In keeping with the season that is soon to be All Hallows Eve, I have been surfing and reading...
Some very intriguing stuff at times, and at others downright scary...
In keeping with the other season, (namely 'Fall'), and the obvious cooling that comes with it, I have taken a picture for you.
I do not like him in my "howiss"... Nor does Mr. Sputnik. I found them both making an awful ruckus, in a cardboard box in the back entrance.
(The mouse dead, the cat toying with him).
There are a couple of things I do not want around me.
The first being the "mowiss"...
............................The second is is this...
- Do you think these boards are evil?
- Do you allow your children to "play" them?
- What is/are your own experience(s) with one?
- (Nosy, aren't I)!?! hehehe
- (Nosy, aren't I)!?! hehehe
I think they are the epitome of creepy, and it will not surprise me at all to hear that no one has ever had a pleasant experience with one.
Time to tell me your own stories...