[My] Life in Wisconsin

Too Busy to Follow (Paranormal).

Hi Everyone;
I wasn't on today as my beautician was 'in the house'.
I have a perm once again!  She did an amazing job-

Anyway, I wanted to share a photo with you.
Know that this doesn't happen often.
I will go up to bed.
Punk always waits for me to clear either the top/bottom stair before following me.  But as I do, she follows right away.  Usually...

Every now and then she lags behind and no amount of coaxing will speed her up.
(Just like no amount of coaxing will remove her from her dinner either).
She does not act scared one little bit. Just too busy to follow.
So you tell me...

Who is petting my dog?

Love ya!


* If you wish to see what this looks like- without being on the infrared settings, here's the blog (the picture is within the comments). Just another picture of what goes on at the bottom of the stairwell.

Forgive the fact that I always have some crap on the bottom step.

Quote- Ain't it the Truth!

"Rumor once was spread by word of mouth. Now, it's done on the Internet, much faster and more damaging.
It's a shame that we have come to the point that before we can believe the best or the worst of anyone we have to go to Google or Yahoo to see if there's a grain of truth in the report.
Too many people don't go to the trouble to separate lies from legends before passing them on."
- A.C. Snow