Your kindest assistance? Please?
Most of you remember Baby Mariah...
Click for her Caring Bridge Site
Miss Micki (Mariah's Mama) has formed Riah's Rainbow. (For my own entry Click here).
From their site, Micki describes Riah's Rainbow:
"Our mission is to be able to give local hospitals new coloring books, crayons, markers, colored pencils, craft items, etc. to pediatric patients.
Each time they visit they will receive a new coloring book & box of crayons to take home with them.
We also offer alternatives such as puzzles, project bags, or paints.
Often times, cancer patients are offered "community" craft items. With comprised immune systems, the threat is always there that the child may develop an illness. Riah's Rainbow eliminates that fear for parents.
It is our hope that in the future we will be able to provide parents with the resources to take their children out for a day adventure...maybe to the zoo, or dinner and a movie, for the whole family."
Riah's Rainbow is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, established to enrich the lives of children who have to endure any length of stay in the hospital. There are no salaried employees of Riah's Rainbow, the foundation operates solely through the generous efforts of volunteers.
Riah's Rainbow will be a featured story in Woman's World magazine in the October 11th, 2010 issue in stands on October 4th, 2010! (Facebook entry says October 11th, 2011?).
Heck- Buy them both!!
Please check it out!
Hospitals that benefit from Riah's Rainbow include: * St. Vincent Hospital in Green Bay, WI * Children's Hospital in Milwaukee, WI * The Brooklyn Hospital Center in Brooklyn, NY * Phoenix Children's Hospital in Phoenix, AZ * Sparrow Health System Lansing, MI * Univ. of MN Amplatz Children's Hosp Minneapolis, MN * Children's Memorial Chicago, IL
Contact Information:
Micki Klein, 920-544-9161,
If you'd like to donate crayons, coloring books, markers, puzzles; or if you'd prefer to mail a check please send to:
Riah's Rainbow, PO Box 253, Suamico, WI 54173-0253
For our Arizona Chapter:
Riah's Rainbow, 24105 W. Hadley Street, Buckeye, AZ 85326
Good Morning!
It takes but a moment to write out a check- and one stamp is still relatively cheap.
Do this please. Miss Micki needs your help!
I have a question for anyone that knows...
With Riah's Rainbow's tax exempt status, doesn't this mean that all of your donations are tax deductible? (If that's the case, then kwitcherbitchin' and donate)!