- so Saturday had been Kelli's day of rest.
I was not about to go pound on their door at 11:30 at night.
Thankfully Casey was still up- although having her buzzer go off at midnight was a bit unsettling for her...
We had a nice visit too. And I was given her key, with a bit of a giggle.
Suffice to say that Saturday/Sunday sleep was bliss on a pillow!
Life goes on.
I'd better close. I have a dent to go hammer out, and must find my rubber hammer first.
Later, I shall go soak my foot, then add a dab of Novocaine to that toe and fix that too.
Hope all is well with everyone- or at least better than here! hehehe