Good Evening Everyone;
The storm is over. The yard is plowed.
The sun even poked its face out this afternoon.
We are warm and safe.
As I type, it is 3 measly degrees. But those 3 little degrees are (still) above zero.
When Punk and I went for that last walk, I noticed that on Sunday they had finally put up trail markers for the snowmobiles.
Knowing that the view could change quickly, I had also taken this shot.
And then that view DID change...
There really is birdseed in that feeder...
I had also put out the Christmas sign
It wasn't long before THAT view also changed...
Will have to stand it back up when it warms up a bit...
And that driveway you could see in the picture of Christmas Corner?
Completely obliterated. hehehe
So was my road!
I should have known how bad it was just by looking out the kitchen window when it began to get light out...
With its snow and ice packed screens and storms.
But with a snowfall like this, comes a surreal beauty.
Like the REAL Christmas Trees...
... decorated by Old Man Winter and Mother Nature
And when JoAnne and Jim's lights came on, that view was still pretty
My snowplow came late yesterday afternoon.
As weather should have predicted, he got stuck. ... 3 times.
Sorry so blurry
Darkness comes early now- About 4:30. But even with that, you can see the pretty decorations left behind
Am giggling at the lawn chair, left of the door... (Whoops)!
The wind had done its own fierce decorating...
Leaving the side of the house completely covered.
And leaving my shovels in wait for helping hands. The snowplow man did dig out away from the house so he could pull the snow off the apron to the garage.
One for Lawrence, and one for William too. hehehe Since I haven't heard from him now, I am guessing they MUST be on their way to shovel?!
And then there's my little flower bed...
How my seeds come up every year is always a wild and amazing miracle to me!
Completely chilled, and sweating at the same time (from being wrapped up like a North Pole burrito), it was time to head in and get something hot in my tummy.
That's more like it!
Kristen wrote this morning saying she had made chili and fresh baked bread yesterday. (Good as my own stew was, methinks I should have gotten snowed~in over there)! hehehe
They had gone to story time at the library last week.
Clifford the big red dog was there... And Kristen sent this picture on!
Alexis, Master Gabriel, Clifford and Kayleigh. (Kristens "triplets")!
Thank you Sweet Kristen!.
I am always so happy to get these pictures- They make my heart happy!
Julie, another neighbor, called yesterday morning, early.
Had I seen two of her dogs? I had not.
She also called last night, after the blizzard had let up a bit. They still had not come home. Too easy, even for dogs, to lose direction in a blizzard.
Another phone call this morning, as the wind chill was estimated at about 20-30 below. No dogs. She now has put up signs she got from her vet.
I feel so badly for her- She has a lot of dogs, but cares for them too.
Sweet Kelli stayed home yesterday. Too far to go to take a chance, and with the Sheriffs department telling everyone to stay off the roads, she was much safer too. Miss May and Miss Breezie got their blankets put on- Kelli said Miss May looked like some weird blue alien in the snowstorm! hehehe
They will be happy to have those blankets on as tonight we may get below zero.
I turned my heat down about 2 hours ago. 15 minutes ago, I turned it right back up.
Casey called earlier- Feeling kind of rough yet from her infection, but getting better too. The fact that at least she CAN sleep is a good thing. There are days that sleep does not come so easily for her.
Greg did go to work yesterday- And he tried planting his car too. After being stuck for a while, his whole crew came along, one by one, and helped him out. I believe his boss took pictures, but I have yet to see them. Too much fun in the snow! (Is that even possible)?
Punk had fun out there too- But she will have to post her own story.
Time to go put my feet up in a little bit- Hope this finds everyone warm and safe.
Love to all