Photo from:
"The Big Picture; Caught in the Oil"
(Click above is you think you can stomach those photos).
A short entry - AP Photographer Charlie Riedel just filed the following images of seabirds caught in the oil slick on a beach on Louisiana's East Grand Terre Island.
As BP engineers continue their efforts to cap the underwater flow of oil, landfall is becoming more frequent, and the effects more evident. (8 photos total)
Day # Sixty-something
The website at "IF IT WAS MY HOME" will show you how far~reaching this disaster is, in terms of where the oil is. The spill information is updated daily, and will apply to YOUR home area!
If the click does not work, please go here:
For the "Green Bay, WI, USA" results- My area goes all the way north to Sault Ste Marie, Michigan! It takes me 7+ hours to drive there! It also stretches all the way down to Milwaukee, WI, which is only a 2-hour drive, but just to imagine all of this covered in that filth is so overwhelming. And disgusting. Nauseating when I think of all of our wildlife. (It is no different for the people on the Gulf)!
* Where does YOUR area go?
Make no mistake about it, this IS a pending global catastrophe.
I hope that, as you drink from your plastic bottles, and as you start your car to just run to the damned store for one little thing, that you think of the people...
Just this morning on the news a man has committed suicide over this spill. (The spill being the straw that broke the camel's back for him). Sadly, I do not believe he will be the only one.
- If you know of anyone, for any reason, whose mental status may lead to this irreversible choice, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
- You can call for yourself or for someone you care about.
- 24 hours every day
- You can call for yourself or for someone you care about.
Still, so many of you are whining that our government should be doing something. To you I reiterate my previous questions (click here):
When BP, Shell, and all the others (and don't think everyone in big oil hasn't had their input), and all have no idea what to do, how can anyone in gov't be expected to know?
It's kind of obvious that if they knew that answer, they would not be working for the damned government, they would be working for the oil companies!
*Now, what is it, exactly, that you expect from the government to stop this leak?
How about anyone from The Great Lakes area?
From my inbox:
Thousands of you have taken the time to sign our petition to protect our Great Lakes from reckless drilling projects.
You'd think the crisis in the Gulf Coast would compel people to ensure this kind of tragedy never occurs again.
But you won't believe what Republicans in the Great Lakes region – including here in Wisconsin – are saying about BP and oil drilling.
In Minnesota, Republican Congresswoman Michele Bachmann said BP was being 'fleeced' for having to establish a relief fund for the victims of the oil spill it caused in the Gulf Coast.
-Fleeced? I think not! It won't even be enough.
In Ohio, House Republican Leader John Boehner refused to support legislation that would lift the liability cap on BP and hold the oil behemoth accountable for the economic and environmental damage it has caused in the Gulf Coast.
-Yeah right, John,
(I have something for you, and the horse you rode in on).
Right here in Wisconsin, when asked if he would support drilling in the Great Lakes, Ron Johnson – Republican Party of Wisconsin's officially endorsed candidate for U.S. Senate – said, "I think we have to get the oil where it is." (WisPolitics, 06/10)
Rest assured that Johnson will not get my vote!
These are the words of Republican leaders and elites who side with Big Oil.
These comments show why we must renew the ban on Great Lakes drilling and put Great Lakes protection ahead of Big Oil profits.
Click here to call for the renewal of bans on drilling in the Great Lakes today .
"Our Great Lakes are home to thousands of miles of pristine shoreline and fragile ecosystems that also provide good-paying jobs to tens of thousands of Americans. Fisheries and outdoor recreation alone account for over $40 billion in economic activity annually for states in the region." T. Barrett
Now comes this headline, "
"Mississippi Man Charged With Repairing BP's Image"
by Wade Goodwyn
Perhaps that headlines tells us where BP's priorities are? I sure as hell hope not!
While these suggestions will not stop the leak, they are sage advice for us all, no matter where you live.
* The very LEAST you can do is recycle, recycle, recycle. (If your recycle bin isn't full every week you are either perfect, or you are NOT doing it right)!
* THINK before you replace anything.
* LEARN to repair your own things. (It really isn't that hard).
Check the pictures.
Then check your own areas.
Besides pray, what do we really need to do next?
Next up on my political rant? Unemployment... (You have been warned hehehe).
Oil Spill Map Data Courtesy Of The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Data Last Updated: 6/24/2010
Website by Andy Lintner