- Pics, Blags; and "Never You Mind"...
Good Morning All;
I really HAVE been around; just spend LOTS of time reading about these dang politics of ours.
Wait, don't hang up. This is NOT a political blog. (Blag)?
heheheIt has been so long since I have "blagged" that a few of these pics/thoughts might be 'repeats'.
(If that is the case, kindly refer to the fact that I am 50 now)!I have received more pictures from my son-in-law, William.
Cute pics of my Little Lawrence and their family.
(Lawrence who clearly, I am not going to be able to call "little" anymore)..
Almost the whole crew...
(Minus me of course)..
Quoting William here:
"This is a type of sand shark that we caught by hand.
It's an angel shark,
Lawrence said what it was right when we pulled out of the water.".Um, wait a minute there Will.
I'm not too sure I want to be catching ANY kind of sharks by hand!
(And I don't care if it's an 'angel' or not)...
Not too sure what one would do with such a thing either...Does one eat it?
Feed it to the dogs?
Release it?
Throw it at someone you don't like?.
Not sure what Lawrence is looking for...
(But I'm damn sure happy I wasn't hiding in the grasses that day)!
Lori and Lawrence on a Dolphin Cruise!
(Lori, where is YOUR Life Jacket?)...
Y'all better CLICK HERE to see what happens if you don't wear one.
Something about "The Arkansas Titanic!"
Not too sure what these are...
~To me, they look like the biggest darn goldfish ever~
And the "goldfish" don't look too happy either....
See my comment from William himself below... (Among other things, he has ended the question of what kind of fish these are).Meanwhile, on this side of the Mason Dixon Line, my sister Kris has completed her first triathlon with her cousin Bill.
Say "YAY" !!!!
. - Her times?
"quarter mile swim, 9 minutes
15 mile bike, 1 hour, five minutes
3.5 mile run, 55 minutes" .
AND, she came in 2nd in her age group too!
(Never you mind that there were only 2 entrants FOR her age group).
.Even more pictures?
My Angel Mama Marie has posted a new album of pictures of their Damion and his lil' brother, our Baby Sam.
Please click here to see these darling young men!On the homefront, I think I know why Sputnik is the deep purple color that he is.
Yes, Casey had found me some purple drop-ins for the toilet!
(And yes, that darned cat prefers purple water)....
Also on the homefront:
Austin Straubel Airport has changed their incoming flight patterns..
This, I do not appreciate, for two reasons:
#1. They are LOUD when they are flying over.
#2. Punk has taken to chasing them clear across the field.
While this is good exercise for her, it startles people terribly... (Me, for instance).
No, she hasn't caught one yet.
And yes, it is probably safer than chasing cars...
Casey took this picture...
(Swearing that she didn't get it too)..
Methinks she got it just fine!
(This is how the cucumbers all get bitemarks in them too)...
And one more thought here, but very important to my Multiply friends...
If you are wondering why I do not comment on your videos, please know this...
If you post one of these,, I cannot watch it. I have dial up.
Even www.hughes.net is quite spendy.
So, until hell freezes over, (or until I find a different home), I will not be commenting on these.
(Unless of course you 'splain them to me on an 8~year~old level)...
I'd better close for now. have taken that giant leap of faith and put my little sale in the paper for today... I'd best get out there and start moving a few things outside.
It might rain. Those "few things" had better be waterproof too.Have a 'wunnaful' weekend!
Special thanks to William and Kris and Marie for all the pictures!Love to all.
The question of the day now...What is your very 1st thought when you see this picture?.
? ? ?..
Pics, 'Blags'; and 'Never You Mind'...
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