[My] Life in Wisconsin

Kitchen Sink Mixture- (A 10 Thought Tuesday).

What to do with an errant eyelash?
Isn't there supposed to be some way to make a wish on it?
Good Morning Everyone!
I hate that I cannot blog every day. Gone are the days of being able to sit and write.  God definitely deals humility.

I have been online, just not on here as much as I need to be to keep up with everyone-
A gal that I "met" through one of the pancreatitis groups (Lori) will be having her TP/AIT this Thursay. She has her presurgery visit today with Dr. Sutherland. Please wish her well. I have tried to impart a few of Casey's experiences to her. We have been writing back and forth a lot. Weird that she lives only 30 miles away! hehehe
Small world indeed! I can't wait for Casey and Lori to compare notes and scars!

2.  At one of those pancreatitis groups I have been called a "cultist" for passing on Casey's experiences with Dr. Sutherland. This, by a man who is older, and chose not to have this done (11 years ago?).
Those of us that have faith in Dr. S. are also "adjudicating, petty, and "Bent Out of Shape" by this Andre person.

Mean people suck.

Casey is doing quite well. Still healing of course, but better and better with each day too.

5.  I am being, and have been, "stalked" by a former 'friend' from 360. She follows me everywhere on here, ingratiating? her bitter self to/upon unsuspecting contacts of mine. While we do not agree on many things, I believe we should agree that this is a good thing.
Like a little lost chicken. (And I do mean "chicken"). Bawk bawk
Too funny.


7.  Do you love the person? Or their gender?  Please click to answer CAB's poll.

8.  I am upset that our Presidents health words did not contain the Public Option.
The White House has written a great blog about it too. It is entitled, "

Will the Republicans Post Their Health Plan… and When?
Happy I do not have Blue Cross and Blue Shield as they are upping their premiums by 30%! Good grief! I am sure they will not be the only ones, just the 1st.

9.  I have a ton of running to do today. AND I also have to clean house.
I do not like these days especially much.

10.  Last, but in no way least, Master Gabriel's adoption will be finalized soon.
As Mama~Kristin says, 'it is a double edge sword' for me. Know that I wholly support this family and their adoption of my grandbaby. Know too, that I have hated feeling like the impotent grandmother from the get~go.
(Credit where credit is due, I do blame Roberta for that feeling).

All this, and more, on my mind today. Heck, I might even do ten more tomorrow.

Love to all.

Me aka
adjudicating, petty, and bent~out~of~shape
(And I cringed at "mizzuss")? hehehe

Car Question for Everyone

...And not enough "givens" for a poll.

What kind of car do you drive?

I shall have a new blog shortly- but in the meanwhile I am just curious...


Voters trust Obama over GOP on wide range of issues -

From The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Poll shows voters trust Obama over GOP on wide range of issues
By Michael O'Brien -
02/20/10 01:00 PM ET

Voters trust President Barack Obama more than Republicans on a host of major issues, a new poll found this weekend.

A new Newsweek poll released this weekend shows that voters trust Obama on issues ranging from the economy and budget to handling wars and national security more than they do Republicans.

Republicans did edge Obama in one area, though: the use of military courts versus civilian trials to prosecute suspects in terrorism cases.

Voters, though, expressed confidence in the president on a number of other issues.

49 percent said they prefer Obama's approach on job creation, compared to 26 percent who prefer Republicans in Congress. 46 percent said they favor Obama's approach on the economy, as well, while 30 percent backed the GOP.

And on some traditionally Republican issues, 44 percent favor Obama's approach on tax policy to 34 percent for Republicans. 42 percent also trust Obama to handle the debt and federal deficit, compared to 33 percent who trust Republicans.

Obama also maintained an edge on a number of war and national security issues.

46 percent like Obama's approach to the war in Afghanistan, while 27 percent like Republicans' ideas. 45 percent also back the president's handling of the war in Iraq, while 30 percent would prefer to see the GOP in charge. 40 percent said they prefer Obama's handling of Iran, while 30 percent prefer Republicans.

38 percent, though, like the GOP's approach to prosecuting terrorists over the 34 percent who prefer Obama's approach. Republicans have hammered away on the administration's handling of this issue over the past two months, making it a top issue in the special election of Sen. Scott Brown (R-Mass.), as well.

Obama also enjoys a wide margin over Republicans when it comes to his climate change legislation. 38 percent say they'd prefer to see Obama's approach prevail, over 26 percent who like Republicans' plans.

The Newsweek poll, conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates International from Feb. 17-18, has a 3.6 percent margin of error.


Hi All;
I know this strays away from my healthcare articles, but I did find it very interesting.
Telling too that I have found that most who will not agree will not be able to support their own conclusions. (Why is that)?

I will be blogging shortly but I just thought you may find this as interesting as I do.

So... What say you?
